Saturday 10 November 2007 08:07:32

People are getting ready to run for Harvesters.
Saturday 10 November 2007 09:27:12

I'm driving up Broadway on my way home for lunch after morning liveshots at Shawnee Mission Park.
Saturday 10 November 2007 09:29:42

I snapped this shot to get a view of the truncated end of the Coates House Hotel on the right hand side as you look north on Broadway in Kansas City, Missouri. This southern wing that used to be there burned in January 1978 in a horrible fire that killed a few residents of the hotel.
Saturday 10 November 2007 09:29:45

Driving north on Broadway in Kansas City, Missouri past the Coates House.
Saturday 10 November 2007 09:29:55

Driving north on Broadway past some of the beautiful old buildings that line the street in downtown Kansas City, Missouri.
Saturday 10 November 2007 09:35:52

As you drive north on 169 in Kansas City, you pass through a neighborhood called Briarcliff. One of the most distinctive landmarks is a large modern house with huge windows overlooking the city to the south.
Saturday 10 November 2007 10:38:29

After lunch, I was dispatched to go shoot a vo/sot in Spring Hill, Kansas. In this view, I am heading south on 169 into downtown Kansas City, Missouri. The Missouri River is to my right and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail yard is to the left. If you were to cross the Missouri River here, you would be in Kansas. The downtown airport is just to the south of me where the Missouri river bends up ahead in this shot.
Saturday 10 November 2007 10:38:42

I passed by this interesting traffic on my way southbound on 169 in Kansas City, Missouri.
Saturday 10 November 2007 11:32:49

After getting lost in Spring Hill trying to find this place, I finally made it here to shoot my vo/sot. This is the Spring Hill Civic center, which is housed in an old elementary school. The school was originally art deco, but had mid-century modern additions built onto it, probably in the 50's. The city was having a veterans day memorial inside the old gym, and Congressman Moore and other dignitaries were in attendance along with half the town, it seemed.
Saturday 10 November 2007 12:13:13

After the shoot, I cruised downtown Spring Hill, Kansas to get some shots of the neat old buildings with my dashcam.
Saturday 10 November 2007 12:13:22

Downtown Spring Hill, Kansas.
Saturday 10 November 2007 12:13:47

The modern Spring Hill, Kansas Post Office.
Saturday 10 November 2007 12:53:54

On my way back to the station after getting a car wash, I snapped this picture of a nice googie landmark on Rainbow Boulevard, in Kansas City, Kansas.
Saturday 10 November 2007 12:57:19

State Line Road and West 39th Street on the border of Kansas and Missouri between the two Kansas Cities. On the right is Jimmy's Jigger, which has been there since the 30's, and is now incorperated into Jazz, a new Orleans restaurant.
Saturday 10 November 2007 12:57:26

West 39th street in Kansas City, Missouri is right on the state line between Missouri and Kansas. Kansas University Medical Center is directly to the west of here. This neighborhood had kind of a college town feel with an active restaurant/shopping district and quiet older neighborhoods surrounding it. This area is so picturesque, that I had to snap several shots as I passed through on this pretty November day.
Saturday 10 November 2007 12:57:34

West 39th Street in Kansas City, Missouri.
Saturday 10 November 2007 12:57:47

West 39th Street in Kansas City, Missouri
Saturday 10 November 2007 12:57:58

West 39th street in Kansas City, Missouri.
Saturday 10 November 2007 12:58:10

West 39th street in Kansas City, Missouri.
00:00 - 03:30
Tried to sleep but couldn't. I was really hot and illin. I finally got up at 03:30. Suyen fixed me brekkus.
03:30 - 05:30
Et. Dressed. Tried to rest. I headed to woik.
05:30 - 09:00
I loaded Van 2. Lori and I went to a run for Harvesters. We did our lives. Afterward I took her back and unloaded and gassed van 2.
09:00 - 10:00
I headed homo for a little lunch.
10:00 - 13:00
I went to Spring Hill to shoot a vo/sot on the Veterans Day ceremonies at the civic Center. I headed back. I stopped and got a car wash on the way back.
13:00 - 14:00
I unloaded and headed homo.
14:00 - 17:30
17:30 - 18:30
18:30 - 23:59
Sunday 11 November 2007
Sunday 11 November 2007 06:31:40

The National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial on the 11th day of the 11th month 2007. It has been 99 years today since the end of the "war to end all wars."
Sunday 11 November 2007 06:35:20

Kansas City Missouri from the grounds of the Liberty Memorial.
Sunday 11 November 2007 08:15:40

Members of a Liberty, Missouri Americal Legion post put American flags up on the grounds of the Liberty Memorial on Veterans day 2007.
Sunday 11 November 2007 08:17:26

The national World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial on 11-11 2007.
Sunday 11 November 2007 08:57:04

The national World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri.
Sunday 11 November 2007 09:11:34

The view from Liberty Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri.
Sunday 11 November 2007 09:12:26

The National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri.
Sunday 11 November 2007 09:13:25

The National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri.
Sunday 11 November 2007 10:43:39

The Veterans Day ceremony at Liberty Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri.
Sunday 11 November 2007 11:03:34

The view of Kansas City, Missouri from the National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial.
Sunday 11 November 2007 12:21:42

I met Suyen at Poco's for Lunch today.
Sunday 11 November 2007 17:49:00

Sinag-tala rehearsing at the Filipino Cultural Center in Overland Park, Kansas.
Sunday 11 November 2007 20:59:04

We et at Taquiria Mexico after our visit to the Filipino Association of Greater KC.
Sunday 11 November 2007 21:10:32

YJ's Jazz Jam, 18th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Missouri.
Sunday 11 November 2007 21:25:42

Micah on Bass at the jazz jam at YJ's Snack Cafe, 18th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Missouri.
Sunday 11 November 2007 21:27:24

Doug on drums at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe, 18th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Missouri.
Sunday 11 November 2007 21:28:27

The jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe, 18th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Missouri.
Sunday 11 November 2007 21:29:31

Matt on alto saxaphone at the jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe, 18th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Missouri.
Sunday 11 November 2007 21:33:43

Ken and Suyen at YJ's
Sunday 11 November 2007 22:23:40

18th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Missouri
00:00 - 05:00
05:00 - 06:00
Up. Dressed. Moving really slow. I headed to woik via 169. Loaded van 2. I went to QT for vittles.
06:00 - 11:21
We headed to the National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial. Vets are putting flags up on the north lawn. We did our lives and then did the Armistice Day observations at the Liberty Memorial.
11:21 - 12:30
I went to Poco's. Met Suyen there. I had chorizo and eggs, kawfee and a waffle. I gassed the van at QT afterwards.
12:30 - 13:30
Started batching in Avid 2.
Edited in Avid 2. Had some problems with channel 2 audio and with the script.
15:40 - 18:30
I went to the Filipino Association of Greater Kansas City.
18:30 - 21:00
We dropped Adela off at her house. We went to Taquiria Mexico.
21:00 - 22:30
We went to YJ's for the jazz jam.
22:30 - 23:59
We headed homo. I started woiking on the puter. Still feelin' illin'
Monday 12 November 2007
DFR -- Farley Flag Flap
Monday 12 November 2007 21:09:01

Dave getting ready for his live with my patriotic lighting in the background....
Monday 12 November 2007 21:14:25

This is our liveshot setup with my new softbox light that I got today.
Monday 12 November 2007 21:24:07

We were right across the street from where I go to church.
Monday 12 November 2007 21:41:57

Between liveshots I stepped across the street to get a picture of the VFW headqarters, where were were doing our lives.
00:00 - 08:25
09:25 - 12:00
Up. Got around, messed with the computer. I started fixing turkey brats on the griddle. Suyen came homo, she woiked last night.
12:00 - 14:30
Suyen fixed luch. She woiked on the contract. I shook a tower and got ready for woik. I played with the lightscribe on the new lacie. I headed to woik via 169.
Dave and I went to Farley where a veteran says the town has no money to put up flags for veterans day.

17:00 - 23:30
I edited in edit 1, there were no Avid bays available, the Johns were editing late. I went to QT for vittles. I loaded van 2. We went live at the VFW Headquarters. I had fun with the lights and I used my new softbox light.
Homo. Et chicken breast and cabbage. Watched the boob tube.
Tuesday 13 November 2007
DFR -- Arrowhead Armageddon
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:24:32

Driving south into downtown on 169.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:25:05

Broadway heading south in downtown Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:28:01

Screenland Theater on 17th in Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:28:33

The Bluebird Cafe at 17th and Summit, Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:36:02

West of Bartle Hall and Broadway in Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:38:30

The power and light district is still under construction west of the Sprint Arena in Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:38:51

Driving past the H & R Bloch building in Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:39:14

Downtown Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:40:50

12th street, Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:41:02

12th street Kansas City, Missouri.
2007:11:13 11:42:22

The old bus station on 12th street, (now abandoned), Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:43:12

This Commerce Bank sign in a landmark on the east side of downtown Kansas City, Missouri on 12th street.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:53:52

The old bus station on 12th street, (now abandoned), Kansas City, Missouri. I believe it was built in 1966.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:56:53

18th street in Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:57:18

18th street in Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:58:19

The old TWA building in Kansas City, Missouri.
2007:11:13 11:58:27

The old TWA building on 18th street in Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 11:58:48

18th street in Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 13 November 2007 21:20:22

The Arrowhead sign I believe dates back to 1972 -- even the lettering is that old -- kind of unique.
Watched the boob tube.
00:42 - 09:30
09:30 - 14:30
Up. puter. Went to CJ's, he wasn't there. I went to the bank to deposit my paycheck, then I went to YJ's. Then I went to microcenter to get some lightscribe dvd's for the Billy Christ Benefit DVD dubs. Then I went to Woik.
14:30 - 18:30
Woik. I re-arranged my car, and got a light kit box. I'm with Dave. We headed to the MU fan club leader on 103rd and State line, then we went to the KU fan club leader at 114th and Tomahawk PKWY. Then we headed back and shot our standup in the conference room.
18:30 - 23:00
I had to crunch to edit. I edited in John W's avid bay. We loaded van 2 really quick and went to Arrowhead for our lives. Barely made the 9 live. Then we headed back, I unloaded and headed homo.
23:00 - 23:59
Homo. I watched the boob tube.
Wednesday 14 November 2007
DDU -- Border war shirts
I played with the lightscribe and blogged.
Wednesday 14 November 2007 14:03:14

I had some vittles at Town Topic on Baltimore in Kansas City, Missouri.
Wednesday 14 November 2007 14:06:30

Heading to woik after having my brunch at Town Topic, 19th and Baltimore, Kansas City, Missouri.
00:00 - 01:00
puter -- blogging
02:33 - 11:00
09:30 - 14:30
Up. puter. Went to CJ's, he wasn't there. I went to the bank to deposit my paycheck, then I went to YJ's. Then I went to microcenter to get some lightscribe dvd's for the Billy Christ Benefit DVD dubs. Then I went to Woik.
up. Started dubbing Billy Christ Benefit to the lightscribe dvd's I bought at micro center yesterday.
Thursday 14 November 2007
Thursday 15 November 2007 17:27:04

Suyen looking bored at YJ's. We are waiting on boB and Sally so we can go to the Folly Theater.
Thursday 15 November 2007 17:28:32

Tima looking bored at YJ's.
Thursday 15 November 2007 18:42:58

The Folly Theater on west 12th street in Kansas City, Missouri
Thursday 15 November 2007 18:48:32

Sinag-tala practicing at the Folly.
Folly Theater, 12th and Broadway, Kansas City, Missouri
We went to the Sinag-tala dress rehearsal so that we could scout out the room and so that Sally could take pix.
10:00 - 15:30
Up. Woiked on my stuff. Got it all working and saw what I needed.
15:30 - 17:00
I went to Digital Video Midwest where they had a lens for my camera. We tested it -- It looks dark and grainy. It needs work. I got some connectors and a foot for my tripod.
17:00 - 18:30
I headed to YJ's -- met Suyen there.
Folly Theater
18:30 - 22:00
Sinag-tala dress rehearsal
22:00 - 23:00
Suyen, boB, Sally and I went to Tanners for steak. I talked to CJ there. CJ and Suyen met for the first time.
23:00 - 23:59
Suyen and I headed homo.
Friday 16 November 2007
Friday 16 November 2007 09:16:45

I notice this pink house everytime I pass up Antioch in Kansas City, Missouri. THIS is a very 1950's house!
Friday 16 November 2007 09:17:58

I stopped at Hayes on Choeateau and Antioch in Kansas City, Missouri for breakfast. Hayes is a 1960 Valentine Diner.
Friday 16 November 2007 11:55:40

I went to the trailer to get some power cables and my s-tapes. I also found my discs for the G-5. I mowed the grass to make the place look somewhat civilized. I talked to Ray next door and Tima played with Bandit.
Friday 16 November 2007 11:58:52

This is my favorite landmark in Bates City, Missouri. This old googie gas station is located on the south outer road right off of I-70. I always fantasize about turning a gas station like this into a diner or coffeehouse.
Friday 16 November 2007 12:15:39

This is a view of the west side of the googie gas station in Bates City, Missouri. It is always for rent it seems. Usually somebody rents it for less than a year. It was a sattelite office for a rv dealer last year, then it was a bobcat contractor. Now it is empty yet again.
Friday 16 November 2007 12:19:06

Tima is looking quite bored with the car ride.
Friday 16 November 2007 12:43:53

Kansas City, Missouri viewed from the east side of the loop.
00:00 - 02:00
worked on my equipment
02:00 - 08:00
08:00 - 09:00
Up. I took Suyen to her meeting off of KCI.
09:00 - 10:00
I went to Hayes for brekkus.
10:00 - 12:00
I went to Bates City. I cut the grass and got some s tapes and cables.
12:00 - 16:00
I headed homo. I loaded the van.
16:00 - 17:00
Tima and I went to get Suyen at KCI.
We went homo. Finished loading the van. et. We waited up for the K-scene story I shot, then went to beddie...;jsessionid=607D31EDEAD23557E47A817C5F0DB339?contentId=4958338&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1
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