Tuesday, July 18, 2006

New Videos

Ok, first of all, on Sunday night, my nats package that I worked so hard on aired. It is about the KC Rollerwarriors, Kansas City's flat track roller derby league. Al was great and had a place for it in sports. He even let me run 3 minutes plus on it, which is a long time for television.

On a personal note, I'm playing catchup on on my blog videos, so instead of editing them into the appropriate days, I will put them here. The begin at the end of June with dashcam video of the Clinton, Missouri Elks Club collapse, they go through the 4th weekend, and end up now...

Hope you enjoy....

Driving in the rain the day I shot the Rollerwarriors Game, Saturday June 24

Heading down to Clinton Missouri Monday, June 26th, the night the Elks Lodge collapsed, killing one man. I came rolling in home at 6 the next morning....

The next day, we and everybody were doing liveshots in Clinton. I was running camera for this evenings lives, I had to take a break and go to the bathroom at a convenience store on the next block over.

That Wednesday, we were doing more lives and more stories. The ranks of the media were thinning out by then.

Suyen and I went to Lawrence to go to my favorite barber for a haircut on one of our days off.

On Saturday, my Moanday, we were back in Clinton, covering the parade that the Elks were hosting and working on when their building collapsed. It was very touching as they went on with the show, You can see the wienermobile. Then afterward, we headed out of town after a loooong day. I still took the opportunity to "wind the clock."

I was asked to delete some files.....

Driving in Odessa Missouri on our way to Powell Gardens, Sunday 2 July 2006

Some of the Powell Gardens fireworks display, Sunday, 2 July, wth Debbie and Meagan and Mathew...

As I was driving home that Monday night 3 July 2006, I caught some of the fireworks display over Kauffman Statdium...

Here is First Friday in the Kansas City Crossroads for 7 July 2006, edited to the music of Crieghton Organization, who played at Stretches Beer Garden on the east side of the crossroads.

Yesterday we headed to Warrensburg so that Suyen could get a mammogram, and so that she could tell her boss that she got a job in Kansas City. Oh yeah, that is the exciting news. Suyen has a job offer at the Midwest Organ Transplant Network.

That is all I have for now, more will be coming as soon as I can add it. I will also be going through boB's videos and add them as well. No boB, I haven't forgotten you.



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