KC Skyline from Edit 1's window
Originally uploaded by suyenvp.
I like this edit bay because you can see what the weather is like outside and it has a not so bad view of the city.

Tim comes to town, Tuesday 26 September 2006
Originally uploaded by suyenvp.
We all went to Kelly's in Westport after the end of the shift.

Lawrence Kansas
Originally uploaded by suyenvp.

Ballerina Swan Lake, Thursday 28 September 2006.
Originally uploaded by suyenvp.
This is the lake to our trailer park off of I-70.

Downtown Lawrence, Kansas
Originally uploaded by suyenvp.

Walking Tima in Ballerina Thursday 28 September 2006
Originally uploaded by suyenvp.

Lawrence Kansas
Originally uploaded by suyenvp.

Suyen and Tima on the car ride to Warrensburg, Thursday 28 September 2006
Originally uploaded by suyenvp.
We just stopped to get two large pizzas for Suyen's old workplace at the lab in the Western Missouri Medical Center, and Tima refused to yield the front seat, so they both rode together.

Y.J.'s Snack Cafe
Originally uploaded by suyenvp.
This is close to closing time at 10 PM.

Rose, Suyen and Frank at the WMMC lab front desk
Originally uploaded by suyenvp.
Thursday, 28 September 2006 during our visit.

VW Kombi, otherwise known as the "thing" when introduced in the states.
Originally uploaded by suyenvp.
This is one of Dave's cars he drives everyday. I love this car. They are quite rare in the states these days. This is the final evolution of the German military "jeep" adapted for mass production.

Wyandotte house
Originally uploaded by suyenvp.
One of the houses We looked at.

75th and Ward Parkway house
Originally uploaded by suyenvp.
OK, this house is very interesting. It is much bigger than it looks on the outside and is on a pretty good lot. But most interestingly is the storage under the house -- there are doors that lead to old stone foundations that are much bigger than the house -- kinda spooky actually.
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