LPA -- Charlie Parker
00:00 to 04:45 Zzzz
04:45 to 07:00 -- I was called. !st they told me to get up and got to a crash, scene, then they called me a few minutes later and said nevermind. Then they called a few minutes after that -- about 04:59, when I was in the shower and talked to my wife and asked if I could come in early to head to the scene. By this time there is no early to it. I headed in, and loaded van 2. I waited for Lori, who came about 06:15. We went to TQ, then to the scene at 32nd and Indiana.
07:00 to 08:00 -- We shot our lives at the accident scene at 32nd and Indiana
We then headed over to 17th and Highland.
08:00 to 11:00 -- We did our lives and shot our package at the Mutual Musicians Foundation.
11:00 to 12:00 -- batched in Avid 1
12:00 to 13:00 -- Went back to 17th and Highland. Documented the photo of the musicians.
13:00 to 15:30 -- I edited. I stayed late to do a good job.
15:30 to 21:30 -- I headed homo. Took a long nap.
21:30 to 00:00 -- Up, tard. Watched boob tube.
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