02:01: Here is the Story
that Nancy and I worked on Tuesday. I came to woik today and I was sort of tired for some reason. Today is the day Nancy and I went to start on the story about the artist named Russell who is residing at the homeless shelter. We tried to involve some Crossroads artists in trying to get this guy some help, but so far everybody has let Nancy and Russell down. So we are starting this story without the help. Then we had to do our story for today which is about the minutemen.
This is our liveshot at the Waldo Library on the Minutemen.
I refer to my work of fiction about the second American civil war. I talk about the someday vote of the Mexican Plebiscite, which will bring into being a new word I learnded today Aztlan
. Here
is my fictional work....
Just now the police were at our door looking for the previous owners. Something about one of their cars may be stolen. It was scary. I was working on saving my edited stuff onto a dvd. This stuff here....
Wednesday 31 January 2007
11:49: It is snowing outside. There's no food in the fridge, so I'm contemplating checking out the new Town Topic on big Johnson's drive. I want to see if it is similar to something like this...

Maybe I'll have the truckstop.
It is snowing today. So far it is only a light dusting.
Katrina loves the carpet.
I wonder why Tima think's it's so horrible to have her picture taken.
Thursday 1 February 2007
00:32: The countdown to spring begins. THAT is my favorite time of year. Anywayz I woiked with Tess today. We did a folo on her story about Police abuse in KCMO. That story is here
. The story is getting a lot of local
and national
I made it to Town Topic today. For some reason a lot of people could not handle the responsibility of driving in this weather. I saw a lot of wrecked vehicles and most all of them were ass you be's. I think people are a bit too over confident in those things. I ordered the truck stop. Yep, the building was manufactured by Valentine Diners
. I had to take alternate routes because of the aforementioned assaholic drivers causing wrecks and shutting down the freeways
. The truck stop was delish....
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