Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday 11 June 2011 Weston Fire Folo with Mitch

- 2011/07/11 Monday 01:00:51 zzzz
- 2011/07/11 Monday 00:47:45 Blogging

- 2011/07/11 Monday 11:09:12 up 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 11:39:11 et some pudding. Checked my blog and screammail. 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 11:53:02 set the sonic mole things and ran the sprinkler - 2011/07/11 Monday 11:59:27 Taking Tima far a walk around the neighborhood 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 12:00:36 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 12:27:30 Neighborhood walk with Tima.
 - 2011/07/11 Monday 12:36:17 Back at the house. It looks like our cucubers are dying. 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 14:18:27 out.... We ate greens and turkey burger. My weight is hovering around 202. I watered the yard. We should get fertilizer spikes for the cucumbers. 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 14:41:30 Work. Talked with Mike about the heat -- we may get steamy rain towworow into weds and a slight cool down. I talked to John H about the "Wal*Mart of baseball teams." 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 15:06:40 Talked with Fritz about reporters needing to get out the door. He gave me a new sd card. 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 15:08:43 MVR Request form handed to me by Colton

- 2011/07/11 Monday 15:14:14 - 2011/07/11 Monday 15:17:08 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 15:18:30 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 15:19:41 Talked with mitch -- New per diem -- Weston fire meeting and show me cannibis vo/sot 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 15:36:06 downloading Weston fire clops into my portable hard drive 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 15:42:27 done. Going to car to cool it off. 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 15:50:22 The car is loaded and I am ready. - 2011/07/11 Monday 15:54:57 Headed out 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 16:38:11 Weston 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 16:42:03 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 16:44:14 Downtown Weston Missouri 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 17:17:59 Pastimes Bar and Grill - 2011/07/11 Monday 17:28:30 talking to owner. Fire hydrants? 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 17:46:57 heading to firestation 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 17:58:25 fire dept 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 18:57:21 heading back
- 2011/07/11 Monday 19:39:19 woik 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 20:05:46 Stuff spilled in my lunch bag. I had to reorganize it ahrggghhh! I threw away half my soy nuts. I packed my bag with ice and ate the remaining soy nuts. I can't put my stuff into lacie as an anchor is using thr remsining bay to log. We took 45 on the way back cutting over on 435 to 70. I think its faster than the way we went up via 29 to some back roads. 45 was open all the way and the only sign of flooding was a massive sandbagging operation in Beverly. You can really see the water up high crossing over the Missouri River on 435 west of Parkville, Missouri. The smell around there is awful. 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 21:11:49 editing 
- 2011/07/11 Monday 21:56:13 done
- 2011/07/11 Monday 22:18:24 
- 2011/07/12 Tuesday 00:45:29 I was waiting on Suyen to pick me up. She called an I didn't understand a word she said. I had filled my lunch bag with ice snd didnt realize the ice was melting and forming a huge puddleon the desk that the phone was sitting on. I went to check my phone which was really screwing up. I pulled the back off to pull the battery off and found that it was full of water. Suyen had found somebody who h

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