I got the old burgandybomb back today -- old unit 13 with a new transmission. I tested out the system yet again -- it is consistent and works fine. I must state that the idea dawned on me about 2002 when I used a cell phone and apple G4 titanium and a Sony TRV 900 to broadcast to Suyen's helper Ta Ta a gravel rural road I was traveling on with James in rural Leavenworth County. Ta Ta was in Suyen's cyber cafe in Compostela in the Philippines using MSN Messenger. I thought then, if I could do that kind of thing, why couldn't it be done for the news? It wasn't until 2005 until I found somebody who shared in my enthusiasm. I was putting a camera on my dash off and on since '04, but I knew it was only half a system. When I talked to John about my ideas, he liked them. However, I wasn't able to get an aircard until '06. I first sent a broadcast then, and got a lot of people onboard with my idea then. There, too, since then have been many nay sayers that haven't been helpful. That is true in any enterprise. I am trying now to hook up the system more and more to get into practice at working it. It does take a lot of hard work to keep it going and a lot of practice to set it up without much stress.
We got up late. We are still recovering from lack of sleep.
Created: 2009-01-12 12:12:55
Today I worked with Paul....
I am wierded out by this story because it is taking place 4 blocks from my house and because I did a story there at their house with Monica last Christmas. Today was a mess because of the late start of the vigil and because we locked ourselves out of the van minutes before the live. Jason edited the piece for us thank GHOD! We might of never made even that if it wasn't for him. Anyway we survived. I was so busy tonight that it hadn't dawned on me until late that there was much sadness and human emotion at the vigil. Yes, I witnessed it first hand, but it didn't sink in and thus effect me until I later found a vigil candle on the way out of the liveshot while cleaning up the cables and such. It then became poignant to me. How many of these have been to? I remember onetime bawling my eyes out during a vigil, and keeping my face buried in the viewfinder to hide it. These things do affect us deeply, maybe not up front, but sometimes later, or in our dreams, or in a moment when we get to stop and reflect. I'm hoping the best for this family.
Modified: 2009-01-12 23:59:09
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