12:00am - 5:20am
5:20am - 6:30am
I got up late. I dressed and headed to woik. Loaded Van 2. Got gas at QT. Realized I didn't have my wallay. I got Lori. We went to 18th and Vine. Set up for live.
6:30am - 10:00am
We were live at 18th and Vine for the 10th birthday party for the Jazz museum. Carrie, Steve's friend was doing PR.
10:00am - 10:30am
I went homo where Suyen had fixed delish vittles.
10:30am - 1:00pm
I picked up Bob and we went to 95th and Pflumm for the traveling Vietnam Memrorial wall.
1:00pm - 1:30pm
I gassed van 2. Unloaded. I headed homo.
1:30pm - 2:00pm
Homo via 169 in the Odyssey
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Homo. We et some chicken adobo and cabbage. I got the ladder out and looked at the gutters in the front.
We went to Mickeys. I got 3 pairs of work pants...
Saturday 15 September 2007 16:24:32

Googie arrow. This one is in the Argentine area of KCK, across the street from Mickeys Surplus. We went here to get me some expensive work pants.
3:00pm - 6:30pm
We went to the trailer to cut grass and get a rack to bring home. Talked to James and Ray. They gave us some tomatoes and chicken littles.
4:00pm - 6:30pm
We went to the trailer to cut grass and get a rack to bring home. Talked to James and Ray. They gave us some tomatoes and chicken littles.
We went to YJ's. Tima was barking. We got a fish plate.
We headed homo.
Sunday 16 September 2007
12:00am - 5:00am
5:00am - 5:30am
Showered. Dressed. Headed out to woik.
5:30am - 6:10am
Loaded van 2. Got gas at QT.
Lori and I went to the Kansas Speedway. We did lives on bikers for babies.
We couldn't get out for the 7 due to the position of the racetrack and out truck.
Sunday 16 September 2007 07:24:32

Lori and I were live from the Kansas Speedway at the Bikers for Babies event. Actually we were shooting a looklive as our shot wouldn't get out from here -- I think the raceway is between our mast and the tower. We moved the truck to the south and got out.
When we moved to the field beyond the parkinglot, we could get a straight shot to the tower. We shot a looklive, but only used a sot of it in the 08:00. We went into the racetrack after our lives and shot the opening ceremony before the trip. Then we headed back to the station.
9:50am - 10:30am
I dropped lori off. I went to Poco's and had steak and eggs. The place was packed. Mary sat me with a lawyer friend of hers.
10:30am - 12:30pm
I got back at the station and started batching in Avid 2. I got gas at QT for the van and unloaded and put it up.
I just have to say, there is a certain word that I DO NOT use. The word was typed in for me when I tried to post an opinion on this web forum
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
In Reply to This is my favorite music documentary by SONIK Filter
By: . @
Date: 16/Sep/2007 at 12:28:27pm
Subject: Re: This is my favorite music documentary
I just wanna know
I just wanna know
What did punk break?
Or should the title really be
The year the wind broke?
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Replying to This is my favorite music documentary by SONIK Filter
Posted On: 16/Sep/2007 at 2:22:24am It's Now: 16/Sep/2007 at 12:28:27pm
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Message Text: (HTML can be posted)
I just wanna know
I just wanna know
What did punk break?
Or should the title really be
The year the wind broke?
This is what the forum manager edited my post to say..
In Reply to This is my favorite music documentary by SONIK Filter
By: Stevo @
Date: 16/Sep/2007 at 12:28:43pm
Subject: Stevo is under new management
Before I start, I need to disclose that I, Stevo, am a nigger. That said:
I just wanna know
I just wanna know
What did punk break?
Or should the title really be
The year the wind broke?
12:30pm - 1:45pm
I edited in avid 2.
1:45pm - 2:00pm
Headed homo via 169
2:00pm - 3:45pm
napped on the couch in the living room
We went to the trailer to pick up the second rack.
Sunday 16 September 2007 18:22:06

This picture was taken as we were driving to Macaroni Grill from our trailer in Bates City in the Odyssey. The sunset was gorgeous tonight.
7:30pm - 8:30pm
Macaroni Grill
8:30pm - 11:00pm
Monday 17 September 2007
12:00am - 10:47am
I left YJ's and headed downtown to set up for the liveshot. The construction there makes everything hard to get around.
Monday 17 September 2007 16:37:50

The south part of downtown is a mess these days with lots of construction going on for the new Sprint arena and Power and Light district.
Monday 17 September 2007 16:52:49

The brand new Sprint Arena is nearing completion.
Monday 17 September 2007 16:53:03

Monday 17 September 2007 16:53:13

Pat and Linda did their liveshot at 18:00
6:15pm - 7:00pm
I went homo and had din din
7:00pm - 8:10pm
I took Tima with me. We went to the Classic Cup whre Thee Dog Bakery is having a dinner for dogs and their owners.
8:10pm - 10:30pm
I took the tape to the station. We then went to 1-3rd and Wornal to try to set up for Dave's liveshot. We couldn't get out, so we had to go to 63rd and Cherry for the Royal Liquors there.
10:30pm - 11:59pm
I brought the truck back, gassed it at QT, unloaded, and headed to Paddy O'Quigleys to meet boB and John. John's band is playing. boB and I talked and had wangs.
Tuesday 18 September 2007
12:00am - 12:30am
12:30am - 12:00pm
12:00pm - 2:30pm
fixed polish sausages. et. Dressed. Woik via 169.
2:30pm - 3:30pm
I'm with Dave. We are doing a story on the Fed cutting interest a half percent because of the sub-prime meltdown. Fritz wanted me to re dub something for Tommie. None of the machines wanted to work.
3:30pm - 6:30pm
A strong storm rolled in. Dave and I went to Rockhurst to talk to a professor. Then we had to go to 136th and Roe to talk to a realtor. I called Jania.
6:30pm - 7:30pm
I got salad at Wendys. Ate at Eric's desk.
7:30pm - 9:00pm
I batched and edited in Avid 3.
We were live at 21:24 at the new Federal Reserve building now under construction. Barry eng'd.
Tuesday 18 September 2007 21:32:19

This is Barry, our engineer. We are between liveshots, having just done one at 21:24 across the street from the new Federal Reserve bank in KC.
Tuesday 18 September 2007 21:33:51

Dave and Barry are talking up some important issues of the day after our 9 liveshot and before our 10.
Tuesday 18 September 2007 21:34:20

Dave is standing outside van 4 between our liveshots.
Tuesday 18 September 2007 21:35:10

Here is a dark shot of downtown from our vantage. We are close to the dog park with no parking. My camera isn't very adjustable when it comes to stills.
10:30pm - 11:59pm
I headed homo via 169. I et salad that Suyen got at Hyvee.
Wednesday 19 September 2007
12:00am - 1:00am
1:00am - 10:15am
10:15am - 12:50pm
up. Dressed. Et some watermelon. I woiked on the puter editing my railZEN. Watched the noose.
12:30pm - 2:30pm
I headed out. I went to YJ's for Kawfee and watever leftovers they had -- they only had pasta plates, so I drank my iced latte and headed out. I went by Danny Edwards on my way to woik, and saw that it was opened at it's new location on the boulevard, so I went in. They had a low carb special for 9.99 so I got that.
2:30pm - 3:00pm
I got the dvd done for Tommy. It took a lot of effort for just one dub. The dub bay is malfunctioning, and the dvd burner in edit 3 is not recording for some reason. So I had to take it to engineering, where Kelly was finally able to do it.
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Dave and I went to Fishnet security
where we interviewed an expert about the possibilities that brokers are hacking the ticketmaster site in order to get the jump on tickets, or weather ticketmaster is possibly giving away the tickets to the highest bidder, thereby locking out all the local fans, many of whoom are taxpayers who voted for and paid for the Sprint Arena, and are now unable to go to events there.
4:00pm - 6:00pm
We came back to the station.
6:00pm - 7:00pm
We went to UMKC, where Mayor Funkhouser was going to have a town hall meeting at the Stack Auditorium. We talked to the Mayor before the event began.
7:00pm - 10:00pm
We came back to the station. I went to QT to get vittles while I was batching and Dave was logging. Dave had a tough time logging as the mayor only gave us very short comments such as "I don't Know." I just got a diet Dr. Pecker and a low carb bar and some string cheese. I edited in Avid 2. We had Donovan ENGing for us so woo hoo. Our first hit was cancelled by thor, so Dave did it in the studio. Then we headed out to the Sprint arena. Donovan wasn't there, but came as soon as he heard we were there looking for him. In the process, I ran over some sort of surveying nail which went flap flap flap in my wheel well as it had some sort of ribbon on it.
Wednesday 19 September 2007 22:03:23

Dave is getting ready for our liveshot in front of the new Sprint arena, which at the time this picture was take was set to open in 22 days, amidst some new controversy.
10:15pm - 11:00pm
We tore down. We headed back slowly... flap flap flap .... down I-35. Luckily the nail didn't come out or our tire didn't give out. I set out to change the tar at the station. It wasn't as bad as I thought. GM did a good job on their scissors jack and on the spare mechanism. I took the tar with the nail in it and put it next to Fritz's desk with a note.
11:00pm - 11:59pm
I headed homo via 169 in the Odyssey. I left the Cherrybomb at woik and my camera on the bench. At homo I watched "king of the Hill." I et cabbage and ground beef.
Thursday 20 September 2007
12:00am - 1:00am
I woiked on and finished the editing of the latest installment of railZEN. Now I have to work on the railZEN graphics in Photoshop.
Thursday 19 September 2007 11:39:36

Tima is sunning herself on our deck.
I got up. I et. I called Dad, Suyen and Mom. I woiked on my railZEN graphics. I got Tima and we headed out to the crossroads.
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:30:27

I parked on Wyandotte, and walked west on 18th. I got this picture of some Film Row office buildings. I love the Art Deco.
If you click on that link, at the time of my typing, obviously they are still working on that page....
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:31:27

This is the Film Row officebuilding entryway. Yes, that is original Art Deco.
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:31:47

Thursday 20 September 2007 14:32:07

Film Row on West 18th Street, Kansas City, Missouri.
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:32:16

Thursday 20 September 2007 14:32:32

Thursday 20 September 2007 14:32:42

Thursday 20 September 2007 14:32:55

Thursday 20 September 2007 14:33:10

Thursday 20 September 2007 14:34:10

Tima is walking here at 18th street 1 block east of Broadway.
Friday 20 September 2007 14:36:05

The Broadway luxury condo's, I think are no more
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:36:32

This is looking north on Broadway from 18th street. I can't zoom in close enough to get it and I was too lazy to walk up to it this day, but in the center is an interesting googie sign for Strahm.
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:36:52

This is an interesting coat of arms on the front of this building, which was slated to be torn down. I guess that it had something to do with horses -- looks almost cavalry. My initial guess was a stable or garage of some sort. The building looks early 20th century. It is bowing out on the north side. There are huge cracks extending from the foundation on the northeast side. Often investment properties are not in great shape, which is a shame.
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:37:43

Ahah! It is a USPS garage -- or used to be. There is a lot of space here that is now deteriorating. I looked up the heraldry on google, but had no luck.
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:38:03

This is what "the Broadway" would have looked like, had it been built. It is funny that in this architectural rendering, the new performing arts center is not in the picture. My friend, Bill has been protesting this development...
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:39:52

I walked south on Broadway and got this view.
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:41:00

A firestation on 19th street converted to lofts.
Saturday 20 September 2007 14:42:33

This building has been redeveloped into offices
It has a truncated look due to a fire it suffered in 2000, I believe. I knew the guy who lived and worked upstairs "Doc." He survived, but two people inside the building died.
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:44:12

Another view of Town Topic
. I stopped by to say Hi. They met Tima for the first time and gave her some water.
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:44:19

Grrreeeeattt sign!!!!
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:44:55

The view from 19th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Missouri.
Thursday 20 September 2007 14:49:42

Luxury condos, Luxury condos. There is no what I call vertical integration in the crossroads. I think it is just as disasterous to a community to fill it with all rich people in one area as it is to put all poor people in one spot. People are getting rich off of making the crossroads into an upper class condo community, but in 30 years it will all be abandoned and ruined -- destroyed by greed.
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:03:07

It was very hot today. Tima needed a rest break.
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:03:12

Thursday 20 September 2007 15:04:14

I was told by Bill that the Accardo's originally wanted to name the crossroads arts district the Accardo arts district. I think this sign sort of confirms that.
I don't think luxury condos are in the near future.
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:04:33

I hope they preserve this sign, but if they want to take it down, I'll take it.
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:06:28

I went down to the crossroads....
to look at some art.
I went to the Blue Gallery
which was featuring the art of William Raney.
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:13:48

I found this new little art gallery next to ipas. The artist was an older gentleman who was working inside on some abstract art. I liked what he was doing. I believe he had more stuff in there than just his own art -- some photo's as well. He remarked that the owner of Ipas owns the building the gallery is in, and that the space used to be for storage of photo paper, but now due to digital cameras, that end of the business is drying up. As I left the gallery some rough looking dudes came by and took an interest in Tima. One of them -- a skinhead on meth looking creep said he wanted Tima. I said she's taken, and he said again, I want that dog, give her to me. I went the other way and crossed the street. Now, the crossroads has some rough edges to it. Namely, there are a lot of homeless druggies and winos that cross through the area since it was an old abandoned industrial district. Before the artists started coming up here from midtown, they held sway, and in many hours of the day, they still do. So now, developers, and the city would like to move the artists out, who definitely improved the district through their sweat and creativity and hard work, and the city and developers would like to move rich people who would willingly fork over $600,000.00 dollars for luxury apartments. There's one problem with that notion -- there are still a lot of urchins creeping around the alleys and up and down the streets, especially at night. They are also being attracted by the lack of police attention to the area, the lack of adequate street lighting in many spots and by the plethora of newly affluent neighbors to their hood. The artists are more streetwise to this reality and thus have co-existed for years with the neighborhood. Somebody told me that one of the other reasons why the Accardo lofts are no longer being built is that all the people moving downtown are finding that they have to have a little bit of urban pioneer in them. That is scaring people away. Maybe perhaps that will give this area a little respite that is well deserved, and maybe a more middle class group of people can have a chance to organically develope this area. If that happens, it will truely become a community. Now, how about that crossroads grocery store?
Friday 20 September 2007 15:16:15

After my encounter with the skinhead methamatician, I watched him walk up the Boulevard with his friend. Keeping an eye on him, I recrossed the boulevard and went down broadway and ducked down the side street behind Architectural Exchange. There were more people moving around on this street and I saw this, another work by Stretch.
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:20:08

So I ended up across the tracks from Union Station. I didn't want to wander too far east for fear of running into the dope fiend who wants my dog. I got this shot of downtown and tried to get some pictures of the locomotives that were sitting waiting at Union Station.
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:20:31

This is a great addition to the area. This is the Pencoyd Bridge, which is now a pedestrian bridge which attaches Union Station to the crossroads arts district. It is also a great spot to watch trains.
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:21:02

It is time to count the louvers and grills and tell me what kind of locomotive this is. It is a bad picture, I seem to be fighting with the fence here. So, anyway, look into your handy dandy locomotive guide, or if you are an obsessive compulsive know it all who likes to take joyrides in locomotives, tell me how I don't deserve to live in the glow of your brilliance and tell me how wrong I am and how I don't even belong in the universe, much less in YOUR hobby. I need to go find my gaffers tape.
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:21:26

I am told that I am a buff, not a FOAMER. I DO NOT foam at the mouth when I see trains, I just like them. I do not care what kind of locomotives these are. Ok, I'll risk it and tell you that the one on the front is a GE, and the one behind it is a EMD.
OK, I'll railnerd it a little more and tell you that EMD used to stand for Electro Motive Division, as in a division of General Motors. GM sold EMD some time ago, and now EMD stands for Electro Motive Diesels.
Now, just where IS that gaffers tape?
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:22:19

Stationary objects are not stationary for long. I had to hurry up and click my pix as the train started moving. Could explain my problem with the fence. Oh, nice view of the Pencoyd Bridge here.
I also had to snap a picture of this great example of eclectic architecture, with a great example of googie on top of it..
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:27:43

Kansas City Skyline from about 20th and Baltimore.
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:27:50

Thursday 20 September 2007 15:30:14

Town Topic at 19th and Baltimore.
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:31:26

I can't say I completely approve of this remodeling. I loved the mid-century modern original storefront....
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:32:09

Two pizza joints, right across the street from each other ... curious.
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:32:27

Rocket to the moon.. what a future we had in 1953.....
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:32:42

Up, up and away....
Thursday 20 September 2007

or maybe this way...
Thursday 20 September 2007 15:34:24

My friend and former roomate, Peregrin co-owns this store...
I went to YJ's and blogged. Suyen came by about 16:30. We went to Cargo Largo to do some shopping. While there we talked to Debbie on the phone. Megan witnessed a shooting. I got her in touch with the news desk and she got interviewed...
We headed downtown. We met up with Drew and talked Kansas City politics, while Suyen took Tima into the park to do her dootie. These parks on the west bluffs area were really rough until recently. I mean, I guess they still are with drug deals and creepies roaming around, but they have gotten a lot better than they were, and we even saw some families out after dark taking in the view at Cheauteau park. Drew says improvements in lighting and patrols by security have made it much nicer. Drew lives close to the park.
Thursday 20 September 2007 20:24:19

We went to Tanners at 10th and Broadway. Suyen and I have both contended that for the price, they have the best steaks in Kansas City. What kills them sometimes is the service. We've had everything from great wait staff, to really poor wait staff that could give a shit less. Tonight we came in, with a moderate crowd in the restaurant, and were kind of ignored, until the blonde waitress we have had the past few times (who is excellent) came by and made sure we got service, even though we were not at her table. We had to wait a long time for that service, then we had to wait a long time for our food. Suyen was getting frustrated with the situation.
Thursday 20 September 2007 20:25:06

This is the Coates House. It was once a luxury hotel built by Kersey Coates across from his Opera house. He used to bring the biggest stars in from the east coast in the last half of the 1800's. There was a tunnel built from his hotel, where his famous guests would stay, to his opera house where they were to perform. That way they could get across the street without dealing with the paparazi of the time. The Hotel, as well as Quality Hill to the west of here, also built by Kersey Coates, declined. By the 1970's, when we moved here, if you went through this area, you definitely were rolling up your windows and locking your doors. Part of the Coates House burned down on January 21, 1978 killing 21 people, most of whoom were homeless or semi-homeless people who were flopping here against the freezing temperatures. That January, we had some of the coldest winter weather on record, with 12 to 15 inches of snow on the ground.
The Coates House Fire, January 21, 1978

When we first moved to Kansas City, this happened. I believe the Coates House was being used as a flophouse at the time. It was extremely cold that week. We drove up from Louisiana in a bad snow storm, and were staying across the river at the old Holiday Inn in Harlem. This filled the headlines along with labor troubles with the Kansas City Fire Department. I believe 20 people lost their lives including some children. The Coates House today has a truncated look due to the wing of the building that caught fire burning to the ground.
10:00pm - 11:59pm
We headed homo. Watched the boob tube.
Friday 21 September 2007
12:00am - 3:00am
I blogged.
3:00am - 10:30am
I blogged. Microzapped some leftover wangs. Watched the boob tube.
I called Becky about the Dish Network Bill.
I went to targay to get birthday presents and wrapping.
Suyen and I headed for the trailer via 210 and 24. We got the dish paperwork and the video rack. it was a struggle to take it apart. We were late to Debbies
8:17pm - 9:40pm
debbies for Mathews birthday party. Megan and a roomate were there. I took the to Scuzzway where megans boyfriend works. It was raining hard.
9:40pm - 11:59pm
We went to YJ's . We saw boB. We had chicken wings and coffee.