More streaming video experiments I'm doing on my day off
00:00 - 01:00
boob tube
Created: 2008-10-30 12:53:43
01:00 - 10:30
Created: 2008-10-30 12:54:17
up. hh. Nice day otside
Created: 2008-10-30 12:55:07
Rolled over my 401k
Created: 2008-10-30 12:52:42
We et poke and veggies. We then went to Jiffy Lube for the Burgandy bomb. Then we took it to woik were I unloaded it and left it in the back parking lot. Suyen drove to woik, and I dropped her off and took her car. I went to Wife's Enemy #2. I then went to YJ's. I got an iced soy mocha.
Created: 2008-10-30 16:57:25
I hung out at YJ's for awhile, blogging and streaming video to the station to do more experiments. Suyen called me and I went to Oklahoma Joes to get the special -- a full slab of ribs. I took it to MTN. We et. I experiment with the Sony FX-1 HDV camera streaming video in the breakroom while Suyen woiked. Sam and Al are impressed with the quality of the video.
Created: 2008-10-30 23:10:00
23:06 - 23:59
WE went homo, finally. Watched boob tube at home
Created: 2008-10-31 03:13:56
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