Tuesday, December 05, 2006

VO patrol day

I guess I overdid it a little this weekend. I was not feeling very energetic this morning. Today I came in and found I was on vo patrol. My sx camera is still on the bench, but it looks like some progress was made in its repair.... I hope. I found out some bad news today about a friend. I'm praying for him. Today I got to have dinner at YJ's. I was hoping to eat with Suyen, but apparenty she ate before I called and was full. So I had a leftover plate of a chicken leg, mashed potatoes and peas. It was good and cheap -- $2.50.

I had a $2.50 dinner here of leftovers. It was good.

I got busy afterward. I went to Union station for a Chiefs event for cancer. Then I went to the east side Boys and Girls Club.
They were having a meeting on ip cameras on high crime intersections. I actually beleive it's a great idea. However, with any such idea, it can be abused. I believe they are taking precautions against misuse by "big brother" but the general public should keep their eyes and ears open. Afterward, I was asked to help on breaking news.

Okay, in looking at the myfoxkc.com website,I found this...... Watch this story, watch these two guys. It will be very significant in the future. It also ties into my police camera's story.

While at YJ's tonight, I was talking to Iris. She asked me if I planned on adding videos to YouTube. I made the excuse that I've been too busy with looking for houses and other things. But then I said that I could and should add more band videos since it really doesn't take that much time. So, here is one I added just now. This is Zeke from August 1997 when I was asked to videotape this show by the promoter....

Zeke at the Outhouse in Lawrence Kansas, August 1997.


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