Saturday 1 December 2007 07:36:31

The L shaped house in Kansas City, Missouri. This unique landmark is slated to be torn down soon to make way for luxury condos.
Saturday 1 December 2007 07:37:31

Downtown Kansas City Missouri viewed from 17th and Jefferson on a cold wet rainy Saturday morning.
Saturday 1 December 2007 08:35:16

Saturday 1 December 2007 13:06:44

Monica's School of Dance in Lawrence, Kansas.
Saturday 1 December 2007 13:09:49

Speeding past Waids on 50 highway in Lee's Summit hoping to snap a pic of the googie sign for it and the Summit shopping center.
Saturday 1 December 2007 13:13:36

Knobtown on 50 highway east of Raytown, Missouri.
Saturday 1 December 2007 13:15:07

I caught the googie sign for the Frontier Motel in Raytown, Missouri.
Saturday 1 December 2007 13:19:41

Fun-house Pizza sign in Raytown, Missouri.
00:00 - 04:30
04:30 - 05:30
Up. I showered and dressed and headed to woik. I et some leftovers.
05:30 - 09:00
I loaded van 1. I went out with Karli to the L-shaped house to do weather.
09:00 - 11:00
I went to KCK to shoot a housefire.
11:00 - 12:00
I went homo for lunch.
12:00 - 13:30
I was sent to Lee's Summit to shoot vo of a dance school.
13:30 - 15:30
I headed back. I unloaded and headed to YJ's to meet Ian. I had Kawfee and pie. Ian showed up and we headed homo.
15:30 - 19:00
We woiked on the graphics on the Sinag-tala video.
19:00 - 22:00
I woiked on the Sinag-tala video.
Sunday 1 December 2007
Sunday 2 December 2007 07:45:48

The view of the Missouri and Kansas Rivers from Cheateau Park in Kansas City Missouri.
Sunday 2 December 2007 08:15:58

Looking east towards downtown Kansas City Missouri from Kaw point in Kansas City Kansas
Sunday 2 December 2007 08:50:26

Kaw Point in Kansas City Kansas
Sunday 2 December 2007

Corinthian Hall in Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007

Near Corinthian Hall in Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007

Near Corinthian Hall in Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007

Near Corinthian Hall in Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007

Near Corinthian Hall in Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007

Near Corinthian Hall in Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007 12:37:29

Near Corinthian Hall in Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007 12:37:38

Near Corinthian Hall in Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007 12:46:54

Kansas City Missouri by the farmers market
Sunday 2 December 2007 12:50:29

West Bottoms in Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007 12:50:44

Kansas City Missouri I lived in the tan colored building on the left from December 2000 to October 2001
Sunday 2 December 2007 12:53:44

Strawberry Hill in Kansas City Kansas
Sunday 2 December 2007 13:14:35

Kansas City Missouri from Kaw point in Kansas City Kansas
Sunday 2 December 2007 13:14:47

Kansas City Missouri from Kaw point in Kansas City Kansas
Sunday 2 December 2007 13:16:49

The public levee in Kansas City Kansas
Sunday 2 December 2007 13:18:07

Levee Cafe sign in Kansas City Kansas
Sunday 2 December 2007 13:56:23

Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007 13:57:00

Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007 13:57:57

Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007 13:59:43

Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007 14:00:31

Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007 14:01:23

Crossing over the Missouri River at the Broadway Bridge in Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007 17:11:26

Redemptorist Church at 3300 Broadway in Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007 20:47:32

The Sunday night jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 18th and Wyandotte in Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007 20:48:36

Sunday 2 December 2007 20:51:56

Ken and Suyen at the Sunday night jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 18th and Wyandotte in Kansas City Missouri
Sunday 2 December 2007 20:53:49

Sunday 2 December 2007 21:18:43

00:00 - 05:00
00:00 - 05:00
05:00 - 09:00
I went to woik. I loaded van 1. There is no reporter for me. I volunteered to go do bumpback shots so that I could test out certain locations. I went to the westside of Cheauteau park, then I went to Kaw poin in KCK.
09:00 - 11:00
I unloaded van 1. I headed to sw blvd where I-35 passes over so that I could check on a story idea for Bob. I went to Pocos for brunch after that. Mary was extra nice to me.
11:00 - 13:30
I headed to the station to put a battery on a charger. I then went to Corinthian hall to shoot kids singing at noon. However, it didn't realy begin til 14:00 -- so I checked out the giftshop and left. I went back to Kaw Point to wait for an assignment and shoot trains -- none showed up. I headed back and unloaded.
13:30 - 16:30
I headed homo. Suyen fixed some din din. We watched Oceans 13.
16:30 - 18:00
We went to choich.
18:00 - 22:30
We headed to Costco -- closed -- we went to Targay but they didn't have one hour developing -- so we went to Walgreens. We got the Sinag-tala pictures developed and we got a photo album. We went to YJ's where Heather was nice as always. We et and listened to Jazz. Suyen talked to Ken and to a yoga instructor.
22:30 - 23:00
We headed homo. I went to bed.
23:00 - 23:59
Monday 3 December 2007
Monday 3 December 2007 14:48:47

Nancy and I headed to the National Guard Armory off of 435
Monday 3 December 2007 15:48:34

The Missouri national guard
Monday 3 December 2007 16:44:33

We headed to Lenexa Kansas to wait for our interview I found the perfect spot to wait and hope that a train will come by which one did a westbound coal
Monday 3 December 2007 17:20:20

We waited for our interview in Lenexa Kansas
Monday 3 December 2007 23:04:56

Monday 3 December 2007 23:12:25

Monday 3 December 2007 23:35:24
I had din din at Hayes in Kansas City, Missouri.
Monday 3 December 2007 23:35:24

I went and ate at Hayes Diner off of Cheateau and Antioch in Kansas City Missouri
Monday 3 December 2007 23:58:25

Jack enjoys the new pet beds we bought at Walgreens last night.
NLE -- travel money for Kansas Guard
00:00 - 11:30
Up. Fixed leftovers. Woiked on Sinag Tala on the puter. One of the audio channels is out of sync.
14:00 - 14:30
I shook a tower and headed to woik.
14:30 - 17:00
NLE and I went to the Missouri National guard armery on a story about trying to raise moolah for coming home during Christmas. The Missouri PR people didn't want us to do the story, so we shot some vid and had to run to Kansas where the National guard lady came from Topeka to talk to us.
17:00 - 18:30
We waited in Lenexa. I shot a wb coal train.
Set up in the lobby and shot wife of National Guard member being sent overseas
batching in avid 3
Edited in Avid 3
22:00 - 22:30
Woiked on RLO's puter
22:30 - 23:59
Suyen woiked tonight and didn't have time for vittles. I went to Hayes. I had a triple cheeseburger, fries and a french cherry pie slice. I then went homo and watched "King of the Hill."
Tuesday 4 December 2007
00:00 - 02:00
I watched the boob tube and blogged.
02:00 - 11:00
Suyen headed to woik. I woiked on Sinag-Tala -- I finished the first draft of part 2.
13:30 - 14:30
I went to YJ's. I had a soy latte and strawberry cake.
14:30 - 18:00
TKO and I headed to Belton for the Kara Kopetsky 7 month anniversary of her disappearance. They decorated a Christmas tree at her families church. There was terrible traffic going through the Grandview triangle.
We headed back to the station. I edited in John H's avid bay. We headed back out to Belton for our live. Mike ENG'd in the sat truck.
22:00 - 23:30
We did our live at 10, then tore down and headed back. I had to get gas at QT.
23:30 - 23:59
Homo -- watched the boob tube. I et lentils that Suyen fixed.
Wednesday 5 December 2007
Boob Tube -- "King of the Hill"
Wednesday 5 December 2007 20:15:53

This is the memorial to 5 firefighters and one civilian who were killed here when some gasoline tanks exploded in 1959....
Five firefighters and one civilian lose their lives, and about 100 people are injured, in a gasoline explosion and fire at a service station and bulk plant on Southwest Boulevard near State Line Road. The explosion occurs after a truck loading fuel from an above-ground storage tank catches fire. Damages are $150,000, including the gasoline truck, two cars and fire fighting equipment.
More than 30 companies and 500 men from both sides of the state line are dispatched to battle the fire. Fire fighters manage to bring the blaze under control, but only with difficulty.
Efforts to extinguish the fire are captured on film. The film is used extensively for training purposes as departments around the country take action to acquire the specialized expertise needed for fighting petroleum fires.
Wednesday 5 December 2007 22:08:16

A stolen truck was driven into the side of the building in the Quality Hill area of Kansas City Missouri. It looks like only minor damage to the building occurred -- some cracks to the facing stone near the steps. This building is at 12th and Pennsylvania.
02:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 14:30
Up. I et lentils. I worked on Sinag-tala -- got part 2 done. I started burning it on dvd. I had to chase after Katrina. She made me late for woik. I forgot my phones.
14:30 - 17:00
I went to woik. I went to Jiffy lube to get the oil changed in the Cherrybomb. I got my phones and caught Katrina and put her downstairs. There was a shooting in Omaha, and they are sending Tess and Kevin. I'm working with Eric in Van 1. I loaded van 1.
17:00 - 22:30
We went to QT. Then we went to MTN and got Suyen. we wwent to Oklahoma Joes. Then we headed back to the station. I dubbed the videos from the Kline presser on the Honda Accord thief. We headed back to 31st and Southwest Boulevard to do our live. After 9, we tore down and went to QT. Then we went to 12th and Pennsylvania where a truck ran into a building. We go vo and headed back. I unloaded.
22:30 - 23:59
I headed homo. Watched the boob tube and et leftover Joes ribs.
Thursday 6 December 2007
Teevee. Et leftover ribs.
02:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 15:00
It snowed today. I spent an unproductive day trying to track down the cd that boB gave me and to work with xmas lights -- bah humbug!
15:00 - 22:30
I left the house with Tima to head to YJ's, I thought, but realized I forgot my phones. It is slow going in the city -- slushy. I went to MTN and Suyen and I headed to YJ's. Heather was working. We headed homo to drop the super boo boo off. Then we headed to Nebraska Furriture mart -- the sales were pretty good and no one was there. We didn't buy anything though, and headed to Pukins where we et. Then we went homo.
22:30 - 23:59
We tore the house apart looking for boB's cd. I finally found it in my car where it fell our of my bag.
Friday 7 December 2007
00:00 - 01:00
Watched teevee. I added boB's audio to the Sinag-tala Historia project.
01:00 - 08:00
Got up. Dressed. I shoveled the driveway.
Surplus Exchange
YJ's Third World Snack Cafe at 18th and Wyandotte in Kansas City Missouri
Suyen met me she had lunch.
We head homo
We went to Wal*Fart for groceries and some led lights for the tree.
22:00 - 23:59
We headed homo, et and went to bed.
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