00:00 - 05:00
Homo. Beddie.
Created: 2008-04-22 16:42:52
05:00 - 06:30
Up. Shook a tower. Suyen fixed some vittles. I headed to woik.
Created: 2008-04-22 16:43:31
06:30 - 14:00
I edited in Avid 4. Finished up.
Created: 2008-04-22 16:44:17
14:00 - 23:59
I went to Wife's Enemy #2, but it is closed on moandays. So I went to Wal*Fart and got some plants and gardening shtuff. I headed homo and planted the plants in a square planter. I watered. I fixed beer brats. I took them to Suyen at her woik. We et. I went to yeejez and had some cawfee and cherry pie. I headed homo. When Suyen came homo a storm rolled in. We were under a severe thunderstorm warning for awhile. I watched the boob tube and woiked on the puter for awhile.
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