12:00am - 4:45am
4:45am - 5:30am
Up. Dressed. Headed to woik via 169
5:30am - 6:00am
I loaded and checked out Van 2
6:00am - 6:47am
I went to YJ's for iced mocha and scrambled eggs and bacon. I talked to Roy. He said he heard the murder last Sunday

6:47am - 7:20am
I was back at the station. Waited in the van for a while. Then I went to the reporter area and checked my mail. Lori came by at 07:15 and told me we needed to be live in Grandview. We were on the road by 07:20.
7:20am - 8:50am
We set up at the 2nd Baptist Church in Grandview. We couldn't get a live out, so we had to shoot a looklive and go to Bannister where we could get a shot out to edit and feed. We couldn't get it fed in time.
8:50am - 10:00am
We headed back. We went to 83rd and Maur in Lenexa for a doggy swim event at the public pool.
10:00am - 10:30am
We went to 1823 Jackson for an officer needs assistance call. got some vid.
10:30am - 11:30am
We went to the Health Department on Troost. Shot a vo/sot on the landlord meeting.
11:30am - 12:00pm
back at the station.
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Sent to get credentials at the VFW. I walked all over. Finally the person who helped me told me only the people who the credentials were for could get them.

1:30pm - 2:00pm
Homo via 169
2:00pm - 5:30pm
Took a nap on the couch
5:30pm - 6:30pm
We et in the living room
6:30pm - 9:00pm
We went to Petco to get Tima a new collar. Then we went to drop a phone off at Suyen's coworkers house. Then we went to YJ's. Then we went to withdraw moolah from communist bunk. Then we headed homo.
6:30pm - 9:00pm
We went to Petco to get Tima a new collar. Then we went to drop a phone off at Suyen's coworkers house. Then we went to YJ's. Then we went to withdraw moolah from communist bunk. Then we headed homo.
9:00pm - 11:59pm
I gave Tima a flea bath. I got some stuff ready. I went to bed and blogged.
Sunday August 19, 2007
12:00am - 1:00am
On the puter
1:00am - 4:45am
Very fitfull Zzzz
4:45am - 5:30am
I got up, showered, dressed and headed out via 169.
5:30am - 6:30am
I checked out van 2. I went to QT on 31st. Then Lori and I headed out to our liveshot on Metcalf.
6:30am - 10:00am
We set up north of 103rd and Metcalf where they are tearing down parts of the bridge over Indian Creek. We had to set up 3 times as Indian Creek area is notorious for not being able to get a liveshot out. Finally we went to the Baptist Church parking lot and got out from there as it is higher. We did our lives and shot our package.
10:00am - 11:00am
I went to Poco's. I saw Mary. She put me at a big table. I had pork chops with salsa and eggs and iced tea.
11:00am - 12:00pm
I went to Bartle Hall to get the credentials for our people for the VFW convention
12:00pm - 12:30pm
Suyen came by. We took Tima to Dogs World of Fun.
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Edited the Package in avid bay 3
1:30pm - 2:00pm
Headed homo via 169
4:00pm - 12:00am
Parents came to the house. Suyen and I argued about the extra bag I want to bring. We had din din. Afterwards we hung out and watched FOX network cartoons. Parents car lights were left on so we had to jump start it. I quickly weedeated the weeds in the front. Then we headed to Union Station.

Monday August 20, 2007
12:00am - 1:00am
We left Union Station Late.

In our roomette in Colorado at 10:40

We had a station stop at La Junta, CO at 10:43.

Suyen posing in front of our train in La Junta, CO

Suyen in La Junta, CO.

Suyen and Steve in the lounge car of the Southwest Chief.
On train Number 3, The Southwest Chief

Colorado from the Southwest Chief.

Colorado from the Southwest Chief

Colorado from the Southwest Chief.

The tracks from the Southwest Chief in Colorado

The view from the Southwest Chief in Colorado

Raton New Mexico

Steve in Raton New Mexico.

Raton, New Mexico

The view of New Mexico from the Southwest Chief.

Tuesday August 21, 2007
8:00am - 9:00am
We made it to LA. We went to check in to the Mellenium Builtmore Hotel and had problems with our reservation -- it wasn't there. But it turns out that our reservation was wrong -- it was under Filvestri, not Silvestri.
10:30am - 1:00pm
We headed out. We caught the Red Line to Hollywood Bvd.
We toured LA

12:00pm - 1:00pm
Hollywood Blvd
1:00pm - 3:00pm
We went to the Chinese Theater and got a hollywood homes tour.
3:00pm - 7:30pm
After the tour, we decided to revisit the areas we saw. We started walking. NOW we get to see how big LA really is. We stopped to have our pictures developed as Suyen didn't bring the cable to download pix from her camera, so we have to empty it to use it. We had the pix put on a dvd. It was quite hot and our bags got heavy. We stopped for a drink at a coffee chain store here called the whole bean or something like that. The air smells nasty around here, like burning rubber. I think its pollution. I actually was having a great time. I was taking pictures of all the great googie signs and architecture in the area. LA was where googie was invented.
7:30pm - 9:00pm
We finally found the Beverly Drive Rodeo area after asking directions and stopping for a coke zero at a great googie gas station. Suyen went to the 15 dollar store and got herself a little dress. The clerk there was nice and friendly and told us of our transportation options. We took some pix/vid on Rodeo. Then we et at the Beverly Hills diner. Then we went to the bus stop on Santa Monica Blvd for the loong wait for the number 4 bus to downtown.
9:00pm - 10:00pm
We caught the number 4 bus back to the Hotel
10:00pm - 11:59pm
We got into the room and I set up the puter and started batching tape. For some reason, the firewire had to be coaxed into working right. It wouldn't recognize my cameras.
Wednesday August 22, 2007
12:00am - 8:00am
Up. Got on the puter. Read my youtube mail and my myspace messages.
10:00am - 10:00pm
Toured LA

11:00pm - 11:59pm
In our room at the Hotel
Thursday August 23, 2007
9:30am - 6:15pm
9:30am - 10:45am
We got on the coast starlight. It was delayed due to connections with train number 3, the Southwest Chief, which is late.
We left LAUP
6:15pm - 11:59pm
Mission San Miguel
Friday August 24, 2007
12:00am - 1:45am
Amtrak got us a cab, which took us to our hostel. We checked in and went to bed.
1:00am - 9:00am
9:00am - 10:00am
Up. Showered. Et in the Franco Lounge.
10:00am - 11:15pm
We toured San Francisco.

11:15pm - 11:59pm
Back at the Hostel. I got the card reader working in the lobby and started uploading pictures.
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