Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tuesday 12 July 2011 MPU In-curable Concrete

 - 2011/07/12 Tuesday 00:45:29 I was waiting on Suyen to pick me up. She called an I didn't understand a word she said. I had filled my lunch bag with ice snd didnt realize the ice was melting and forming a huge puddleon the desk that the phone was sitting on. I went to check my phone which was really screwing up. I pulled the back off to pull the battery off and found that it was full of water. Suyen had found somebody who h
- 2011/07/12 Tuesday 14:24:51 verizon
- 2011/07/12 Tuesday 14:43:27 heading to woik
- 2011/07/12 Tuesday 15:48:50 Raymore
- 2011/07/12 Tuesday 20:08:41 I have had pretty much a phone blackout since last night. The charging system on this samsing intrigue has quit for the second time. The weakness is the mini usb port. I bought an external charger and an extra battery at the verizon store.
- 2011/07/12 Tuesday 20:13:15 Just got my script from Mary
- 2011/07/12 Tuesday 20:36:39 done editing just got my vo/sot script
- 2011/07/12 Tuesday 20:50:23 edited my Irish Kids vo/sot
- 2011/07/12 Tuesday 21:01:22 severe wx coming in. Cant screen capture. My card is not working.
- 2011/07/12 Tuesday 21:53:37 just did a little storm chase in midtown
- 2011/07/12 Tuesday 23:04:43 edited but had trouble with TONS not liking my video. Cal saved the day by re running it through final cut and re rendering it.
- 2011/07/12 Tuesday 23:22:39 uploading dashcam vids tou youtube
- 2011/07/13 Wednesday 00:17:31 heading out. Forgot I drove myself in.
- 2011/07/13 Wednesday 00:26:08 unloading
- 2011/07/13 Wednesday 00:57:21 homo
- 2011/07/13 Wednesday 02:01:17 bed

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