Fri Jan 14, 2011
12am - 12:51am yjs
1:12am - 1:12am homo
2:38am - 11:37am bed
1:19pm - 1:19pm out
1:42pm - 2:30pm vietnam
4:20pm - 4:20pm hiv gas
7:52pm - 10:36pm Roasterie
11:29pm - 11:29pm homo

For a defintion of what a greyfield is, go to our friends at wikipedia here....
Here are two great sites on the subject of retail history and dead malls
This is a continuation of a post I started before Christmas titled "Christmas Ghosts." Then, I visited three mall sites, two of them were dead or dying. Now I revisit the subject again and visit more KC Metro area malls or shopping centers. Some of them seem to be holding their own, and some are gone or nearly so. What prompted this is news that Antioch Center is soon to be demolished.
Mission Mall, Mission Kansas
Here is the poop on the empty field that used to house Mission Mall.
Indian Springs Mall, Kansas City Kansas
From Labelscar
Antioch Center, Kansas City Missouri
Here are some pix I took on the inside, Tuesday 30 October, 2007
Tuesday 30 October 2007 16:17:33
Antioch Mall Sign, Kansas City, Missouri.
The area around the Mall in interesting, having many relics of the time when the mall was new. Thankfully, everything doesn't change or get torn down....
Thursday 10 September 2009
Menu from 1960, Hayes Hamburger and Chili, Kansas City Missouri
This is the valentine diner serial plate.
Bannister Mall area
Wednesday 9 September 2009
The Hypermart moved out of the area when the Blue Ridge Mall was torn down and made into the areas newest Wal*Mart with help from the City of Kansas City and taxpayers

Blue Ridge Wal*Mart Pix
Ward Parkway Mall, Kansas City Missouri
Canstruction exhibit for the Harvesters network on display in the mall.
Metro North Mall, Kansas City Missouri
Thursday 3 September 2009
The Landing, Kansas City Missouri
Ranchmart, Leawood Kansas
Ranchmart has suffered under a recent remodel to update its look. It is a 1950's era googie shopping center that included a partial enclosed mall around the theater. It is a very interesting example of mid-century modern design. There are even boomerang patterns in the tile floor in front of the theater. The remodel only did the front of the main complex. It didn't touch the interior, side strip mall or the back. While the place looks like it has seen better days in some respects, I love the look and historic nature of this shopping center.
Love the boomerang pattern in the floor
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