Thursday, October 19, 2006


and my commentary.....

Fox 41 was so cheesy back then. It's funny how all that stuff that was going on in 92/93 was really the death knell for what was really good in the local music scene back then. By 1994 it was over. All the bands decided they had to play pop punk or ska to get noticed and no one wanted to hear about grunge any more except the mullet heads who liked alice in chairs. Now grunge has morphed into meth rock rockin' the single wides off the cinder block and who cares except for the drunk high school drop outs who don't have a clue except lets find new ways to kill ourselves. Fox 41 fired their "see ya" news director and hired another, then another then another, and Fox 41 became NBC 41 and NBC 4 became Fox 4 and NBC 41 still hasn't figured out how to get out of last place, but god love em, they did some good things in the effort -- like doing feature documentaries on the end of their newscasts for a couple of years. However, unfortunately, the fickle local news tv audience in Klans ass Shitty barely noticed over the din of drug dealing thugs killing each other in the headlines every night, til we are all so sick of dealing with it ad nauseam breaking wind breaking wind. I keep thinking local news is about quality journalism and get proven wronger every day. But back then, in Lawrence as in everywhere else, as then as now, it was mostly about who had the time and the money and the gumption to create a buzz about yourself and your "scene" and rarely was it about bands and audiences getting together to create an actual scene. It was and is more about being seen and not being the scene.

But whatta I know
I'm just a boorish redundant douchebag



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