Up at 06:30. Shook a tower, got dressed. Getting ready. Got the cats food and water down.
Created: 2009-01-22 07:36:17
KCI -- We packed our final bags and got Mom at her woik. She is dropping us off. We checked our bags and got a bagel. Now we are sitting and watching videahs on the puter. KCI is such a nice unbusy uncluttered airport.
Created: 2009-01-22 10:17:15
We've arrived in Dallas. Flew on an old TWA plane -- an S 80. My inverter works on the plane. I didn't realize it was just a cigarrette lighter adaptor that have been on planes forever -- I guess since the smoking days. The newer planes have the fancy pants adaptor. I did a little editing on YJ's Jazz jam 4 Dec 08. I'm always the first one up when the seatbelt lights go off. I shot a 10 min timelapse with the HDV out the window, much to the bemusement of some of the passengers. Our flight is delayed about 25 minutes out of here. The DFW airport seems pretty nice -- different from when I was last here in 1990 when I flew to San Antonio to go to basic training.
Created: 2009-01-22 13:19:40
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday 21 January 2009
RLO -- Gitmo vs. Leavenworth
Created: 2009-01-22 01:32:59
Rob and I went to Leavenworth today. We talked with a county commissioner, the Mayor and a person who lives across from where a potential prison may go. I edited in Avid 1. I et at smack. I had to run with Leslie to do her liveshot at the dead Bannister mall which is being torn down....
The mall was only about 28 years old. What a shame. I got Town Topic on the way homo. We watched teevee and et. Suyen is still packing.
Created: 2009-01-22 01:36:43
Created: 2009-01-22 01:32:59
Rob and I went to Leavenworth today. We talked with a county commissioner, the Mayor and a person who lives across from where a potential prison may go. I edited in Avid 1. I et at smack. I had to run with Leslie to do her liveshot at the dead Bannister mall which is being torn down....
The mall was only about 28 years old. What a shame. I got Town Topic on the way homo. We watched teevee and et. Suyen is still packing.
Created: 2009-01-22 01:36:43
Tuesday 20 January 2009
I watched the inauguration of Barrack Obama. We ordered chinese. We were thinking of going out, but now we are going to eat and pack some.
Created: 2009-01-20 12:09:56
Tima is now a teevee star....
I went home to get Tima to use as a prop dog in our story. However, the website doesn't have it up on the interwebs.
01/20/2009 22:12:28

TIma is now a teevee star. We brought her to the station so she could have her 15 minutes of fame as a prop dog for our liveshot about pet adoption.
I watched the inauguration of Barrack Obama. We ordered chinese. We were thinking of going out, but now we are going to eat and pack some.
Created: 2009-01-20 12:09:56
Tima is now a teevee star....
I went home to get Tima to use as a prop dog in our story. However, the website doesn't have it up on the interwebs.
01/20/2009 22:12:28

TIma is now a teevee star. We brought her to the station so she could have her 15 minutes of fame as a prop dog for our liveshot about pet adoption.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday 19 January 2009
We got up and headed out to Nebraska Furriture Mart to do some shopping. We et at the Quizzons there. We got a bag and some schtuff for the Philippines. I dropped Suyen off at woik. I headed in. I'm san's reporter. I ran van 2 for the lives at St. Stephen for Dr. Martin Luthur King day. I ENG'd JPE's liveshots. I set up to shoot my vo/sot. I got called off to do the Skyfox cam of breaking news. This is my first time ever. I came back. I shot vo of a shooting at 91st in KCMO. I came back, watched Jericho and picked up Suyen.
Sunday 18 January 2009
01/18/2009 21:04:46

Rosa Parks mural with Dr. Martin Luthur KIng at Troost and Linwood in Kansas City Missouri. Meredith and I were here doing a liveshot on National Service Day.
01/18/2009 22:08:23

The corner of Troost and Linwood in Kansas City Missouri looking northwest
01/18/2009 22:47:06

Matt playing alto at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th street in Kansas City Missouri
01/18/2009 22:49:29

Myles on guitar and Micah on bass at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th street in Kansas City Missouri
I woiked 14:30 to 22:30. I'm not very enthused about this shift. Suyen and I went to do some shopping after choich at 09:30 and eating at Poco's with Lucilla. I woiked with Merideth.
Created: 2009-01-20 01:27:02

Rosa Parks mural with Dr. Martin Luthur KIng at Troost and Linwood in Kansas City Missouri. Meredith and I were here doing a liveshot on National Service Day.
01/18/2009 22:08:23

The corner of Troost and Linwood in Kansas City Missouri looking northwest
01/18/2009 22:47:06

Matt playing alto at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th street in Kansas City Missouri
01/18/2009 22:49:29

Myles on guitar and Micah on bass at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th street in Kansas City Missouri
I woiked 14:30 to 22:30. I'm not very enthused about this shift. Suyen and I went to do some shopping after choich at 09:30 and eating at Poco's with Lucilla. I woiked with Merideth.
Created: 2009-01-20 01:27:02
Saturday 17 January 2009
I worked with KBY. Our lives this morning were on the Royals Fan Fest.
I am hooked on this show "Jerico" much to Suyen's dismay.
I worked with KBY. Our lives this morning were on the Royals Fan Fest.
I am hooked on this show "Jerico" much to Suyen's dismay.
Friday 16 January 2009
Got up late because I went to bed late. Couldn't sleep last night much to Suyen's consternation. I keep watching the tv series 'Jericho' on the internets. I've gotten hooked.
Created: 2009-01-16 12:52:48
It snowed last night. I spent the afternoon driving to Kennels after dropping Suyen off at woik. I then went homo after that. I picked up Suyen at woik about 18:00 and we et Bahston. We then went to half-assed books. I got a book on googie and video on old trains. We then came homo.
Created: 2009-01-16 21:19:35
Got up late because I went to bed late. Couldn't sleep last night much to Suyen's consternation. I keep watching the tv series 'Jericho' on the internets. I've gotten hooked.
Created: 2009-01-16 12:52:48
It snowed last night. I spent the afternoon driving to Kennels after dropping Suyen off at woik. I then went homo after that. I picked up Suyen at woik about 18:00 and we et Bahston. We then went to half-assed books. I got a book on googie and video on old trains. We then came homo.
Created: 2009-01-16 21:19:35
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Thursday 15 January 2009
Today we got up later than we wanted. We went to Smokestack BBQ, then we went to thriftshops. We are hoping to find the boots Ninoy wants. We went to two military surplus stores. I then dropped Suyen off at work and went to Wife's Enemy number two. I found an old board with firewire ports on it. I brought it to Tony who soldiered them into my canopus. I went to Nebraska Furriture Mart then went homo. I got my puter and let tima out to ti ti and dukie. I hooked my stuff up and tested it -- IT WORKS! Another $5.35 from me to my company, plus my time. So I drove here and found that my settings for uploading to YouTube work too -- Woo Hoo!!
Today we got up later than we wanted. We went to Smokestack BBQ, then we went to thriftshops. We are hoping to find the boots Ninoy wants. We went to two military surplus stores. I then dropped Suyen off at work and went to Wife's Enemy number two. I found an old board with firewire ports on it. I brought it to Tony who soldiered them into my canopus. I went to Nebraska Furriture Mart then went homo. I got my puter and let tima out to ti ti and dukie. I hooked my stuff up and tested it -- IT WORKS! Another $5.35 from me to my company, plus my time. So I drove here and found that my settings for uploading to YouTube work too -- Woo Hoo!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Tuesday 13 January 2009
01/13/2009 15:48:38

Waiting at the PO in Independence Missouri
After much trying I got the video to upload, but it was squeezed.
Created: 2009-01-14 01:35:25
Created: 2009-01-14 01:38:04
The story went together easily. We had no live tonight.
Created: 2009-01-14 01:35:03
Up. Checked the puter. The upload I've been trying didn't take -- it only got to 13% today before it quit -- it is big -- 813 mb.
Created: 2009-01-13 10:14:48
I'm with TKO. I'm batching in Avid 1. We went to Independence. We stopped at an attourneys office and at Curt's Meats. It is a neat place. I'll try to bring Suyen there.
Created: 2009-01-13 18:24:45

Waiting at the PO in Independence Missouri
After much trying I got the video to upload, but it was squeezed.
Created: 2009-01-14 01:35:25
Created: 2009-01-14 01:38:04
The story went together easily. We had no live tonight.
Created: 2009-01-14 01:35:03
Up. Checked the puter. The upload I've been trying didn't take -- it only got to 13% today before it quit -- it is big -- 813 mb.
Created: 2009-01-13 10:14:48
I'm with TKO. I'm batching in Avid 1. We went to Independence. We stopped at an attourneys office and at Curt's Meats. It is a neat place. I'll try to bring Suyen there.
Created: 2009-01-13 18:24:45
Monday, January 12, 2009
Monday 12 January 2009
01/12/2009 16:44:56

I got the old burgandybomb back today -- old unit 13 with a new transmission. I tested out the system yet again -- it is consistent and works fine. I must state that the idea dawned on me about 2002 when I used a cell phone and apple G4 titanium and a Sony TRV 900 to broadcast to Suyen's helper Ta Ta a gravel rural road I was traveling on with James in rural Leavenworth County. Ta Ta was in Suyen's cyber cafe in Compostela in the Philippines using MSN Messenger. I thought then, if I could do that kind of thing, why couldn't it be done for the news? It wasn't until 2005 until I found somebody who shared in my enthusiasm. I was putting a camera on my dash off and on since '04, but I knew it was only half a system. When I talked to John about my ideas, he liked them. However, I wasn't able to get an aircard until '06. I first sent a broadcast then, and got a lot of people onboard with my idea then. There, too, since then have been many nay sayers that haven't been helpful. That is true in any enterprise. I am trying now to hook up the system more and more to get into practice at working it. It does take a lot of hard work to keep it going and a lot of practice to set it up without much stress.
We got up late. We are still recovering from lack of sleep.
Created: 2009-01-12 12:12:55
Today I worked with Paul....
I am wierded out by this story because it is taking place 4 blocks from my house and because I did a story there at their house with Monica last Christmas. Today was a mess because of the late start of the vigil and because we locked ourselves out of the van minutes before the live. Jason edited the piece for us thank GHOD! We might of never made even that if it wasn't for him. Anyway we survived. I was so busy tonight that it hadn't dawned on me until late that there was much sadness and human emotion at the vigil. Yes, I witnessed it first hand, but it didn't sink in and thus effect me until I later found a vigil candle on the way out of the liveshot while cleaning up the cables and such. It then became poignant to me. How many of these have been to? I remember onetime bawling my eyes out during a vigil, and keeping my face buried in the viewfinder to hide it. These things do affect us deeply, maybe not up front, but sometimes later, or in our dreams, or in a moment when we get to stop and reflect. I'm hoping the best for this family.
Modified: 2009-01-12 23:59:09

I got the old burgandybomb back today -- old unit 13 with a new transmission. I tested out the system yet again -- it is consistent and works fine. I must state that the idea dawned on me about 2002 when I used a cell phone and apple G4 titanium and a Sony TRV 900 to broadcast to Suyen's helper Ta Ta a gravel rural road I was traveling on with James in rural Leavenworth County. Ta Ta was in Suyen's cyber cafe in Compostela in the Philippines using MSN Messenger. I thought then, if I could do that kind of thing, why couldn't it be done for the news? It wasn't until 2005 until I found somebody who shared in my enthusiasm. I was putting a camera on my dash off and on since '04, but I knew it was only half a system. When I talked to John about my ideas, he liked them. However, I wasn't able to get an aircard until '06. I first sent a broadcast then, and got a lot of people onboard with my idea then. There, too, since then have been many nay sayers that haven't been helpful. That is true in any enterprise. I am trying now to hook up the system more and more to get into practice at working it. It does take a lot of hard work to keep it going and a lot of practice to set it up without much stress.
We got up late. We are still recovering from lack of sleep.
Created: 2009-01-12 12:12:55
Today I worked with Paul....
I am wierded out by this story because it is taking place 4 blocks from my house and because I did a story there at their house with Monica last Christmas. Today was a mess because of the late start of the vigil and because we locked ourselves out of the van minutes before the live. Jason edited the piece for us thank GHOD! We might of never made even that if it wasn't for him. Anyway we survived. I was so busy tonight that it hadn't dawned on me until late that there was much sadness and human emotion at the vigil. Yes, I witnessed it first hand, but it didn't sink in and thus effect me until I later found a vigil candle on the way out of the liveshot while cleaning up the cables and such. It then became poignant to me. How many of these have been to? I remember onetime bawling my eyes out during a vigil, and keeping my face buried in the viewfinder to hide it. These things do affect us deeply, maybe not up front, but sometimes later, or in our dreams, or in a moment when we get to stop and reflect. I'm hoping the best for this family.
Modified: 2009-01-12 23:59:09
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sunday 11 January 2009
01/11/2009 07:44:39

I'm using the magic arm and the canon GL-2 as a dashcam in the van. It is hooked to a 75w inverter for power and firewire to the macbook pro via aircard. It was pretty stable and worked well.
Just got done with our live and with shooting our package. I got van 2 unloaded. I loaded up extra heavy as I worked with the broadcaster again. We did our lives at an outdoor ice skating rink by Town Center in Leawood. Created: 2009-01-11 12:05:02
I'm homo now. We watched Jazz at YJ's after taking Ken to Taj Palace for Indian. At choich there was a problem with the mic placement picking up the harmony sung by one person which cornfused the people in the back as they couldn't hear the melody. The church had a guest priest and a deacon who is going to be ordained in 6 months. The protest is on in the garden. They put an installation up in it and are planning on camping out all night.
Created: 2009-01-11 22:44:38

I'm using the magic arm and the canon GL-2 as a dashcam in the van. It is hooked to a 75w inverter for power and firewire to the macbook pro via aircard. It was pretty stable and worked well.
Just got done with our live and with shooting our package. I got van 2 unloaded. I loaded up extra heavy as I worked with the broadcaster again. We did our lives at an outdoor ice skating rink by Town Center in Leawood. Created: 2009-01-11 12:05:02
I'm homo now. We watched Jazz at YJ's after taking Ken to Taj Palace for Indian. At choich there was a problem with the mic placement picking up the harmony sung by one person which cornfused the people in the back as they couldn't hear the melody. The church had a guest priest and a deacon who is going to be ordained in 6 months. The protest is on in the garden. They put an installation up in it and are planning on camping out all night.
Created: 2009-01-11 22:44:38
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Saturday 10 January 2009
KBY -- Freezin' for a Reason
01/10/2009 08:12:15

First Christian Church in Blue Springs -- members camping out to collect blankets. ENG'ing in van 2. It is bitterly cold with snow flurries. We had a good band go through where it went from nothing on the ground to about 1/4 to 1/2" inch of snow on the ground.
Created: 2009-01-10 07:56:39
I'm sitting at Leslies Desk. I just finished my package. I gave the station a $20.00 gift of a webcam so we can see them when they see us. It works fine. I've just uploaded this....
We had an interesting talk with the pastor of the church. They fed us delish breakfast. He is very passionate about what he does-- and now he is helping the homeless. The world needs more like him.
I spent the evening talking to Mark on the Skype. I'm uploading something for Legacy.
01/10/2009 08:12:15

First Christian Church in Blue Springs -- members camping out to collect blankets. ENG'ing in van 2. It is bitterly cold with snow flurries. We had a good band go through where it went from nothing on the ground to about 1/4 to 1/2" inch of snow on the ground.
Created: 2009-01-10 07:56:39
I'm sitting at Leslies Desk. I just finished my package. I gave the station a $20.00 gift of a webcam so we can see them when they see us. It works fine. I've just uploaded this....
We had an interesting talk with the pastor of the church. They fed us delish breakfast. He is very passionate about what he does-- and now he is helping the homeless. The world needs more like him.
I spent the evening talking to Mark on the Skype. I'm uploading something for Legacy.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Friday 9 January 2009
Up. Dressed. Headed out.
Created: 2009-01-09 10:03:10
Parents. Heped move the fridge onto the truck.
Created: 2009-01-09 10:03:36
Goodyear to have the oll changed in the Super Boo Boo
Created: 2009-01-09 10:02:30
Homo. I've just taken a short nap. Suyen went to woik. It is real nice outside for January. We had the oll changed and et at affle house. Then we went to Cargo Lardass. Then we went homo.
Created: 2009-01-09 14:29:29
Sitting at YJ's. After Suyen left for woik, I put together the other cat box. It was more complicated than I thought it would be mainly because of the argument I had with all the packaging. It also seems to be made of cheaper materials but has more options to it like a air purifier -- yeah, big deal!!!! I headed out and went to Digital Video Midwest to get some dv tapes. Everything is going to memory cards buuuut, they are way expensive -- like a 16gb P2 card which will only record 16 minutes in the highest resolution is over nine hundred dollars. So I'll wait for the prices to get reasonable before I'll invest in that. The good thing is that hard drives and cards are making tapes super cheap. A box of five - 60 minute sony mini DV's cost me about $16.00. I then went to YJ's after Tima and I walked. While on our walk, I took pictures with my phone of the little strip of green in the back alley behind all these buildings on 18th and Wyandotte. It seems, as I have heard from a barista here, that it is in danger. According to the barista, an architectural firm, ( I don't know who) is planning to bulldoze it to build five parking spaces. This little area has 3 mature trees and has become something of a community garden as well as a green oasis in a sea of asphalt, mortar, brick, stone and concrete. So, I think, if it is true what was told me by this barista, why people in the community would be concerned. In the pictures I took, you can see that the garden has been damaged already by the construction taking place in the parking lot and alley there.
01/09/2009 16:53:28

In the alley behind the intersection of 18th and Wyandotte in Kansas City sits wedge between asphalt parking lots a little strip of green that has been used as a community garden of sorts. Some recent construction may be putting this little piece of green in danger.
01/09/2009 17:12:26

This is a view of the construction, garden and alley looking towards the southwest from the northeast.
01/09/2009 17:14:29

This is the office building where some remodeling/construction appears to be taking place. This is at the corner of 17th and Wyandotte in Kansas City Missouri
01/09/2009 17:15:59

This is the parking lot where the construction equipment sits. This is the Wyandotte street side looking east towards the alley and lower parking lot.
Homo -- Suyen and I et at Mongolian bbq. I dropped her off at woik and went to Micro Center to get some DVD +R's -- they had 100 for $24.00. I went homo after stopping by Tess' live shot which is several blocks south of here. The missing woman -- Renee Pernice lives there. The police were searching the house for evidence. I came homo and started blogging and watching the boob tube.
Created: 2009-01-09 22:16:59
01/09/2009 17:06:42

Michaels Neon sign on Main Street in Kansas City Missouri
Up. Dressed. Headed out.
Created: 2009-01-09 10:03:10
Parents. Heped move the fridge onto the truck.
Created: 2009-01-09 10:03:36
Goodyear to have the oll changed in the Super Boo Boo
Created: 2009-01-09 10:02:30
Homo. I've just taken a short nap. Suyen went to woik. It is real nice outside for January. We had the oll changed and et at affle house. Then we went to Cargo Lardass. Then we went homo.
Created: 2009-01-09 14:29:29
Sitting at YJ's. After Suyen left for woik, I put together the other cat box. It was more complicated than I thought it would be mainly because of the argument I had with all the packaging. It also seems to be made of cheaper materials but has more options to it like a air purifier -- yeah, big deal!!!! I headed out and went to Digital Video Midwest to get some dv tapes. Everything is going to memory cards buuuut, they are way expensive -- like a 16gb P2 card which will only record 16 minutes in the highest resolution is over nine hundred dollars. So I'll wait for the prices to get reasonable before I'll invest in that. The good thing is that hard drives and cards are making tapes super cheap. A box of five - 60 minute sony mini DV's cost me about $16.00. I then went to YJ's after Tima and I walked. While on our walk, I took pictures with my phone of the little strip of green in the back alley behind all these buildings on 18th and Wyandotte. It seems, as I have heard from a barista here, that it is in danger. According to the barista, an architectural firm, ( I don't know who) is planning to bulldoze it to build five parking spaces. This little area has 3 mature trees and has become something of a community garden as well as a green oasis in a sea of asphalt, mortar, brick, stone and concrete. So, I think, if it is true what was told me by this barista, why people in the community would be concerned. In the pictures I took, you can see that the garden has been damaged already by the construction taking place in the parking lot and alley there.
01/09/2009 16:53:28

In the alley behind the intersection of 18th and Wyandotte in Kansas City sits wedge between asphalt parking lots a little strip of green that has been used as a community garden of sorts. Some recent construction may be putting this little piece of green in danger.
01/09/2009 17:12:26

This is a view of the construction, garden and alley looking towards the southwest from the northeast.
01/09/2009 17:14:29

This is the office building where some remodeling/construction appears to be taking place. This is at the corner of 17th and Wyandotte in Kansas City Missouri
01/09/2009 17:15:59

This is the parking lot where the construction equipment sits. This is the Wyandotte street side looking east towards the alley and lower parking lot.
Homo -- Suyen and I et at Mongolian bbq. I dropped her off at woik and went to Micro Center to get some DVD +R's -- they had 100 for $24.00. I went homo after stopping by Tess' live shot which is several blocks south of here. The missing woman -- Renee Pernice lives there. The police were searching the house for evidence. I came homo and started blogging and watching the boob tube.
Created: 2009-01-09 22:16:59
01/09/2009 17:06:42

Michaels Neon sign on Main Street in Kansas City Missouri
Thursday 8 January 2009
01/08/2009 16:45:00

Pine Street in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 16:46:43

Holden Street in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 16:57:10

2nd Empire building on Holden Street in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 16:58:48

Holden Street in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 16:59:52

Pine Street in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 17:12:33

Missouri Pacific Depot in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 17:13:48

Pine and Holden Streets in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 19:28:26

01/08/2009 19:31:41

Alley on the West side of Pine Street in Warrensburg Missouri
Too much to do too little time as always. I was to take Suyens Super boo boo to have the oll changed. However, the mechanic is full up, so I had to reschedule it. Suyen rescheduled it for tomorrow at 10. I've got to get up early to hep parents with their fridge. They are taking it back as it doesn't woik. I dropped Suyen off at her woik and drove her car to Warrensburg to pick up Tima's records. I stopped downtown first and went to the antique store. I then went to Alpine and got Tima's records. I asked about the kennel there. It is cheap but for two weeks all poor Tima will have is a 7 foot enclosed run. I et Perry Fosters and headed downtown. I waited til after 8 for a train, which was Amtrak and was late. I went by the Teehaus, and it was closed. Then, in my rearview mirror Amtrak showed up. Ooops. I drove to YJ's. I had a mint steamer and slice of cherry pie with whipped cream. I picked up Suyen about 23:00 and headed homo.
Created: 2009-01-08 23:42:09

Pine Street in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 16:46:43

Holden Street in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 16:57:10

2nd Empire building on Holden Street in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 16:58:48

Holden Street in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 16:59:52

Pine Street in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 17:12:33

Missouri Pacific Depot in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 17:13:48

Pine and Holden Streets in Warrensburg Missouri
01/08/2009 19:28:26

01/08/2009 19:31:41

Alley on the West side of Pine Street in Warrensburg Missouri
Too much to do too little time as always. I was to take Suyens Super boo boo to have the oll changed. However, the mechanic is full up, so I had to reschedule it. Suyen rescheduled it for tomorrow at 10. I've got to get up early to hep parents with their fridge. They are taking it back as it doesn't woik. I dropped Suyen off at her woik and drove her car to Warrensburg to pick up Tima's records. I stopped downtown first and went to the antique store. I then went to Alpine and got Tima's records. I asked about the kennel there. It is cheap but for two weeks all poor Tima will have is a 7 foot enclosed run. I et Perry Fosters and headed downtown. I waited til after 8 for a train, which was Amtrak and was late. I went by the Teehaus, and it was closed. Then, in my rearview mirror Amtrak showed up. Ooops. I drove to YJ's. I had a mint steamer and slice of cherry pie with whipped cream. I picked up Suyen about 23:00 and headed homo.
Created: 2009-01-08 23:42:09
Wednesday 7 January 2009
LCA -- Infant Starved to death
Created: 2009-01-09 10:05:23
Dashcam Timelapse Kansas City area Wednesday 7 January 2009
Created: 2009-01-09 10:05:23
Dashcam Timelapse Kansas City area Wednesday 7 January 2009
Tuesday 6 January 2009
RLO -- Israeli Envoy on Gaza
Created: 2009-01-07 01:27:17
Dashcam Timelapse Kansas City area Tuesday 6 January 2009
Created: 2009-01-07 01:27:17
Dashcam Timelapse Kansas City area Tuesday 6 January 2009
Monday 5 January 2009
TKO -- Repo'd Renters
Modified: 2009-01-06 01:28:17
Today we got up -- Suyen went to HIV. I took down some of the decorations. I'm not sure when you are supposed to do it, but I've heard it is after Three Kings day, which was Sunday. We et a hamburger potatoes combination that Suyen whipped up. We headed out to woik. I've been working hard on getting caught up on my blogs. I compressed "Twelve Months in Twelve Minutes" and got it on my thumb drive, which I promptly forgot today. It is very cold and has been since Saturday night. At woik, I went to check on my car. Fritz wants to take it to have a second opinion on it. Tess and I headed to south Kansas City on a story on renters who are being evicted because their landlord wasn't making house payments and now the house is being repo'd. There were no lives tonight as the news went on late due to a game. Suyen and I went homo late and we watched the boob tube. I realized in an attempt to clean out the hard drive on my imac, I blew out the rest of december, so unless I want to reload that, there will be no timelapses from the 19th on. Ooops.
Created: 2009-01-06 01:36:00
Modified: 2009-01-06 01:28:17
Today we got up -- Suyen went to HIV. I took down some of the decorations. I'm not sure when you are supposed to do it, but I've heard it is after Three Kings day, which was Sunday. We et a hamburger potatoes combination that Suyen whipped up. We headed out to woik. I've been working hard on getting caught up on my blogs. I compressed "Twelve Months in Twelve Minutes" and got it on my thumb drive, which I promptly forgot today. It is very cold and has been since Saturday night. At woik, I went to check on my car. Fritz wants to take it to have a second opinion on it. Tess and I headed to south Kansas City on a story on renters who are being evicted because their landlord wasn't making house payments and now the house is being repo'd. There were no lives tonight as the news went on late due to a game. Suyen and I went homo late and we watched the boob tube. I realized in an attempt to clean out the hard drive on my imac, I blew out the rest of december, so unless I want to reload that, there will be no timelapses from the 19th on. Ooops.
Created: 2009-01-06 01:36:00
Sunday 4 January 2009
Sunday 4 January 2009

YJ's Jazz Jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri. Myles on guitar
Sunday 4 January 2009

YJ's Jazz Jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri. Micah on bass
Sunday 4 January 2008

YJ's Jazz Jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri. Betty of the Mutual Musicians Foundation was there tonight.
Sunday 4 January 2008

YJ's Jazz Jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri. Brian is singing
01/04/2009 21:29:15

YJ's Jazz Jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri. Doug is in the background playing drums

YJ's Jazz Jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri. Myles on guitar
Sunday 4 January 2009

YJ's Jazz Jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri. Micah on bass
Sunday 4 January 2008

YJ's Jazz Jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri. Betty of the Mutual Musicians Foundation was there tonight.
Sunday 4 January 2008

YJ's Jazz Jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri. Brian is singing
01/04/2009 21:29:15

YJ's Jazz Jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri. Doug is in the background playing drums
Friday, January 02, 2009
Friday 2 January 2009
01/02/2009 16:01:33

The empty field where the post office garage used to be until a couple of months ago
01/02/2009 16:06:31

Looking south on Broadway towards the Town Topic
01/02/2009 16:16:38

Looking north on Baltimore in Kansas City Missouri
01/02/2009 16:18:02

Theres a row of old hotels north of Union Station in Kansas City Missouri that have long past gone beyond any glory
01/02/2009 16:22:26

Tom Pendergasts headquarters -- the Democratic club in Kansas City Missouri

The empty field where the post office garage used to be until a couple of months ago
01/02/2009 16:06:31

Looking south on Broadway towards the Town Topic
01/02/2009 16:16:38

Looking north on Baltimore in Kansas City Missouri
01/02/2009 16:18:02

Theres a row of old hotels north of Union Station in Kansas City Missouri that have long past gone beyond any glory
01/02/2009 16:22:26

Tom Pendergasts headquarters -- the Democratic club in Kansas City Missouri
Thursday 1 January 2009
I got up. I checked the puter and it is still rendering.
Created: 2009-01-01 16:49:41
Twelve Months in Twelve Minutes
I got up. I checked the puter and it is still rendering.
Created: 2009-01-01 16:49:41
Twelve Months in Twelve Minutes
Wednesday 31 December 2008
Day off -- comp for July 4th. I edited for Arny
Created: 2009-01-02 16:39:15
Created: 2009-01-02 16:39:15
Sunday 28 December 2008
Woiked 4 to noon -- SM West Band trip. I'm getting sick from getting wet and freezing yesterday.
Modified: 2008-12-30 13:20:13
Modified: 2008-12-30 13:20:13
Saturday 27 December 2008
BST -- Severe storms -- I got wet and froze
Created: 2008-12-30 13:18:32
Created: 2008-12-30 13:18:32
Friday 26 December 2008
Wednesday 24 December 2008
RLO -- Congress' raises MOS' and Bayer fire attempted live
Created: 2008-12-25 23:45:19
Shot the Cantata
Created: 2008-12-25 23:47:10
Created: 2008-12-25 23:45:19
Shot the Cantata
Created: 2008-12-25 23:47:10
Tuesday 23 December 2008
TKO -- Wyco Sheriff gift deliveries
Created: 2008-12-25 23:43:13
Created: 2008-12-25 23:43:13
Sunday 21 December 2008
Sick -- food poisoning and stomach flu. I had to work morning. Emergency room in NKC.
Created: 2008-12-25 23:38:57
Created: 2008-12-25 23:38:57
Friday 19 December 2008
Yesterday I attended the wake of a jazz musician I didn't know. I shot it for my Legacy Project. Today I took Tima to Dr. Means to have her stitches removed. Dr. Means told me that the tumor he removed on the 5th is cancerous. We have to watch Tima to see if it returns. On the way out, I noticed a large crowd in the Teehaus. I parked and went inside. I walked to the bar thinking I might be barging in on a private party. Sandy was there and gave me a hug and told me she was glad I made it. She told me Peggy had passed away. It was a very bitter sweet melancolny wake. I talked with people I haven't seen in years and talked with Wayne about old memories. The highlight was when bagpipers came in and played. I didn't want to bring in my camera until I saw people trying to get video with their phones and still cameras of the bagpipers. I will edit and upload to youtube soon. It is just happenstance that I came to the wake. My big fear was always that I would find the Teehaus gone permanently and that Peggy passed without my knowing. Somehow, neither happened. I called Mark and Ti to tell them the news.
12/19/2008 17:58:36

The wake for Peggy at the Teehaus in Warrensburg Missouri
Yesterday I attended the wake of a jazz musician I didn't know. I shot it for my Legacy Project. Today I took Tima to Dr. Means to have her stitches removed. Dr. Means told me that the tumor he removed on the 5th is cancerous. We have to watch Tima to see if it returns. On the way out, I noticed a large crowd in the Teehaus. I parked and went inside. I walked to the bar thinking I might be barging in on a private party. Sandy was there and gave me a hug and told me she was glad I made it. She told me Peggy had passed away. It was a very bitter sweet melancolny wake. I talked with people I haven't seen in years and talked with Wayne about old memories. The highlight was when bagpipers came in and played. I didn't want to bring in my camera until I saw people trying to get video with their phones and still cameras of the bagpipers. I will edit and upload to youtube soon. It is just happenstance that I came to the wake. My big fear was always that I would find the Teehaus gone permanently and that Peggy passed without my knowing. Somehow, neither happened. I called Mark and Ti to tell them the news.
12/19/2008 17:58:36

The wake for Peggy at the Teehaus in Warrensburg Missouri
Thursday 18 December 2008
YJ's Third World Snack Cafe 128 West 18th Street Kansas City Missouri
Into the fray:
Things are getting busy from here until new beers probably. First off, there is an ice storm predicted for today. They keep hedging back on the forcast so I hope they are right and we get nothing much. I'm getting ready to shoot, hopefully a Jazz funeral at a secret location for James Arthur Bell. I hope I can without trouble. I am hoping to add to my collection of visions and scenes for the Legacy Project that I am running. I just came from Wife's Enemy number 2, otherwise known as Surplus Exchange. They got a truckload of plants in nice planters. Unfortunately they froze last night and they are tropical plants. They are all drooping. I know Suyen would be interested in at least the planters. I got one that was sitting on a a/v cart that I am interested in. I got the a/v cart and another a/v cart. They have lockdown chains which I need for the Christmas cantata we plan to shoot at Redemptorist. This is a big project that I plan on using four cameras and shooting isolated in SD. I have noooo time to do it as it happens an hour after I get off work. I have to set up the cables and quad monitor and mixer. I was thinking of doing it tonight, but I think I will do it Sunday afternoon and evening. Tima has to go have her stitches removed in Warrensburg at Dr. Means'. However with the weather being unpredictable, I wiil try for tomorrow. Oh, and there's Xmess shopping.
Modified: 2008-12-18 17:41:00
YJ's Third World Snack Cafe 128 West 18th Street Kansas City Missouri
Into the fray:
Things are getting busy from here until new beers probably. First off, there is an ice storm predicted for today. They keep hedging back on the forcast so I hope they are right and we get nothing much. I'm getting ready to shoot, hopefully a Jazz funeral at a secret location for James Arthur Bell. I hope I can without trouble. I am hoping to add to my collection of visions and scenes for the Legacy Project that I am running. I just came from Wife's Enemy number 2, otherwise known as Surplus Exchange. They got a truckload of plants in nice planters. Unfortunately they froze last night and they are tropical plants. They are all drooping. I know Suyen would be interested in at least the planters. I got one that was sitting on a a/v cart that I am interested in. I got the a/v cart and another a/v cart. They have lockdown chains which I need for the Christmas cantata we plan to shoot at Redemptorist. This is a big project that I plan on using four cameras and shooting isolated in SD. I have noooo time to do it as it happens an hour after I get off work. I have to set up the cables and quad monitor and mixer. I was thinking of doing it tonight, but I think I will do it Sunday afternoon and evening. Tima has to go have her stitches removed in Warrensburg at Dr. Means'. However with the weather being unpredictable, I wiil try for tomorrow. Oh, and there's Xmess shopping.
Modified: 2008-12-18 17:41:00
Tuesday 16 December 2008
TKO -- Organ donation
Modified: 2008-12-17 02:06:07
Today it snowed about 3". We had to drive to woik a little early so I could have the meeting where I signed the letter. I was with Tess. I loaded into unit 11. We drove in the mess to Harrisonville. I edited in Avid 3 which screwed me up because of the setting being set default to xlr. Suyen had a bad day at woik today.
Modified: 2008-12-17 02:06:07
Today it snowed about 3". We had to drive to woik a little early so I could have the meeting where I signed the letter. I was with Tess. I loaded into unit 11. We drove in the mess to Harrisonville. I edited in Avid 3 which screwed me up because of the setting being set default to xlr. Suyen had a bad day at woik today.
Monday 15 December 2008
TKO -- 3 Teens Triple Fatal
Modified: 2008-12-17 02:06:21
Today Tess and I drove to 92 hwy on breaking news. Barry brought the SNG out. We did a phoner at 17;00 and lives at 17:40 and 18:00. We drove to Holt to talk to the families of the missing young men. We got a picture from one of the families. Then we went back. We got vittles at Arby's. Unit 13's transmission went out and we had to get it towed. We rode back with Barry in the SNG.
Modified: 2008-12-17 02:06:21
Today Tess and I drove to 92 hwy on breaking news. Barry brought the SNG out. We did a phoner at 17;00 and lives at 17:40 and 18:00. We drove to Holt to talk to the families of the missing young men. We got a picture from one of the families. Then we went back. We got vittles at Arby's. Unit 13's transmission went out and we had to get it towed. We rode back with Barry in the SNG.
Sunday 14 December 2008
KBY -- struck out at wal*Fart. We did the 169 opened live. Our package was on Breakpoint church giving out gifts.
Created: 2008-12-14 23:37:25
12/14/2008 07:21:36

We were kicked out of the Mal*Wart at Barry road in Kansas City Missouri
12/14/2008 21:40:43
Matt on sax at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 west 18th in Kansas City Missouri
12/14/2008 21:41:54

Myles on guitar at the jazz jam at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe
12/14/2008 21:43:10

Doug playing drums at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri
12/14/2008 21:44:17

Micah on bass at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri
Created: 2008-12-14 23:37:25
12/14/2008 07:21:36

We were kicked out of the Mal*Wart at Barry road in Kansas City Missouri
12/14/2008 21:40:43
Matt on sax at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 west 18th in Kansas City Missouri
12/14/2008 21:41:54

Myles on guitar at the jazz jam at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe
12/14/2008 21:43:10

Doug playing drums at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri
12/14/2008 21:44:17

Micah on bass at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri
Saturday 13 December 2008
KBY -- Young Achievers -- we had to do look lives at the Salvation Army giftwrap as the wind was too high to raise the mast.
Created: 2008-12-14 23:46:16
12/13/2008 18:45:43

Metro North Mall in Kansas City Missouri
Created: 2008-12-14 23:46:16
12/13/2008 18:45:43

Metro North Mall in Kansas City Missouri
Friday 12 December 2008
@ Yeejis. I'm sitting with Ken. I went to Short Circuit City. They are shutting down stores in the Kansas City area. I went to the one on Barry road. I got some stuff and some christmess schtuff. I then went to Targay to get some led xmess lights, buuuut it was too expensive so I reconsidered. I went to Yeejis and hung out. I had a light din din and talked to Ken.
Tuesday 11 December 2008
Xmess shopping. I went to wife's enemy #2. I went to short circuit city for their going out of business fire sale.
Created: 2008-12-14 23:48:35
Xmess shopping. I went to wife's enemy #2. I went to short circuit city for their going out of business fire sale.
Created: 2008-12-14 23:48:35
Wednesday 10 December 2008
vo patrol. I did John's liveshot at 5:30 and 6 and Linsey's at 9 and 10.
Modified: 2008-12-14 23:47:19
vo patrol. I did John's liveshot at 5:30 and 6 and Linsey's at 9 and 10.
Modified: 2008-12-14 23:47:19
Tuesday 9 December 2008
Also, there is a sad follow up to a story I did with Megan
Created: 2008-12-09 01:43:53
RLO -- Belton Burglaries
Created: 2008-12-09 01:42:31
Created: 2008-12-09 01:43:53
RLO -- Belton Burglaries
Created: 2008-12-09 01:42:31
Sunday 7 December 2008
Friday 5 December 2008
YJ's Third World Snack Cafe 128 West 18th Kansas City Missouri
Thursday 4 December 2008
I went to Warrensburg to have Tima looked at. I went to the Teehaus before. I talked with Andy and had a mocha. I took Tima to Dr. Means. He said the lump on her breast is probably a tumor and that I could remove it tonight. So I left Tima there. I et at Heroes, shot vid of Amtrak coming in on time at the depot, and got vid of the Bluegrass band at the Teehaus. I had Lemon Grass tea. I then went homo.
Created: 2008-12-05 20:08:08
Tuesday 2 December 2008
LCA - Harrisonville Reward
Modified: 2008-12-02 23:53:31
Monday 1 December 2008
We got up late. I tried again unsuccessfully to upload my latest video to railzen -- my internet connection is too slow and file too large. Yestiddy I woiked 9 to 5. I woiked with Leslie at first, then I did vo patrol. It was cooold. I got to eat at Poco's and I saw Mary. It was nice and cozy in there and was a good break from the cold. I went to choich late after woik. Then we went to the filipino gathering to finish off the leftovers of the thanksgiving dinner. Then we went to jazz at YJ's. They were having it, even though they have curtailed hours until Friday due to the New Orleans trip funded by the boss. We then went homo and I watched Star Bores on the boob tube.
Created: 2008-12-01 12:19:43
We got up late. I tried again unsuccessfully to upload my latest video to railzen -- my internet connection is too slow and file too large. Yestiddy I woiked 9 to 5. I woiked with Leslie at first, then I did vo patrol. It was cooold. I got to eat at Poco's and I saw Mary. It was nice and cozy in there and was a good break from the cold. I went to choich late after woik. Then we went to the filipino gathering to finish off the leftovers of the thanksgiving dinner. Then we went to jazz at YJ's. They were having it, even though they have curtailed hours until Friday due to the New Orleans trip funded by the boss. We then went homo and I watched Star Bores on the boob tube.
Created: 2008-12-01 12:19:43
Sunday 30 November 2008
11/30/2008 22:45:16
Brian Daniels on the standup bass and Miles Gorham on guitar at the YJ's Jazz Jam, 128 West 18th Street, Kansas City Missouri

11/30/2008 22:46:36
Matt Corillo on the Alto Sax at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe, 128 West 18th Street in Kansas City Misouri

11/30/2008 23:07:36
Suyen is listening to the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri

We just came home after taking Ken to North Patrol of the KCMOPD. At about 23:30, he discovered that his car that he had parked on the street while we went to the filipino thanksgiving dinner was backed into. We went to North patrol to fill out a report.
Created: 2008-11-30 00:52:22
Brian Daniels on the standup bass and Miles Gorham on guitar at the YJ's Jazz Jam, 128 West 18th Street, Kansas City Missouri

11/30/2008 22:46:36
Matt Corillo on the Alto Sax at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe, 128 West 18th Street in Kansas City Misouri

11/30/2008 23:07:36
Suyen is listening to the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 128 West 18th in Kansas City Missouri

We just came home after taking Ken to North Patrol of the KCMOPD. At about 23:30, he discovered that his car that he had parked on the street while we went to the filipino thanksgiving dinner was backed into. We went to North patrol to fill out a report.
Created: 2008-11-30 00:52:22
Saturday 29 November 2008
KBY -- Arrowhead Armageddon lives
-- Firefighters Memorial
Created: 2008-11-30 00:54:44
Thursday 27 November 2008
Tuesday 25 November 2008
Missing David Cook 11/25/2008 08:55:17
So a missing man is no laughing matter to his family and friends. However the juxtaposing of these headlines is pretty interesting.

Missing David Cook II 11/25/2008 08:55:28
Here is a closer look at the two headlines. There are two separate David Cook's being referenced. David and Cook are just common names I guess.

We got up at 09:30. Suyen woiked on the bills. I started untangling and testing xmas lights. It is the same thing every year -- less and less lights work and we vow to toss them out and replace them with led lights. We have 6 strings that don't or halfway work, and 3 strings that do work. We plan on only decorating the xmess looking tree and putting candles in the windows. I set up the tree. Our angel doesn't light anymore:( I've been experimenting with 16:9. Youtube went to a 16:9 window last night, which is exciting. I found this helpful...
So a missing man is no laughing matter to his family and friends. However the juxtaposing of these headlines is pretty interesting.

Missing David Cook II 11/25/2008 08:55:28
Here is a closer look at the two headlines. There are two separate David Cook's being referenced. David and Cook are just common names I guess.

We got up at 09:30. Suyen woiked on the bills. I started untangling and testing xmas lights. It is the same thing every year -- less and less lights work and we vow to toss them out and replace them with led lights. We have 6 strings that don't or halfway work, and 3 strings that do work. We plan on only decorating the xmess looking tree and putting candles in the windows. I set up the tree. Our angel doesn't light anymore:( I've been experimenting with 16:9. Youtube went to a 16:9 window last night, which is exciting. I found this helpful...
Monday 24 November 2008
PHE -- Economy
Created: 2008-11-25 01:04:27
Sunday 23 November 2008
KBY -- 30th and Tracy Fire Live -- Pet Connection Live -- Soldiers Return home
Created: 2008-11-24 13:46:26
Saturday 22 November 2008
KBY -- 97th St. Stabbing
Created: 2008-11-22 20:18:31
Friday 21 November 2008
DFR -- Rapper convicted
Created: 2008-07-23 00:30:04
Thursday 20 November 2008
@ Goodyear in Blue Springs
Created: 2008-11-20 14:12:30
YJ's. The superbooboo only had a piece of plastic rubbing -- no cv problems. I then went to Wife's Enemy #2, then here. I talked to David and got pie and a mocha.
Created: 2008-11-20 16:15:04
The American Automotive reform plan in a nutshell.
*It is open to all comers.
*Company's must be 100 % American owned and operated
*It will come in the form of a contract
*The contract will be to build a line of automobiles for government service
*The cars must be able to go 20 years or more with minimal maintenance and expense
*The cars must be efficient
*The cars must be cost effective to purchase and to own
*Part of the contract will go to build brand new factories with effective efficient management and workforce
*Any city or town that presently or in the past 300 years has ever been involved in automobile manufacturing cannot be a part of the contract
*ALL members of upper management of any present auto manufacturer canot participate in these contracts
*To participate, if an already existing company, if they pay out a bonus to any upper management person including stock options, etc. they will not be able to participate. They must break all contracts with upper management if they wish to participate.
*The present american corporate culture or marketing strategy for automotive manufacture needs to be scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up. No company that subscribes to the present paradigm can participate
*The cars will be offered to the US government for transportation, police, military and other governmental work at a reduced price until the contracts are paid off in full.
*The public will be offered a new line of cars that are the best in the world, for nothing more than what they are paying in the present market.
Wednesday 19 November 2008
MHO -- Economy vs Staples
Created: 2008-11-20 14:15:35
Tuesday 18 November 2008
LCA -- Gulf War Syndrome
Created: 2008-11-19 02:04:45
Homo. We et and watched the boob tube.
Created: 2008-11-18 01:42:19
LCA -- Gulf War Syndrome
Created: 2008-11-19 02:04:45
Homo. We et and watched the boob tube.
Created: 2008-11-18 01:42:19
Monday 17 November 2008
I eng' Leslies liveshot
Created: 2008-11-18 01:44:09
TKO -- 69 & 159th Fatality
Car broke down at 31st and Roanoke -- transmission
I eng' Leslies liveshot
Created: 2008-11-18 01:44:09
TKO -- 69 & 159th Fatality
Car broke down at 31st and Roanoke -- transmission
Saturday 15 November 2008
I couldn't sleep at all last night. I went to bed about 10, but Suyen woke me a little while later and I couldn't get back to sleep. I finally fell off about 04:00, but I had to get up a half hour later. I loaded into van 2. Kim wasn't feeling well either. She did her first hit in the studio. We went to Chappels restaurant in North Kansas City for a pancake brekkus for kids dental hygene. Afterward, we headed to Blue Springs for people turning in old gold for cash. We headed back after and edited in avid 1. I headed homo after woiking 30 min over. At homo, I went straight to bed. I got up about 18:30. I watched the boob tube -- Suyen went shopping -- she is grouchy.
I couldn't sleep at all last night. I went to bed about 10, but Suyen woke me a little while later and I couldn't get back to sleep. I finally fell off about 04:00, but I had to get up a half hour later. I loaded into van 2. Kim wasn't feeling well either. She did her first hit in the studio. We went to Chappels restaurant in North Kansas City for a pancake brekkus for kids dental hygene. Afterward, we headed to Blue Springs for people turning in old gold for cash. We headed back after and edited in avid 1. I headed homo after woiking 30 min over. At homo, I went straight to bed. I got up about 18:30. I watched the boob tube -- Suyen went shopping -- she is grouchy.
Friday 14 November 2008
I got Suyen at woik at 23:00 last night. We headed homo. Watched the boob tube at homo and I woiked on the puters. We got up about 11 today. We hung out. I woiked on the puters and Suyen got chinese take out. I took Suyen to woik about 14:30. We didn't take Tima as it was too cold. I went to Wife's Enemy #2 and Cargo Lardass. I got a laptop lock and a power inverter for the super boo boo. I then went to Yeejis for a latte and to woik on the puter.
Created: 2008-11-14 18:32:52
agilitynut said:
Ah good -- I'm glad they didn't botch up the building. Here's a photo from 2006 when it was vacant:
Created: 2008-11-14 18:48:46
I got Suyen at woik at 23:00 last night. We headed homo. Watched the boob tube at homo and I woiked on the puters. We got up about 11 today. We hung out. I woiked on the puters and Suyen got chinese take out. I took Suyen to woik about 14:30. We didn't take Tima as it was too cold. I went to Wife's Enemy #2 and Cargo Lardass. I got a laptop lock and a power inverter for the super boo boo. I then went to Yeejis for a latte and to woik on the puter.
Created: 2008-11-14 18:32:52
agilitynut said:
Ah good -- I'm glad they didn't botch up the building. Here's a photo from 2006 when it was vacant:
Created: 2008-11-14 18:48:46
Thursday 13 November 2008
09/22/2008 16:28:45
This was the A Frame design which was built for Griffs by Valentine Diners of Whichita Kansas.

agilitynut says:
Do you remember where this was or the name of the business?
Posted 5 hours ago. ( permalink | delete )
studestevo says:
It is now a mexican restaurant and it is on 7th street in downtown Kansas City Kansas
Posted a moment ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
Thursday 20 September 2007 20:25:06
This is the Coates House. It was once a luxury hotel built by Kersey Coates across from his Opera house. He used to bring the biggest stars in from the east coast in the last half of the 1800's. There was a tunnel built from his hotel, where his famous guests would stay, to his opera house where they were to perform. That way they could get across the street without dealing with the paparazi of the time. The Hotel, as well as Quality Hill to the west of here, also built by Kersey Coates, declined. By the 1970's, when we moved here, if you went through this area, you definitely were rolling up your windows and locking your doors. Part of the Coates House burned down on January 21, 1978 killing 21 people, most of whoom were homeless or semi-homeless people who were flopping here against the freezing temperatures. That January, we had some of the coldest winter weather on record, with 12 to 15 inches of snow on the ground.

soswalt4 added this as a favorite on 12 Nov 08.
Suyen and I got up late. She drove the Superbooboo to woik and I took it from there. Tima and I went to Goodyear in Blue Springs to have the oil changed. I had them look at the grinding noise the car makes when it turns, but they couldn't find it. I got gas at QT and got pot pies at Bahstahn Mahket for Suyen and I. We et at the MTN breakroom. I went to Yeejis after. Perigrine asked for a ride to 17th and Summit. I then went back to Yeejis and set up the puter and HDV to do some woik.
Created: 2008-11-13 19:34:08
This was the A Frame design which was built for Griffs by Valentine Diners of Whichita Kansas.

agilitynut says:
Do you remember where this was or the name of the business?
Posted 5 hours ago. ( permalink | delete )
studestevo says:
It is now a mexican restaurant and it is on 7th street in downtown Kansas City Kansas
Posted a moment ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
Thursday 20 September 2007 20:25:06
This is the Coates House. It was once a luxury hotel built by Kersey Coates across from his Opera house. He used to bring the biggest stars in from the east coast in the last half of the 1800's. There was a tunnel built from his hotel, where his famous guests would stay, to his opera house where they were to perform. That way they could get across the street without dealing with the paparazi of the time. The Hotel, as well as Quality Hill to the west of here, also built by Kersey Coates, declined. By the 1970's, when we moved here, if you went through this area, you definitely were rolling up your windows and locking your doors. Part of the Coates House burned down on January 21, 1978 killing 21 people, most of whoom were homeless or semi-homeless people who were flopping here against the freezing temperatures. That January, we had some of the coldest winter weather on record, with 12 to 15 inches of snow on the ground.

soswalt4 added this as a favorite on 12 Nov 08.
Suyen and I got up late. She drove the Superbooboo to woik and I took it from there. Tima and I went to Goodyear in Blue Springs to have the oil changed. I had them look at the grinding noise the car makes when it turns, but they couldn't find it. I got gas at QT and got pot pies at Bahstahn Mahket for Suyen and I. We et at the MTN breakroom. I went to Yeejis after. Perigrine asked for a ride to 17th and Summit. I then went back to Yeejis and set up the puter and HDV to do some woik.
Created: 2008-11-13 19:34:08
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