Friday, January 02, 2009

Monday 21 July 2008



The storms are surprisingly robust and long lasting today and tonight.

Moderate Risk for Severe Storms Tue 22 July 2008 @ 00:18

Moderate Risk for Severe Storms Tue 22 July 2008 @ 00:18

Today I woiked with Eric on the Breaking News Patrol. Fritz called me at 09:00, wanting to know if I was coming in today as I left a note saying how rotten I felt yesterday. I told him I could but the heat is killing me with the temperature I've been running. So he told me to come in at three to work with Eric. Today went fine. It was pretty slow until after 10, then there was a carjacking and a footchase -- we managed to get the footcase -- a man and a woman. There was severe weather up north. There is now a moderate risk for severe storms just east of us. There were a couple of tornado's in Missouri up north.
Created: 2008-07-22 00:16:19

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