Wednesday I worked with Peter on a follow up of the murder case out of Independence. We were live in the studio. I had some time so I dubbed all the video from this case onto a big mouth beta tape and did a little logging. I hope it is there for me to use when I need it.

Yesterday, Suyen and I went to KUmed. We looked around at houses on Hospital hill and found one that was really interesting, but the situation with the lot it's on is wierd. Oh, before all that, we went to this place by Oak Grove and looked at modular homes. We saw one we really really liked. There is a lot in Kansas City at hospital hill that would probably take it too.
Last night we ate at BD's Mongolian BBQ. We spent the rest of the afternoon around the 39th street/Independence Center area. That area is booming. We looked at palm pilots and found out one with an internet connection is either a treo or a pocket PC. Sprints stuff and services are expensive, limited and not that good. I went to the Radio Shack there and the salesman let me try to synch up a sprint evdo phone to the puter -- it wouldn't do it. Oh well, I may be going away from Sprint at the end of this contract.
Tonight we ate Taquiria mexico, before going to the Plaza to "walk". We didn't do much walking and we spent most of the time in Barnes and No balls. Suyen got a diet book and I got June Trains Magazine.
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