03/01/2008 07:04:38

03/01/2008 07:04:38

03/01/2008 07:57:40

03/01/2008 07:59:06

03/01/2008 08:00:33

03/01/2008 09:11:35

03/01/2008 18:43:11

00:00 - 05:00
05:00 - 10:00
I got up, showered, dressed and went to woik. I loaded van 2. My camera is still on the bench, so I used Fritz's camera. There is no reporter this morning. I went to the crossroads to do bumpback shots. I started with Town Topic. I talked to Liz. I brought the van back, unloaded and got into my car.
10:00 - 14:00
I went to a Kansas City Missouri recycling event. Then I went to the Zoo to shoot the new African Exhibit. I came back and unloaded. I headed homo
14:00 - 16:00
At homo, Suyen is still woiking. We et some turkey. I washed out the gutter over the deck. I got Tima.
16:00 - 19:00
Tima and I went to the dawg park. Then we went to YJ's. I talked to David. I saw Heather and Chad.
19:00 - 22:00
Homo. We watched the boob tube. I* fixed popcorn
22:00 - 23:59
Bed. Zzzz
Sunday 2 March 2008
2008:03:02 05:03:45

Suyen is still woiking this moaning.
2008:03:02 06:43:04

2008:03:02 07:07:47

2008:03:02 07:09:24

2008:03:02 07:33:27

CK fire at 3rd and Troup -- a business called Paradox -- the last of the Juke Joint
03/02/2008 16:05:20

00:00 - 04:37
04:37 - 05:40
I got up. Shook a tower. Suyen is still woiking, though she got some sleep last night. I dressed and headed out via 169.
05:40 - 07:00
I loaded van 2. There is no reporter this morning. I headed out to Riverfront Park for bump back shots.
07:00 - 09:00
It was a gorgeous spot, especially in the morning. I'm not sure if my presence was disturbing to those who usually take in this spot in private, or if the few cars who pulled in and pulled out were disliking a live van interrupting illicit activities. I didn't get to do a live bumpback, as I had to go to KCK for a business fire. I shot it, ran it back, edited it and got it on the air.
09:00 - 10:00
Had a Pecan Waffle and sausage and eggs
I got the broadcaster working. There is a slight chance of severe weather in our area. Christie had nothing for me so I went on vo patrol. I saw a construction trailer fire and called it in. I was there shooting as the firefighters arrived.
Monday 3 March 2008
03/03/2008 18:13:44

00:00 - 02:00
Woiking on the puter. I'm archiving vhs footage from my 1992 train trip to St. Louis
02:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 14:30
Worked on the puter. Woik via 169.
14:30 - 22:30
Woik. I'm on vo patrol. I got Suyen and we went to Boston Market to eat at 17:30. It was interrupted as I had to go shoot an overturned truck on a ramp at K-7 and I-70. I had to walk in as the Highway Patrol officer wouldn't let me park on the closed ramp. Suyen was with me. I took Suyen back. I continued on vo patrol. Sam and I got the broadcaster working. I got kawfee at 21:30.
22:30 - 23:59
I headed homo. Suyen is feeling cold. We watched the boob tube.
Tuesday 4 March 2008
We worked on the broadcaster -- me and Willy. I met suyen at Taquria Mexico for din din. I went with JHO on a problem solver at 18:30.
Homo at 22:30.
00:00 - 03:00
woiked on the puter.
03:00 - 09:47
09:47 - 14:30
Up. Started dubbing my January/February Timelapses to DVD.
I started working on dubbing stuff to dvd from vhs from March 1992. I shook a tower and headed to woik via 169.
Wednesday 5 March 2008
03/05/2008 21:37:36

I was boring Dave with the details of how Denny's is often a googie holdover while we waited on the south dock of Bartle Hall in Kansas City Missouri for our 10 live to begin
03/05/2008 22:08:50

With GASP prices going so high, one of this years features at the Kansas City car show are fuel efficient vehicles like the Smart car, which is hitting american shores this year. It is time for cities like Kansas City to really dust off their light rail and rapid transit plans.
DFR -- Car show
00:00 - 02:00
Woiked on the puter.
02:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 14:30
Woiked on the puter
14:30 - 17:00
Woik. John and I worked on and demonstrated the Broadcaster and Quadcam.
17:00 - 19:00
Dave and I went to the car show.
19:00 - 19:30
Trip Quick for vittles
19:30 - 20:45
Edited in Edit 1
20:45 - 22:30
We got into van 2. We went to the south dock of Bartle. We were there and waiting, but at the last second we heard we had no video or audio. We floated to the c block.
22:30 - 23:59
Headed homo in the burgandybomb. Watched the boob tube and et.
Thursday 6 March 2008
00:00 - 01:15
Watched the boob tube. I surfed.
01:15 - 08:20
08:20 - 15:00
I cleaned out the car and loaded up the van. I took the burgandybomb and headed to YJ's.
15:00 - 23:59
I had cake and a soy latte at YJ's. I took the burgandybomb to woik. Suyen came and picked me up. We headed homo. Debbie and Mathew came and we had a light dinner.
Friday 7 March 2008
00:00 - 01:00
01:00 - 10:00
hh zzzz
10:00 - 12:00
Up. Prepared for the trip. I vacuumed downstairs and washed Tima's doghouse.
12:00 - 14:00
I went to Surplus Exchange. I got two apple keyboards and an idee enclosure. I forgot my walley so I had to head back. Suyen called so I got my stuff and picked her up. We went to Taj Palace.
We et buttfey at taj palace. We got her car and headed homo. We prepared for the trip -- packing and shiite like that.
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