Saturday, June 09, 2007

Saturday June 9 through Friday June 15 2007

Saturday 9 June 2007
YJ's Snack Cafe
18th and Wyandotte
Kansas City Missouri

22:20 -- I couldn't sleep last night. I got up after trying and went to YJ's to see Roy and have some eggs 'n bacon and Kawfee. I woiked with Monica. Our lives were at the Raytown BBQ. We then went to the Assembly of God choich in Grandview where the family and friends of Kara Kopetsky were sending out parties to put out flyers. Bob took this story over for us. Ater woik I went homo and crashed. I got up about 16:45, and we headed to the Redemptorist homecoming where I had been volunteered to woik the obstacle course. Suyen was supposed to hep, but she was busy being on call. I was a little overwhelmed with kids as many parents were content to stand there and let their young uns run amok while I tried to keep them from bunching up in the inflatable course and stomping all over each other. I split my pants trying to go through the course picking up trash. I hope I didn't flash anyone. All in all it was fun. We decided to come to YJ's to eat a little on the front sidewalk. It is a gorgeous evening. On the way homo the big ol' rock show that had been causing traffic all day decided to host a fireworks display. Second time in about a week I got to see fireworks from this postion...

Moanday 11 June 2007

01:50 -- Today I woiked 10 to 6 with Bob. Only, I didn't know that until I came to woik at 05:30. Oh well, I had a call out on a shooting in KCK, so that's overtime. Bob and I shot a chemical fire in Riverside. Then we did our main story.

Sunday 10 June 2007, originally uploaded by studestevo.

Mine and Bob's story today was about the Greensburg Kansas High school kids getting a trip to a Royals game and being given the Royal treatment.

Suyen and I met Debbie, Mathew and Ricayla at YJ's. Then we went to Crappleby's, where I didn't get filled up trying to eat low carb. After parting with Debbie and party, Suyen and I went back to YJ's, were I had to get some stuff to fill the holes. Thank GHOD for Heather. The Jazz Jam was nice, as always.

Sunday 10 June 2007, originally uploaded by studestevo.

Suyen and I went to YJ's in the evening to hang out and listen to the jazz jam.

Sunday 10 June 2007, originally uploaded by studestevo.

Actually it's a big ol' cup 'o hot chocolate.

2'sday 12 June 2007

00:36 -- Moanday I woiked with Dave on a cute story.

Thursday 14 June 2007
Tanners -- Broadway, Downtown Kansas City

18:14 -- 2'sday I woiked with Tess. We went to the Kara Kopetsky rally.

I was trying out my TRV-900 after it came out of the shop. It had the whole deck replaced -- it was worn out. For some reason it didn't like the tape I fed it. We'll see.

breakingWindsday I was with Nancy. We did this story on local politics. I read in the Pitchit Weekly that the artists are having to pay much more in taxes in the crossroads while developers are not having to pay anything due to tax breaks. I was done editing early and didn't have a live, so I went to YJ's and I talked to Paul and Carol about the situation. I also talked to Peregrine about the upcomming 18th Street Fashion Show
that will be happening on Saturday.

I've spent all night and a good part of today editing the Klusterfux part of the Billy Christ benefit. As usual the computer has been fighting me all along. I think a lot of my problems are from having to use an external hard drive. Those things are always problematic.

Suyen and I came to Tanners for dinner. It is steak night. There is a long wait due to a lot of convention business.

Thursday 14 June 2007, originally uploaded by studestevo.

We brought a puter into Tanners for entertainment due to the loooooong wait for din din.

I'm supposed to meet boB in Lawrence tonight to give him what I've edited so far and maybe to get some CD's and maybe exchange other files for the audio problems I'm encountering on the project.

Moanday 18 June 2007

12:49 -- Turdsday night after YJ's, I got a call from boB. He and his sister were in town to drop their brother off for band practice. I met them at YJ's. I showed them the copy I burned of their performance at the Prelay. We hung out for awhile, then John showed up and they had to go home.

Frieday I went to the trailer and cut the grass and got the camera bags. I forgot I needed to get a tripod head ---- ooops. Frieday night we took Mom and Dad out for farters day dinner to Ameristar.

Friday 15 June 2007, originally uploaded by studestevo.

Friday 15 June 2007, originally uploaded by studestevo.



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