ha ha. That site is being sued by Wal*Fart for using their image. I wonder how that will go. We et at Affle house
after. Jeez, we live in a trailer, we shop at Wal*Fart, we eat "vittles" at Affle house and we even have a pink flamingo in our yard. We ARE white trash... Wait 'til I get the soil in the spare toilet and get the yard planter a goin'. Anywayz, today at woik, I got to see a swearing in ceremony for new US citizens. Tom and I were going to do a story about the illegal immigration issue. We got switched however and did a story on the case of Mumps found at City hall. We did our live out in front of city hall and Barry ENG'd. I got some time to clean out my car today, even found time to submit two stories for the NPPA quarterly contest -- Zumba and Bridge Move, both weekend stories done with Lori and Kim. Oh well, after today and tonight, I'm tard....
good night.....
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