00:00 to 04:30 -- Zzzz
04:30 to 05:30 -- Up, got around, headed out -- streamed on the way in on Wirecast
05:30 to 09:00 -- got into van 1. Trouble with the transmitter again. During our interview with the Missouri Lt. Governor, we were interupted by a guy yelling Obama.
09:00 to 14:00 -- We did vo patrol after. We got Panera and went to a fatalax in Bates City. Then we went to Jazz Brunch at the Pheonix for New Hope shelter. We went to Chiefs signing at P & L which was a bust. Then I dropped Lori off at 12 and went to Olathe for a report of an infant hurt in a domestic. That was a bust. I came back and had a discussion with Paul and unloaded.
14:00 to 18:00 -- I came homo. I took a nap. We went to choich at 16:30.
18:00 to 20:00 -- Suyen, Ken and I went to Taj Palace
20:00 to 23:00 -- I went homo and got the stuff I forgot. I went to YJ's and set up for Jazz. I recorded on the hard drive the wirecast. Ken took Suyen homo. Suyen called, she forgot her keys. I had to cut my recording short to rescue her.
23:00 to 00:00 -- Homo, set up the puter.

We were live at the set up by Crown Center for the Tour de Missouri. During an interview with the Missouri LT. Governor, something interesting, but annoying happened...
I saw it coming but was powerless to do anything about it. I tried to crop him out but he was not going to be ignored. I'm just glad it didn't turn violent. It was a vo patrol day. There was a spectacular and bad fatal accident on I-70 in Bates City. For some reason, that stretch of I-70 is very dangerous. I've never been in the Pheonix before. Looks interesting. After chuch, Suyen, Ken and I went to Taj Palace. I talked to the owner. He is a really nice guy. It seems that the place which serves great food, is suffering from slow times. I used wirecaster to record some of the jazz jam at YJ's. I couldn't get it to show up across to the dvd recorder, but I recorded it on the hard drive. Some further testing is called for.
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