Today I went to Lawrence for my "haircut." I spent the day downtown, and didn't really get much Christmas shopping done, but I did get into the spirit. I got my haircut done at Tom Amyx' barbershop. Everyone was so cheerful and happy and relaxed today that it was hard not to get into the spirit. I went to Vagabond Bookman and found a book loaded with mid-century modern floorplans for ten dollars. It was like destiny that I found that book there. There is a lot of neat old stuff in that store. In the afternoon, I ate at Free State, my tradition going to Lawrence in December Christmas meal there, which is Fish n chips and an Aspen Coffee.
I then went to the city and picked up Suyen. I took her to eat at Blue Koi. She ate, I had tea. We then went x-mess shopping at RSO and Independence Center. I got a nice espresso machine at RSO. I can't use it til Christmas, Suyen insists. I got most of my shopping done and spent a lot of money. So, scairy x-mess.
Turning into downtown Bonner from Kaw drive.
When I have the time, I like to take the scenic route to Lawrence via Kaw drive which follows the Union Pacific tracks and takes me through Bonner Springs with it's quaint downtown.
Airport Motel on 24 Highway.
Nothing like a concrete teepee.
Teepee junction on 24 Highway.
The old varsity theatre has been gutted and turned into a trendy shop for college students. But, the facade is still there.
This is the old Granada Theater in downtown Lawrence.
I always loved the Granada's facade, and now that I recognize elements of googie in it, I love it even more.
This bank is an excellent example of commercial modern of the mid century.
The facade is being redone on 8th street. Personally, I wish they'd rip all that crap off and make the building more real by restoring the faces.

Lawrence Kansas Friday 22 December 2006Lawrence Kansas Friday 22 December 2006, originally uploaded by studestevo.
Central bank sign at 8th and Massachussetts
Is this an example of new googie? If so, is this post modern modern?
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