Click on the slideshow here for more detailed descriptions of each photo.
We got up early today for our planned trip to the auction. We showed up too late for what we are interested in. My father was there and told us that we'd be better off looking at trucks on the lots in the city, as the auction was overloaded with attendees and the prices were high. So we went on to Odessa, as Suyen wanted to visit her favorite Gap store. It is located in a nearly abandoned disaster that was once known as the KC Outlet Mall. It is now known at Prime Outlets, but it is really a ghost town. Here are some reviews on the mall that are dead on. The GAP outlet and a grocery store are about the only things left. There is a model railroad clubb there, which would be about the only thing of interest to me, but since I work weekends I can't make it out there. It is fitting that the fake facades are like the old west, because this outdoor mall looks like a ghost town. I especially love the fake brick veneer that is peeling off of the facades.

The veneer is peeling and the honeymoon is over...
I wonder if taxpayer money is used to prop up this disaster, an if so, how many local businesses were sunk by the national chains that came here before they too failed. It would be interesting to look into when I have time. However, if you go about 40 miles to the west, you will find a much bigger city rushing to repeat this mistake.
We then went to our favorite Vietnamese restaurant in Columbus Park. We walked around the neighborhood and snapped some pix. We went to the Asian market there and thoroughly enjoyed our walk on this nice day.
We headed to Wife's Enemy #2. Katie, as always loved on Tima and gave her some treats. There was some interesting stuff there, including a signed print which we bought.
We went homo and I picked more okra from the front yard. It is going wild, I got a whole basket. We headed to the dead Metrol North Mall to have my new pants altered. This mall is not as annoying to me as the Prime Outlets, because I know that since 1967, when the mall was built, it probably paid for itself many times over in rents and taxes, so if it sits empty now I know that is part of it's lifecycle. Maybe someday it will be recycled into something good. I hope, however that it is not done using taxpayer financing without a good return for taxpayer money. Knowing the city of Kansas City, this will not happen and the poor of this city will be stuck yet again with the redevelopment bill. We went to the Sprint store to get a new aircard, as Suyen lost her laptop, so we re-upped our account with a new aircard. Actually we got the new Myfi card. We then went to get our haircut at Beauty Brands.
Then back homo then to YJ's.
Day off -- Auction, shopping, errands
00:00 to 02:00 -- Teevee, puter
02:00 to 08:00 -- Zzzz
08:00 to 10:30 -- Up, we got around, headed out to Odessa. We went to the Ritchie Brothers Auction
10:30 to 12:00 -- Auction. We went to Prime Outlets in Odessa after.
12:00 to 14:00 -- We went to Vietnam Cafe. Then we walked around Columbus Park. We went to the asian market there.
14:00 to 15:00 -- We went to Wife's Enemy #2.
15:00 to 18:30 -- we went to the dead empty Metro North mall to have my pants measured for alteration. We went to the Sprint Store and upgraded the aircard to a MyFi card. We then went to Beauty brands for a haircut. Suyen had her hair dyed.
18:30 to 20:00 -- We went homo.
20:00 to 23:00 -- We went to YJ's. Talked to Bruce, and Ken. Peggy came back from Berlin while we were there.
23:00 to 00:00 -- We went homo. I started setting up the MyFi card. As always, the instructions were poorly written meaning I had to struggle to get it to work.
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