Lucilla set up a street vendor stand in the Kansas City Crossroads 1st Friday artwalk
Anybody who exercises their rights to make free and fair commentary about any public performance are not bullies. The only persons derailing your fledgling career are YOU. No one else is hurting your chances, so stop blaming all your critics for your own failings. Using high profile public tragedies to promote your lousy band will bring you nothing but infamy. You couldn't even inspire the members of the media circus to get out of their chairs for your "performance." Your own video shows that. I can also see by your arguements here, that you have been reduced to name calling. I fail to see the logic of comparing your critics to the killers of Mathew Sheppard. That is sort of like the old Hitler name calling game on the internets. You have simply reached in your tool box of arguments and found the worst stone you could find to throw, which shows that you have no argument and basically agree with your critics. I have found on some very brief searches on the internet evidence of your own incompetence and cheap tries at making a name for yourselves by doing everything but what you should be doing, which is working at it. When you did your Orlando "protest," instead of getting all this media attention and making a name for yourselves, you got only one article in the local rag, and a lot of comments in the forum section about how innapropriate your media whoring was and how bad your band it. Don't believe me? Go here.....
I love that someone posted an actual Biteboy performance as well....
Biteboy sucks
United States
Reply »|Report Abuse|#129Tuesday Aug 26
Frog Hat wrote:
Biteboy rocks, they are one of the biggest and best local bands in Orlando.....they are on the up....many are jealous, but they will rise to the top, and are on their way
Biggest and best local bands in Orlando? I think not...
The video speaks for itself. If you really think this is the best Orlando has to offer, then you obviously don't know the Orlando music scene.
Also, if you are not convinced by all the comments on the newspaper forum, the few bloggers I could find talking about the incident are pretty much in agreement with the general concensus about Biteboy....
like from shadowscope.com
Update - August 26th 2008 10:25 PM
I mentioned this morning that I would try and update the story this afternoon. No major news right now although one of the stories that is being picked up right now is that bounty hunter Leonard Padilla shoved the singer for a rock band outside of the Anthony house.
Shoved the singer for a band?
Well, apparently this local band in Orlando decided to write a song for Casey. The band is Biteboy and the title of the song is "Casey's Song (Wine Sick Mind)". Some of the lyrics include:
So don't bring me your pain You're the only one to blame You're the only one to blame You're stuck on the outside Got nowhere left to hide
The problem is that the band set up on a flatbed trailer and were playing the song outside of the Anthony's house. Artists typically express all sorts of different stuff that is going on in song but I think the fact that they were playing it outside of the Anthony's house was in extremely poor taste and shows what a bunch of assholes they are. So Padilla was trying to run them off and at one point he hit the mic stand which cut the singer. According to the Orlando Sentinel Rick Namey wants to file a complaint against Padilla. Apparently someone caught the incident on video an it's up on YouTube.
s it just me or did the little douchebag give Padilla the finger right before he swatted the mic? Not that it's any excuse but I could see where he might get pissed off. look close and see if you can see it.
Seems like their are more critics than friends of Biteboy out there. I guess it makes us all meanies who are bullies intent on derailing Rick Nameys fledgling rock star career. For that we all deserve to be compared to Mathew Sheppards killers.
Maybe....maybe it's just a stupid and desperate publicity stunt. But this time it looks like no one cared or even paid attention. But at least they helped the cause for GAY RIGHTS when the protested the anti-Gay Westboro Baptist Church. I just wish they were'nt so closeted about it, and more OUT and OPEN with their support of the Gay lifestyle. But I guess it is because they are so humble about their contribution to Gay struggles.
Srovets (3 days ago) +3 Reply | Spam Biteboy censors comments on their videos and I posted a video repsonse which they won't allow up either. I find it funny how some of the biggest "champions" of free speech are the ones who are most afraid of it.
Srovets (3 days ago) +3 Reply | Spam Now they are making their videos private. What are they afraid of?
BITEBOYBAND (20 hours ago) -3 Reply | Spam You are no better than the people who killed Matthew Shepard. You are a bully, hounding someone innocent and trying to ruin his life. You know Rick is not anti-gay. Stop using hate mongering and guilt bating to victimize him. This is a fledgling career. Your attempts to destroy it are cruel. The band is all he lives for. Your sad, misguided, pathetic attempt to destroy him is no less cruel than what was done to Matthew Shephard.
Srovets (15 hours ago) +2 Reply | Spam Your own actions are what people see, nothing else.
BITEBOYBAND (14 hours ago) -3 Reply | Spam I'm sure the self-righteous assholes who killed Shephard used the same kind of self-serving logic to justify their mean actions. You are mean and trying to destroy someone you want to pick on. You are a mean bully.
Srovets (13 hours ago) +1 Reply | Spam If you use this tactic to try to argue down all your critics, you are indeed very busy. You cynically use other peoples suffering to try to make a name for yourselves. When people call you on it, you call them bullies. Fair commentary on YOUR public behavior is free and protected speech. All the negative commentary on your act is nothing that a little practice and honest gigging couldn't cure. It is amazing to me that in two years your band hasn't gotten much better.
BITEBOYBAND (3 hours ago) 0 Reply | Spam The band is much better. Your video and audio of us sucks because you sucked at making it. We asked that you take it down. When I get time, I will make you take it down. Have a bad life. I know you will. You are a bad, mean person. Go to hell. I know you will.
Srovets (11 hours ago) +1 Reply | Spam I fail to see the logic behind comparing your critics to the Killers of Mathew Sheppard. Showing up in front of a house in a flatbed trailer to take advantage of a tragedy to promote your god awful band and music is a lowbrow moronic lapse in taste and class. Anyone and everyone see's that. I guess they are all meanies too.
BITEBOYBAND (3 hours ago) 0 Reply | Spam Of course you fail to see it. You are a bully, justifying your actions. GO AWAY!
Srovets (15 hours ago) 0 Reply | Spam Well, considering that you are making yourself out to be a famous public figure then you'd better get used to a little satire at your expense. If you shit in your own bed, don't yell at the people who notice it. Your sad attempt to make a "fledgling career" out of a public tragedy is nauseating. How much tv coverage did that get you? You claimed to came to protest Phelps for the soldiers, you claimed. When a gay man attempted to point out that Phelps was against gays, you insulted him.
Srovets (14 hours ago) 0 Reply | Spam All boB tried to do was help you. You shoved it back in his face and told him you didn't want to have anything to do with gays and that you didn't want your band to be identified with gay rights. If you haven't noticed, allgayallday is calling you a champion of gay rights. I think that is what is bothering you the most.
BITEBOYBAND (14 hours ago) -1 Reply | Spam Bullshit. We're not famous yet and with your help, we wwon't be. We were friends with Bob. We bought his meals, his gas and gave him cassh for helping us. We just didn't like him taking over and subverting what we were doing for his own ends. Wrap it in gay rights if you waant, but in simpler terms, it was just a rip-off. Still is.
Srovets (13 hours ago) 0 Reply | Spam No one said you are famous. You are, however, a public figure, and as such, you are subject to fair critiques while performing in the public eye. If you don't like that, then maybe you should seek another career. Most of the commentary I've seen on you has been negative -- so much that you've had to get rid of the ratings of your videos and block out all the negative comments. The critiques boB and I have put out there have been tame in comparison to the things I've seen written about you.
Srovets (13 hours ago) +2 Reply | Spam If you are going after all your critics in this way, you might want to check yourself out for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Srovets (11 hours ago) +1 Reply | Spam What is next? Are you going to compare anyone who criticizes you to Hitler?
BITEBOYBAND (3 hours ago) 0 Reply | Spam No. I'm going to compare you to a turd.
Srovets (2 days ago) +3 Reply | Spam It looks like they've pulled thier video off all together
Srovets (11 hours ago) +1 Reply | Spam More people who deserve to be compared to Mathew Sheppards killers, or hitler, because they dared to criticize Biteboys publicitiy stunts....
Created: 2008-09-05 13:12:59
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