Thursday, January 11, 2007

Today, which will be tomorrow or later, a rolling blog

I have the day off (I hope), so if I find time, it might be fun to do a rolling blog. However, this may be as far as I get. Oh well it's all good and get'r done and other plattitudes.......

Thursday 11 January 2007, originally uploaded by studestevo.

I should be doing something else, but I got dragged into the black hole that is the internet. My excuse is that I came here for a cup of Kawfeee, just like I like it, with vanilla and lots of steamed milk. Then I found that Iris is working here. She created a myspace page for YJ's and she asked for pictures. So me wanting to try out the EVDO card in a new locale opened up the ibook and started internetting away. That got me into flickr and then to kill more time I started mapping some of my photos including this one. So I put this pic on the map of me killing time right now, which by the time this is read it will not be now but later, which later then will be now, but that is in the future. So RIGHT NOW I'm killing time instead of doing the millions and billions of tasks that I should be doing and any moment my wife will be calling me and axing me what I'm doing and I'll tell her "I'm at YJ's," to which she'll respond by rolling her eyes (yes I will be able to hear her rolling her eyes on the phone) and she''ll exclaim "with all the stuff you should be doing you are at YJ's?" And I'll say "yeah" and the whole coversation will degrade from there except to say that she will ax me what I'm doing for lunch and I'll feel obliged to do something with her for lunch and then half the day will be gone so I better stop doing this and start doing something more productive but this is relaxing and after woiking all weak long I like doing this and I brag I'm making YJ's famous just by sitting here doing this (not really) but it's only and excuse as I would be doing this anyway and now I have an EVDO card I could be doing this anywhere. Well if you are bored enough you are reading all of this later, and not now, and I am older hand haven't done a GADDAMN THING so I guess I better get bizzy.

Yep, she called. Right at 11:33. And yep, it went exactly as predicted. So, If I am so gosh darned smart and all, and I apparently know my wife real well, why can't I just avoid the whole train wreck thingie by just doing what I'm supposed to? Hmmmm, things that make you go hmmmm...... (another plattitude).

No I did not take this picture, (click here if slideshow does not appear on your screen)

Thursday 11 January 2007, originally uploaded by studestevo.

I am eating lunch with Suyen at the Scuzzway on Rainbow. She is telling me what she wants me to do....

*go to the PO and change our address and get Stamps
*Check the Mail in the trailer park
*get the remaining food in the freezer
*get H2O at Wal*Fart
*get whatever stuff you need there, but.... one conditon, don't put it inside the house.
*Are you going to bring the dishwasher tonight? Oh, I mean washer and dryer.Why? I don't want to put up with the dryer there. Everytime you use it you have to turn the know with the screwdriver. I donno, well see. I didn't bring the dolly, so maybe tommorrow?
*I want you to fart and eat all you want (naw, I wrote this)
*the washing detergent, can you bring it?
* i don't know, I can't think of....
*I know she'll call me later and remind me of more stuffffff!

Thursday 11 January 2007, originally uploaded by studestevo.

I stopped here in Bates City before I took care of my "chores" at the trailer. This was formerly a surplus store attached to a convenience store. Then it was nothing, and now it is again a TRUE surplus store. There's a lot of neat crap in here and it's cheaper than most places. I got another dolly -- this one for $37.00. We need a dolly at the trailer so that we don't have to haul one back and forth, and Suyen said something about moving the dryer.

It is hard to believe that this house served us well for 3 years as a good home. It is kind of a mess. I got mad too, as the dish and the DVR were unhooked. I've lost a couple of stories thanks to that. SUXXXXX:((((((!!!!!!!

Thursday 11 January 2007, originally uploaded by studestevo.

This is what my car looks like. I have left the disaster of the house and now am at MTN to pick up my beloved who never has her phone on her. So I left a message that I am down in the parking lot waiting on her and to come on down as soon as she re-discovers her phone and finds my message. I'm devious, I know. Today I've been listening to ennnteearrr, and they and everyone have been kvetching about our bonehead president. WEeeeeelllllll leeeemmmmeeee telll ya! I'll tell ya later.

We've arrived at home after doing the Aunt of all Wal*Farts on Barry road. We got Kenfucky fried grease and now we are homo and Suyen is chewing me out for making work for her by putting the bater wattle in and causeing a flood.

OK, so it's the end of the day. I'm now in front of the boob tube resting, and of course doing this. I'm tard from driving back and forth loading and unloading. I've got all the stuff out of the van, and stowed it away, hopefully not in it's permanent resting spot. Soooooo, as you all know

It's alll



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