We don't always like the assignments we get. We consoled ourselves with "it's an easy day." However, easy days are not what we want, we want fulfilling days and assignments, which often mean more work. I often hate national "sexy" stories. However, saying sexy in light of a story about the sex slave trade seems in bad taste. However, sometimes I think sexy in the media business means that a lot of "lowest common denominator" individuals will tune in, thus boosting the ratings.... UHG!

However, I ended up liking the assignment anyway. We went to Leavenworth and got to meet an interesting landlord. The corner where we were was one that I had passed many times when I visited the town. I got a chance finally to spend some time there. How many interesting corners of the world do we pass by every day and never get the chance to get to know them? We also went to the library. I always find libraries interesting.
00:00 01:30 -- Town Topic with boB
01:30 to 03:00 -- Woiked on the puter updating the blog
03:00 to 11:00 -- Zzzz
11:00 to 14:30 -- Up, et, 3 s'
14:30 to 18:00 -- SHO and I went to Leavenworth
18:00 -- woik, editing in Avid 4
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