Monday, August 31, 2009

Tuesday 7 May 2009

I took Suyen to woik early. I took the van to Blue Springs to have the oll changed and to look at other issues with the van. I then went to Patricia's in Odessa to get that flat screen video monitor. I picked Suyen up and we went to Wife's Enemy #2, then to look at the car lot on Prospect that has the old Mast ambulances -- most of which had nearly 300,000 miles on them and were in bad shape. We then went to Grandview to the junky surplus store to look at the wharehouse items, which were mostly overpriced piles of junk on pallets. We then went to Price slopper to get mom's mothers day card and plant, then we went to Mom and Dad's. Afterward we went storm chasing on I-70. There was a storm coming out of Chillicothe that had produced and was continually cycling a tvs marker. We went as far as Hustonia. We saw a hellacious Wall cloud as we exited at Sweet Springs. By Hustonia it was petering out. As we left it was cycling again on it's way east. There was a batch of storms way to the west and the ones we chased to the east with a big hole over KC.

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