Java Junction
Holden Street, Warrensburg Missouri
First, the update:
Thursday 13 July: After we went home, Debbie called us. We met her later and ate at Tanners downtown. That night it rained like crazy -- very hardcore rain.
Friday 14: We went to Redemptorist at 11. Then we went and ate at Boston Market -- good food. We went driving around Brookside and got flyers for houses. We ate again at Boston Market, then went to Westport. We headed home but stopped at Sonic for Banana splits in Oak Grove.
Saturday 15: I worked different hours. I filled in for Ryan, so I worked 14:30 to 10:30. I got to woik with Leslie. We ended up doing a story on an alleged pit bull attack of a little girl in Independence. We couldn't get a live shot out there.

It is a rough shift.
Sunday 16: After working the rough shift on Friday, I got called to go out to Grain Valley about 00:30. It was reported as a double homicide, but it later turned out to be a single homicide of a wife of a very high profile prosecutor. It is in a very new very nice neighborhood. I ended up rolling into bed at 05:00. Then I had to be back at work at 10:00. Bob and I went back out to Grain Valley. Understandibly, none of the neighbors that knew the family wanted to talk to us.

We went back to the station to edit, then I drove van 1 out to the police station for our live. Jason was a lot of help. Afterward, I went to Y.J.'s to sort of decompress.
Monday 17: I'm off, and Suyen has to do a breast exam, so we are in Warrensburg hangin' at Java Dive until her appointment. This is a nice place. Teehaus is closed for summer vacation.
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