Up. Dressed. Headed out.
Created: 2009-01-09 10:03:10
Parents. Heped move the fridge onto the truck.
Created: 2009-01-09 10:03:36
Goodyear to have the oll changed in the Super Boo Boo
Created: 2009-01-09 10:02:30
Homo. I've just taken a short nap. Suyen went to woik. It is real nice outside for January. We had the oll changed and et at affle house. Then we went to Cargo Lardass. Then we went homo.
Created: 2009-01-09 14:29:29
Sitting at YJ's. After Suyen left for woik, I put together the other cat box. It was more complicated than I thought it would be mainly because of the argument I had with all the packaging. It also seems to be made of cheaper materials but has more options to it like a air purifier -- yeah, big deal!!!! I headed out and went to Digital Video Midwest to get some dv tapes. Everything is going to memory cards buuuut, they are way expensive -- like a 16gb P2 card which will only record 16 minutes in the highest resolution is over nine hundred dollars. So I'll wait for the prices to get reasonable before I'll invest in that. The good thing is that hard drives and cards are making tapes super cheap. A box of five - 60 minute sony mini DV's cost me about $16.00. I then went to YJ's after Tima and I walked. While on our walk, I took pictures with my phone of the little strip of green in the back alley behind all these buildings on 18th and Wyandotte. It seems, as I have heard from a barista here, that it is in danger. According to the barista, an architectural firm, ( I don't know who) is planning to bulldoze it to build five parking spaces. This little area has 3 mature trees and has become something of a community garden as well as a green oasis in a sea of asphalt, mortar, brick, stone and concrete. So, I think, if it is true what was told me by this barista, why people in the community would be concerned. In the pictures I took, you can see that the garden has been damaged already by the construction taking place in the parking lot and alley there.
01/09/2009 16:53:28

In the alley behind the intersection of 18th and Wyandotte in Kansas City sits wedge between asphalt parking lots a little strip of green that has been used as a community garden of sorts. Some recent construction may be putting this little piece of green in danger.
01/09/2009 17:12:26

This is a view of the construction, garden and alley looking towards the southwest from the northeast.
01/09/2009 17:14:29

This is the office building where some remodeling/construction appears to be taking place. This is at the corner of 17th and Wyandotte in Kansas City Missouri
01/09/2009 17:15:59

This is the parking lot where the construction equipment sits. This is the Wyandotte street side looking east towards the alley and lower parking lot.
Homo -- Suyen and I et at Mongolian bbq. I dropped her off at woik and went to Micro Center to get some DVD +R's -- they had 100 for $24.00. I went homo after stopping by Tess' live shot which is several blocks south of here. The missing woman -- Renee Pernice lives there. The police were searching the house for evidence. I came homo and started blogging and watching the boob tube.
Created: 2009-01-09 22:16:59
01/09/2009 17:06:42

Michaels Neon sign on Main Street in Kansas City Missouri
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