Friday 28 September 2007 19:26:41

Suyen in the Kitchen.
Saturday 29 September 2007 19:26:53

Our pole light we bought at River Market Antique mall.
Saturday 29 September 2007 19:27:09

Saturday 29 September 2007 19:27:24

Saturday 29 September 2007 19:27:33

Saturday 29 September 2007 19:38:47

Saturday 29 September 2007 19:39:06

Saturday 29 September 2007 22:15:35

Saturday 29 September 2007 22:15:48

Saturday 29 September 2007 22:20:22

Saturday 29 September 2007 22:21:08

Saturday 29 September 2007 22:21:26

Saturday 29 September 2007 22:23:43

Sunday 30 September 2007
We did our lives at the Kansas Speedway.
Sunday 30 September 2007 08:47:58

Our liveshot at the Kansas Speedway in the fanwalk.
Sunday 30 September 2007 11:50:12

I was sent out to the Truman Library by Paul to get locator of the construction, which as of yet, is not going on.
Sunday 30 September 2007 11:54:10

Queen City Motel on Independence Avenue in Independence, Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 21:27:17

Sterling Lanes at Sterling and Independence Avenue in Independence, Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 11:55:10

Sterling Lanes at Sterling and Independence Avenue in Independence, Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 11:55:17

Sterling Lanes at Sterling and Independence Avenue in Independence, Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 11:55:50

Sterling Lanes at Sterling and Independence Avenue in Independence, Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 11:58:29

Calico Cat on Independence Avenue in Fairmount, in Independence, Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 11:58:45

Independence Avenue in Kansas City Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 12:10:30

Sunday 30 September 2007 12:11:09

Independence Avenue in Kansas City Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 12:12:03

Independence Avenue in Kansas City Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 12:12:08

Independence Avenue in Kansas City Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 12:12:14

Independence Avenue in Kansas City Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 12:12:25

Independence Avenue in Kansas City Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 12:13:51

Independence Avenue in Kansas City Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 12:14:47

Independence Avenue in Kansas City Missouri.
Sunday 30 September 2007 12:19:36

Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Sunday 30 September 2007 12:20:50

Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Sunday 30 September 2007 12:25:21

Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Sunday 30 September 2007 21:28:37

Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Sunday 30 September 2007 12:31:18

Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
I was sent to Leavenworth by Paul to shoot a vo of an injury motorcycle accident.
Sunday 30 September 2007 13:54:27

Leavenworth, Kansas
Sunday 30 September 2007 13:58:41

Leavenworth, Kansas
Sunday 30 September 2007 13:59:09

Leavenworth, Kansas
I went to parents to pick up a desk.
Sunday 30 September 2007 16:19:21

Kansas City, Missouri
Sunday 30 September 2007 16:19:38

Kansas City, Missouri
Monday 1 October 2007
Living Room
00:00 - 03:00
Worked on the puter -- editing the sights and sounds of LA.
03:00 - 12:00
Living Room
12:00 - 13:00
Up. Showered. Watched the noose. Fed the animules.
Antioch, KCMO
13:00 - 14:00
Headed out. Put my check in the bunk.
YJ's Snack Cafe, 18th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Missouri
14:00 - 14:30
I had a soy latte at YJ's.
14:30 - 16:00
Woik. Fritz needs me to woik on Friday. I looked for whoever it was that called me at 21:30 on Friday. Couldn't find them. I loaded van 2.
Christine, the intern and I headed to Dave and Kyl's liveshot. The conjoined twins died.
Monday 1 October 2007 16:56:20

Dave at our liveshot, 39th Terr, KCMO
Monday 1 October 2007 16:56:32

Dave at our liveshot, 39th Terr, KCMO
Monday 1 October 2007 16:57:02

Kyl relaxing before the liveshot.
Monday 1 October 2007 17:03:53

Formerly Nichol's Lunch.
Monday 1 October 2007 17:04:14

39th and Southwest Trafficway, Kansas City, Missouri
Monday 1 October 2007 17:04:50

39th Street, Kansas City, Missouri
Monday 1 October 2007 21:29:19

39th Street, Kansas City, Missouri
Monday 1 October 2007 17:06:17

Googie wall, 39th Street, Kansas City, Missouri
Monday 1 October 2007 17:07:05

39th Street, Kansas City, Missouri
18:15 - 18:30
I went back to the station. Pat called me and wanted me to go to 5th and Nogard in KCK.
I went to 57th and Nogard in KCK. I guy high on crack was tazered by police and died.
I went back to the childrens hospice where Davo and Kyl did the 9 and 10 live.
Monday 1 October 2007 20:59:51

Safety FIRST!
Monday 1 October 2007 21:01:48

We are safe!
22:30 - 23:59
Headed homo. Et vittles and watched the boob tube.
Tuesday 2 October 2007
Living Room
00:00 - 03:00
Watched "King of the Hill." I woiked on the puter editing the sights and sounds of LA.
03:00 - 11:55
Living Room
Up. Watched the noose on the boob tube
14:30 - 17:00
Woik. I'm with Davo. We are doing a story on the Independence school fight with the KCMO school district.
17:00 - 19:00
We went to the rally in Sugar Creek in favor of taking over the KCMO schools.
19:00 - 20:30
Back at the station. I edited in Avid 2.
We drove to Van Horn High school for our live. Mike ENG'd. I cut the vo/sot between the 9 and 10.
Tuesday 2 October 2007 21:05:42

Tuesday 2 October 2007 21:06:05

Tuesday 2 October 2007 21:06:37

Tuesday 2 October 2007 21:06:55

22:30 - 23:59
Headed homo. I et some vittles and watched the boob tube.
Wednesday 3 October 2007
00:00 - 03:00
Woiked on the puter.
03:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:30
Up. Showered. Headed out via 169
13:30 - 14:30
I went to YJ's for an iced soy latte. I was in a bad mood.
14:30 - 15:00
I went to QT to get gas and vittles.
15:00 - 17:00
Tess and I went to shoot our story on a hybrid Honda taxi.
17:00 - 20:00
Tess et, then logged and wrote. I batched in avid 2.
20:00 - 21:00
I edited in avid 2
I loaded van 2 and we went to Kelly's in Westport to do our live at the Taxi stand.
Wednesday 3 October 2007 21:53:58

Wednesday 3 October 2007 21:56:06

22:30 - 23:59
I was headed homo but realized I forgot to do my timesheet. Suyen was woiking at MTN. I went to get Tima, who was with her. I headed to the Peanut which had a crap show going on. I got a half dozen hot wings.
Thursday 4 October 2007
uploaded this....
00:00 - 03:00
Worked on the puter
03:00 - 12:30
12:30 - 16:30
Up. Suyen fixed kawfee and omelette. We relaxed and watched the History Channel
We headed to Redemptorist. Father Shea wasn't in. We wanted to ask him about the house blessing on 13 Oct. Suyen got mad at me because I wanted her to write him a note. We went to YJ's. I walked with Tima in the crossroads alone. Suyen was mad. We headed home. I got mad.
Thursday 4 October 2007 18:01:42

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:01:50

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:04:20

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:05:56

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:06:14

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:06:25

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:06:32

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:07:02

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:07:10

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:07:33

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:07:40

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:08:23

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:10:33

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:12:19

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:12:44

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:13:51

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:14:44

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:14:57

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:16:38

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:17:01

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:18:21

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:19:31

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:20:53

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:20:58

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:21:06

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:21:20

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:22:48

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:22:53

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:22:59

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:25:27

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:26:53

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:27:05

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:28:30

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:28:40

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:28:59

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:29:12

Thursday 4 October 2007 18:29:25

19:00 - 23:59
Homo. Watched the boob tube. Suyen fixed din din.
Friday 5 October 2007
00:00 - 02:30
Watched the boob tube. I tried to sleep but couldn't. I woiked on the TJITD-5 tape.
02:30 - 08:30
08:30 - 09:00
Up. Dressed. Headed into woik via 169.
09:00 - 10:00
I stopped at QT on the way into the station for vittles.
10:00 - 14:00
Paul and I shot the Smart car on it's visit to KC. I used my GL-2 for inside the car, the TRV-900 for the dashcam in the cherrybomb and the sx cam for externals and most sound bites we got from MOS'. We did a live on the front lawn. I then after tearing down started batching all my stuff in Avid 2.
I edited Pauls package
The video is from our earlier live shot.
16:10 - 18:00
I went and got Suyen at MTN. We went to Redemptorist to see Father Shea, but he wasn't there. We headed to YJ's.
Block Photography Studio, 18th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Missouri
18:00 - 18:55
We were at the Estate Sale of the Block Photography studio. We bought 2 chairs, a drafting lamp, an iron, an adding machine and other bits and bobs.
We wandered around the Crossroads.
Friday 5 October 2007 18:55:43

Friday 5 October 2007 19:06:25

Friday 5 October 2007 19:10:49

Friday 5 October 2007 19:07:56

Art deco office building at 17th and Wyandotte.
Friday 5 October 2007 19:08:35

Art Deco garage on 17th and Wyandotte.
Friday 5 October 2007 19:11:10

Friday 5 October 2007 19:12:13

Friday 5 October 2007 19:12:57

Live blues performance on 1st Friday in front of YJ's Snack Cafe.
Friday 5 October 2007 19:20:10

Friday 5 October 2007 19:20:29

Friday 5 October 2007 19:21:12

Friday 5 October 2007 20:17:39

Friday 5 October 2007 20:17:58

Friday 5 October 2007 20:19:10

Friday 5 October 2007 21:42:22

Friday 5 October 2007 21:42:32

Friday 5 October 2007 21:42:36

The old art deco skyline of Kansas City.
Friday 5 October 2007 21:48:45

The old flophouse Union Station hotels tried to change their image in the 50's.
Friday 5 October 2007 21:49:39

Friday 5 October 2007 21:50:01

Friday 5 October 2007 21:50:04

Freight House
21:00 - 22:00
We et at Jack Stacks
22:00 - 23:00
Got mad again. We got Suyens car at MTN. Then we went to YJ's.
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