00:00 - 03:00
Homo. Woiked on the puter.
03:00 - 10:00
Saturday 20 October 2007 10:58:07

Suyen and I went to River Market Antiques.
We went to look at some things at the Antique stores in the River Quay.
13:30 - 14:30
We headed back homo. Got ready and headed out to woik.
14:30 - 17:00
I went with Meagan to the forum on light rail. This is a very signifigant event in Kansas City's history, but we, KCUR and KCPT were the only media there. I now believe the mayor of Kansas City is going to move forward with a working transportation solution for the Kansas City metro area. But the local media would rather talk about the Semler controversy, or Priest Holmes. The mayor is doing a great job and we got a sample of his style, which is actually very engaging to the general public. The forum that was held gathered a random sampling of people from the area and allowed them to engage a think tank of local leaders, including the Mayor, the ATA boss, the Johnson County Kansas transportation boss and others. The result is that this leadership is trying to engage all area metropolitan leaders to build a regional transportation system. Light rail as Clay Chastain proposed it would not work. What is needed is a regional system and for all the voters of all areas to get on board with a 3/8 cents sales tax. Parts of this meeting will be rebroadcast on PBS nationwide.
17:00 - 22:30
I headed homo to get my trolley and light rail vids from my travels to include in our story. I came back to the station and started dubbing it. I found out that Meagan's story had changed to the La Raza thing...
I started working on my nats package since I had nothing else. I went to the Hyatt, but there was no parking.
Saturday 20 October 2007 23:35:36

I went to YJ's after woik to have an iced soy latte.
Saturday 20 October 2007 23:41:00

Saturday 20 October 2007 23:42:10

I headed homo after YJ's. I tried to talk Suyen into going to the foundation with me, but she would have none of it. She wanted to get up oily the next moaning.
Sunday 21 October 2007
Sunday 21 October 2007 00:41:28

Sunday 20 October 2007 00:43:52

I went to the Mutual Musicians Foundation. It is odd how you can go there for the overnight jams and never know who is going to show up. Potentially, if any celebrity is visiting the area, they might come to the foundation. As the flyer on the wall said, "When Charlie Parker has played at your place, historic is an understatement." The foundation seems to be doing well now. The musicians playing were excellent.
Sunday 21 October 2007 01:28:08

Sunday 21 October 2007 01:34:06

Sunday 21 October 2007 02:25:55

Sunday 21 October 2007 02:40:33

After the foundation, I headed back. The bars were letting out and it was getting wild. There was an incident in Westport, a barfight downtown and people whooping and hollering as the bars kicked them out.
Sunday 21 October 2007 02:45:17

I grabbed a quick snapshot down this street as I was leaving the Mutual Musicians Foundation. This barbeque joint was mentioned in the movie "the Last of the Blue Devils." Count Basie would order a plate of ribs from "the Dixie Barbeque" when he came into town. Now, I'm not sure if this is Dixie San or Dixie Jam. It would almost make more sense as Dixie Jam. The sign is googie, which means it was probably put there in the 50's. The place is closed now.
03:00 - 09:00
headed homo. Suyen was mad and had me locked out of the house with all the lights off. I woke her with the doorbell and she let me in. I went to beddie and Zzzz
We got up. We headed to River Market Antiques in the River Quay.
Sunday 21 October 2007 10:43:59

Crossing the 169/Broadway Bridge into downtown Kansas City.
First we stopped at Poco's for Brunch. Suyen got to meet Mary. Mary is the waitress who works there on Sundays to help out Poco and her family. Normally, during the week, Mary works at a law firm. Mary is my favorite wait person in all of Kansas City. She always knows my name and what I want and she always is there to tell jokes and stories with her patrons.

Poco's, formerly Waids, on Southwest Boulevard in Kansas City, Missouri.
Sunday 21 October 2007 10:57:46

Suyen in Poco's.
Sunday 21 October 2007 12:15:19

River Market Antiques in the River Quay, Kansas City, Missouri.
Sunday 21 October 2007 13:17:56

Downtown viewed from the River Quay in Kansas City, Missouri.
Sunday 21 October 2007 13:18:53

National Furniture sign on the back of River Market Antiques in the River Quay in Kansas City, Missouri.
We headed homo after the antique mall. I headed straight to my first story after that.
Sunday 21 October 2007 14:47:41

Channel 9's old building, that it shared with the Lyric Opera, with a channel 41 eng unit parked out front.
Sunday 21 October 2007 15:03:06

I was sent to a bike ride for the Lyric Opera.
Sunday 21 October 2007 15:05:19

The bikers rode to Weston and back to benefit the Lyric Opera in Kansas City, Missouri.
I was sent to Grandview by Pat to shoot a dead tree that had blown over in the wind at 02:30. I had a hard time finding it at first so I passed through Grandview a couple of times.
Sunday 21 October 2007 15:57:18

Post Office, Grandview, Missouri
Sunday 21 October 2007 16:00:52

Downtown Grandview, Missouri
Afterward, I had a while to my next shoot, so I stopped in at my parents.
I headed to the station to drop off my tapes and to get a battery. Then I headed out to KCK to the Village West Church for an anti-drug education program where they re-enact the life of a teen who has problems with drugs and alcohol, kills his girlfriend and another motorist in an accident, and has to go through the criminal justice system.
Sunday 21 October 2007 19:41:35

Sunday 21 October 2007 19:42:52

re-enactment scene of an accident for a drug education program at Village West Church, in KCK. They had the help of the fire and police departments for KCK, Wyandotte County and Leavenworth County as well as air ambulance participation.
20:00 - 22:30
I headed back to the station. I logged my nats package and started editing.
I headed to YJ's to get an iced latte and to listen to the Jazz jam
Sunday 21 October 2007 22:52:24

I went to YJ's Snack Cafe at 18th and Wyandotte in the Kansas City Crossroads for the Sunday night Jazz Jam.
Sunday 21 October 2007 22:53:36

I went to YJ's Snack Cafe at 18th and Wyandotte in the Kansas City Crossroads for the Sunday night Jazz Jam.
Sunday 21 October 2007 23:08:13

Heather at YJ's.
Sunday 21 October 2007 23:15:22

Jazz Jam through the window with Micah on the standup bass and Doug on the drums.
Sunday 21 October 2007 23:16:34

YJ's Snack Cafe, 18th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Missouri in the Kansas City Crossroads Arts District.
Sunday 21 October 2007 23:21:07

Diamonds on my windshield...
Monday 22 October 2007
Boob tube. Et. Suyen got pissed at me.
02:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 14:30
I woke up. Couldn't find my glasses. I was totally blind. I called in sick. Then I remembered our fight last night and my glasses were in the guest bedroom. I found them and headed into woik late.
woik. I talked to Fritz. I asked about lights, a gps and my schedule.
Monday 22 October 2007 14:59:29

Fritz in his office.
I edited Tip of the Week for Nancy.
16:00 - 19:00
I waited to see if Nancy had a story for us to shoot. She didn't. I started working on logging my nats package.
19:00 - 20:00
I violated my diet at Town Topic.
20:00 - 22:30
I edited my nats package.
22:30 - 23:59
I headed homo. Watched the boob tube and dubbed stuff from my sx cam to the ibook via John W's Canopus.
Tuesday 23 October 2007
00:00 - 03:00
boob tube. Puter. I dubbed stuff to my puter from the sx cam. I used John W's Canopus.
03:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 14:30
I called the home warranty people on the clogged sink and the leaky hot water heater. I worked on the puter. I showered and headed to woik via 169.
Loaded van 4. I headed for Penn Valley Park.
Tuesday 23 October 2007 16:29:07

Van 4 with the tower in the background. I am parked at Penn Valley Park.
Tuesday 23 October 2007 16:31:01

Downtown Kansas City viewed from Penn Valley Park Lake.
Tuesday 23 October 2007 18:20:25

The West End of Kansas City, Missouri.
Tuesday 23 October 2007 18:21:28

I met Suyen at Taquiria Mexico for dinner. I had my usual -- C-6 and a coke. C-6 consists of a tamale, a burrito and a taco.
I was sent to 119th and Metcalf for an event called Beer and Bibles.
Tuesday 23 October 2007 19:57:29

Here's a ministry reaching out to people in a bar. It's a great idea. They were teaching about unconditional love and acceptance. I like that message.
Tuesday 23 October 2007 20:40:24

This sign used to be at the Glenwood Theater. Now it sits at the Metcalf Mall, advertising the Glenwood Arts Theater.
Tuesday 23 October 2007 20:47:52

White Haven Motor Lodge in Overland Park, Kansas has a great working googie sign -- classic ameobas. I met the Whites about a year ago. They seem like really nice people.
I dropped my tapes off at the station. I went to YJ's for a iced soy latte. Then I worked on my graphics for a story idea I have. I put gas in the van and put it up. Then I headed homo.
Wednesday 24 October 2007
Woiked on the puter. Watched the History Channel.
Wednesday 24 October 2007 00:44:14

Wednesday 24 October 2007 00:45:47

Katrina, or should that be CATrina
Wednesday 24 October 2007 00:49:05

02:00 - 12:30
12:30 - 14:30
Hung out at homo.
14:30 - 16:00
At woik. I'm with Sherita. We are doing a story about the California wildfires and the effects on local residents.
We headed to Rockhurst University to talk to a student who is from southern California...
Wednesday 24 October 2007 16:42:53

The Bell Tower at Rockhurst University in Kansas City, Missouri.
We then went to Park University to talk to them about their California campuses that are affected.
Wednesday 24 October 2007 17:57:09

Park University in Parkville, Missouri
Wednesday 24 October 2007 18:01:10

Park University in Parkville, Missouri
My haunted Davies Uptown story aired in the 6.
Sherita and I got vittles at Palace Express. Then we went to the station. I batched and edited in Avid 2. The show is going on late due to the World Series.
Frank and I drove to the Negro Leagues Museum. Buck O'Neil finally got honored.
Wednesday 24 October 2007 22:39:46

The Negro Leagues and Jazz Museum.
22:50 - 23:59
I headed homo. I et chicken that Suyen fixed.
Thursday 25 October 2007
Watched the boob tube. Suyen is woiking on call.
Thursday 25 October 2007 02:47:40

Suyen is taking a call in bed as part of her work.
Thursday 25 October 2007 02:54:01

Suyen is working at the little cafe table we have set up in the bedroom.
10:30 - 11:30
The repairman came from B & L plumbing. He said that he didn't know anything about the slow drains and was only there for the hot water heater. He said he is going to have to replace the hot water heater, which will cost over $500.00. We have it set up for next Thursday Morning. Suyen left for woik.
11:30 - 13:00
I mowed with the mulch function on. It is good to mulch instead of raking. It doesn't look too bad either.
I fixed left over chinese. I et
I headed out.
Thursday 25 October 2007 15:58:17

Thursday 25 October 2007 15:58:17
Driving on 169 southbound in Kansas City, Missouri.
Thursday 25 October 2007 15:59:44

Tima enjoying the ride in the autumn sun.
Thursday 25 October 2007 16:03:03

10th and Broadway, Kansas City, Missouri.
16:15 - 17:00
YJ's. Met Suyen there
We went to Redemptorist. Talked to Father Shea. We headed to Chinatown market. Then we went to Costco. Then we et at Poco's. Ti came and joined us. Then we headed homo.
Thursday 25 October 2007 17:49:55

Kansas city skyline from Chinatown Market in the River Quay.
Thursday 25 October 2007 17:58:25

City Diner in the Kansas City River Quay.
Thursday 25 October 2007 17:59:22

Grand Avenue in the Kansas City, Missouri River Quay
Thursday 25 October 2007 18:00:22

City Diner in the Kansas City, Missouri River Quay
Thursday 25 October 2007 18:01:26

Chinatown Food Market in the Kansas City, Missouri River Quay
Thursday 25 October 2007 18:04:31

Driving south on Grand from the River Quay into downtown Kansas City, Missouri.
Thursday 25 October 2007 18:05:49

Downtown Kansas City, Missouri on Grand Avenue. Downtown Kansas City, Missouri on Grand Avenue. The building with the two towers is called the Fidelity Bank and Trust Building.
Thursday 25 October 2007 18:06:51

This is the Oak Tower building.
It was defaced in 1974.
Thursday 25 October 2007 18:08:30

Rascal Flatts was playing at the Sprint Arena when we drove by it on Grand Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri.
Thursday 25 October 2007 18:11:19

Thursday 25 October 2007 19:25:10

We decided to eat at Poco's instead of Tanners because of the Sprint Arena crowd downtown. We are super glad we did. The food and the service were much better here.
Thursday 25 October 2007 19:31:00

My beauty with a rose.
Thursday 25 October 2007 19:55:32

Mmmm, this dish was good.... it was REAL good -- Poco's in Kansas City, Missouri.
Thursday 25 October 2007 20:36:00

Ti had to work late, and came straight from work to join us at Poco's in Kansas City, Missouri.
21:30 - 23:59
Homo. We watched the boob tube. Hh.
Friday 26 October 2007
00:00 - 03:00
boob tube.
03:00 - 08:15
08:15 - 23:59
We got ready for and had our house blessing and house warming...