TKO -- American Idol
01:00 - 03:00
Created: 2009-03-05 01:48:25
00:00 to 01:00 -- Davies Uptown, talked to boB and John
01:00 -- Homo
Created: 2009-03-04 01:40:40
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Tuesday 3 March 2009
00:00 - 02:00
Created: 2009-03-04 01:41:23
02:00 - 10:00
Created: 2009-03-04 01:41:40
10:00 - 12:00
Worked on the discrepancy report in my notes
Created: 2009-03-04 01:42:15
12:00 - 13:00
Created: 2009-03-04 01:42:30
13:00 - 14:00
shook a tower
Created: 2009-03-04 01:43:05
14:00 - 14:30
headed to woik.
Created: 2009-03-04 01:49:05
I'm with TKO.
18:00 - 20:00
I got QT. I edited in Avid 1.
Created: 2009-03-04 02:13:02
We headed to Lee's Summit to do American Idol lives. Barry eng'd in the sat truck.
23:00 - 23:59
Back at the station -- unloaded. Suyen picked me up and we went to Davies to meet boB. boB was in KC to give his brother a ride to band practice.
Created: 2009-03-04 02:24:28
Created: 2009-03-04 01:41:23
02:00 - 10:00
Created: 2009-03-04 01:41:40
10:00 - 12:00
Worked on the discrepancy report in my notes
Created: 2009-03-04 01:42:15
12:00 - 13:00
Created: 2009-03-04 01:42:30
13:00 - 14:00
shook a tower
Created: 2009-03-04 01:43:05
14:00 - 14:30
headed to woik.
Created: 2009-03-04 01:49:05
I'm with TKO.
18:00 - 20:00
I got QT. I edited in Avid 1.
Created: 2009-03-04 02:13:02
We headed to Lee's Summit to do American Idol lives. Barry eng'd in the sat truck.
23:00 - 23:59
Back at the station -- unloaded. Suyen picked me up and we went to Davies to meet boB. boB was in KC to give his brother a ride to band practice.
Created: 2009-03-04 02:24:28
Monday 2 March 2009
00:00 - 03:00
Watched boob toob. Woiked on the puter.
Created: 2009-03-02 12:04:16
03:00 - 11:30
Created: 2009-03-02 12:05:49
11:30 - 14:30
Hung out
Created: 2009-03-04 02:25:19
14:30 - 15:00
Woik. Fritz talked to me about discrepancies. I'm thinking that I am about to be fired
Created: 2009-03-04 02:26:33
15:00 - 19:00
Tess and I went to Topeka.
Created: 2009-03-04 02:27:00
19:00 - 22:00
I edited in Avid 1.
Modified: 2009-03-04 13:00:39
22:00 - 23:59
Woiked on the puter. Headed homo with Suyen. Homo, et hot wings and watched boob tube.
Watched boob toob. Woiked on the puter.
Created: 2009-03-02 12:04:16
03:00 - 11:30
Created: 2009-03-02 12:05:49
11:30 - 14:30
Hung out
Created: 2009-03-04 02:25:19
14:30 - 15:00
Woik. Fritz talked to me about discrepancies. I'm thinking that I am about to be fired
Created: 2009-03-04 02:26:33
15:00 - 19:00
Tess and I went to Topeka.
Created: 2009-03-04 02:27:00
19:00 - 22:00
I edited in Avid 1.
Modified: 2009-03-04 13:00:39
22:00 - 23:59
Woiked on the puter. Headed homo with Suyen. Homo, et hot wings and watched boob tube.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Sunday 1 March 2009
03/01/2009 21:50:36

Matt Carrillo at the Sunday night jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe 128 West Wyandotte, Kansas city Missouri.
03/01/2009 21:31:50

Myles Gorham at the Sunday night jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe 128 West Wyandotte, Kansas city Missouri.
03/01/2009 21:30:11

Suyen at the Sunday night jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe 128 West Wyandotte, Kansas city Missouri.
03/01/2009 21:28:41

Doug Hitchcock at the Sunday night jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe 128 West Wyandotte, Kansas city Missouri.
03/01/2009 21:27:12

Micah Herman at the Sunday night jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe 128 West Wyandotte, Kansas city Missouri.
03/01/2009 18:48:45

00:00 - 05:00
Created: 2009-03-01 15:15:39
00:00 - 05:00
Created: 2009-03-01 15:17:13
05:00 - 06:00
Up, shook a tower, dressed, woik by 05:45. loaded van 2. No reporter. Got the Skype working and set up.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:16:37
06:00 - 07:00
Bob helped me with the Skype. He got the settings right on the HP. Now I can call in and it will auto answer. I headed out. Called the producer. I asked her if she were interested in trying the skype. She said ok but the director didn't want to run it through the HP and the switcher because he didn't want the workload. The producer wanted me to run it through the wx center computer. I headed towards downtown. I called and talked to the wx center. I called them on skype. I headed towards a wreck on I-435 and 23rd. The police were not sure at first if it were there or south of I-70, so I went south then north to 23rd and I-435.
Modified: 2009-03-01 15:48:32
07:00 - 08:00
I got behind the accident and safely parked on the shoulder. I was within the safety flares the police put out. I called the producer and the wx center. Within a minute of parking they used the skype for a bumpback. I called the producer and gave her the information. She fed it to the wx center live. The video looked pretty good for what it is. Skyping stationary shots usually work alright. I got out and tried to shoot vo of the accident. However the camera was giving an error so it wouldn't record. I thought it might be because it was too cold. The desk called me and told me to go to a fire at 98th Terr in OP. I headed out that way. I arrived about 20:50. I had to drive around the block twice searching for a good spot for a live location to raise my mast as the fire had the streets blocked and the only shot I could get was risky, in the way, and had the sun in my face. I found a parking lot to the south in a church and got the van parked. The fire chief came over and gave me info -- It was a chimney flue fire that resulted in $5000.00 worth of damage with no injuries. I raised the mast. As I did so I called the wx center and started skyping. They told me they weren't interested in this kind of shot for wx. I called the producer and told her that I was skyping and raising the mast to do a live. She told me she wanted it live as she was yelled at yesterday for not having live breaking news in her show. I told her I had the skype for a back up. As I was raising the mast and trying to get the signal tuned in with master, all the fire emergency equipment and people left.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:35:42
08:00 - 09:00
I got the signal and camera set up by about 08:10. The producer said she wasn't interested in the shot as all it showed was a house with no visible damage. I tried to shoot video but the camera wasn't recording with the same error message. I told the producer and the desk that. The desk told me to come back and get a different camera as I had been out all morning and didn't get any video. I tore down and headed back. It was 08:45 by the time I got back. I traded out cameras. I was told by the desk I could take a break as I was to take a reporter out on and interview.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:42:44
09:00 - 10:00
I went to Poco's to eat. I talked to the wx center about the skype. He said that it was good only for breaking news if we couldn't get something out to the scene or a tornado or shooting damage aftermath, but for everyday stuff like bumpbacks, it was too low quality and he didn't have an interest in using it for weather. What the news wants to do is another matter. I told him that we only went through the wx center computer because the director had a problem with running it through the HP. I left Pocos by 09:45. I went to the station and checked the aircheck for the bumpback. The quality was ok if it were breaking news.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:47:13
10:00 - 12:00
Leslie and I went to OP to get sound with a judge.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:55:45
10:00 - 12:00
Leslie and I went to OP to get sound with a judge.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:49:17
12:00 - 13:00
I headed out to skype back to the station so I could record it. I came by a wreck blocking the southbound lanes of 169. I called the desk and told him about it. He abruptly told me that he wasn't interested. I was going to try to tell him to check the monitor to see the skype so he could see what it was like, but he wouldn't let me speak. He told me that he just got and email from a group trying to help cold dogs, and that he wanted me to go shoot a vo/sot since I wasn't busy. I overheard him on the skype tell the producer that he was sending me out on a "what the hell" vo/sot to keep me busy. I shot the vo/sot in KCK and kept skyping. I got back at the station and started reviewing the tape. The video looks fairly good during many stationary shots. However, movement through different signal strengths often tends to make it pixelate out. Breaking news where a phoner is the only way to get the info out is the perfect use for this idea. Instead of showing just a phone graphic, we could be showing the skype in a reduced box.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:56:07
13:00 - 23:59
I headed homo about 14:00. We went to choich about 16:00. We went to YJ's after. We talked to Heather. We met up with Ken and et at Spin. We went back to YJ's and listened to the jazz jam. We headed homo at 22:00.
Created: 2009-03-02 01:09:46

Matt Carrillo at the Sunday night jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe 128 West Wyandotte, Kansas city Missouri.
03/01/2009 21:31:50

Myles Gorham at the Sunday night jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe 128 West Wyandotte, Kansas city Missouri.
03/01/2009 21:30:11

Suyen at the Sunday night jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe 128 West Wyandotte, Kansas city Missouri.
03/01/2009 21:28:41

Doug Hitchcock at the Sunday night jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe 128 West Wyandotte, Kansas city Missouri.
03/01/2009 21:27:12

Micah Herman at the Sunday night jazz jam at YJ's Third World Snack Cafe 128 West Wyandotte, Kansas city Missouri.
03/01/2009 18:48:45

00:00 - 05:00
Created: 2009-03-01 15:15:39
00:00 - 05:00
Created: 2009-03-01 15:17:13
05:00 - 06:00
Up, shook a tower, dressed, woik by 05:45. loaded van 2. No reporter. Got the Skype working and set up.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:16:37
06:00 - 07:00
Bob helped me with the Skype. He got the settings right on the HP. Now I can call in and it will auto answer. I headed out. Called the producer. I asked her if she were interested in trying the skype. She said ok but the director didn't want to run it through the HP and the switcher because he didn't want the workload. The producer wanted me to run it through the wx center computer. I headed towards downtown. I called and talked to the wx center. I called them on skype. I headed towards a wreck on I-435 and 23rd. The police were not sure at first if it were there or south of I-70, so I went south then north to 23rd and I-435.
Modified: 2009-03-01 15:48:32
07:00 - 08:00
I got behind the accident and safely parked on the shoulder. I was within the safety flares the police put out. I called the producer and the wx center. Within a minute of parking they used the skype for a bumpback. I called the producer and gave her the information. She fed it to the wx center live. The video looked pretty good for what it is. Skyping stationary shots usually work alright. I got out and tried to shoot vo of the accident. However the camera was giving an error so it wouldn't record. I thought it might be because it was too cold. The desk called me and told me to go to a fire at 98th Terr in OP. I headed out that way. I arrived about 20:50. I had to drive around the block twice searching for a good spot for a live location to raise my mast as the fire had the streets blocked and the only shot I could get was risky, in the way, and had the sun in my face. I found a parking lot to the south in a church and got the van parked. The fire chief came over and gave me info -- It was a chimney flue fire that resulted in $5000.00 worth of damage with no injuries. I raised the mast. As I did so I called the wx center and started skyping. They told me they weren't interested in this kind of shot for wx. I called the producer and told her that I was skyping and raising the mast to do a live. She told me she wanted it live as she was yelled at yesterday for not having live breaking news in her show. I told her I had the skype for a back up. As I was raising the mast and trying to get the signal tuned in with master, all the fire emergency equipment and people left.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:35:42
08:00 - 09:00
I got the signal and camera set up by about 08:10. The producer said she wasn't interested in the shot as all it showed was a house with no visible damage. I tried to shoot video but the camera wasn't recording with the same error message. I told the producer and the desk that. The desk told me to come back and get a different camera as I had been out all morning and didn't get any video. I tore down and headed back. It was 08:45 by the time I got back. I traded out cameras. I was told by the desk I could take a break as I was to take a reporter out on and interview.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:42:44
09:00 - 10:00
I went to Poco's to eat. I talked to the wx center about the skype. He said that it was good only for breaking news if we couldn't get something out to the scene or a tornado or shooting damage aftermath, but for everyday stuff like bumpbacks, it was too low quality and he didn't have an interest in using it for weather. What the news wants to do is another matter. I told him that we only went through the wx center computer because the director had a problem with running it through the HP. I left Pocos by 09:45. I went to the station and checked the aircheck for the bumpback. The quality was ok if it were breaking news.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:47:13
10:00 - 12:00
Leslie and I went to OP to get sound with a judge.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:55:45
10:00 - 12:00
Leslie and I went to OP to get sound with a judge.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:49:17
12:00 - 13:00
I headed out to skype back to the station so I could record it. I came by a wreck blocking the southbound lanes of 169. I called the desk and told him about it. He abruptly told me that he wasn't interested. I was going to try to tell him to check the monitor to see the skype so he could see what it was like, but he wouldn't let me speak. He told me that he just got and email from a group trying to help cold dogs, and that he wanted me to go shoot a vo/sot since I wasn't busy. I overheard him on the skype tell the producer that he was sending me out on a "what the hell" vo/sot to keep me busy. I shot the vo/sot in KCK and kept skyping. I got back at the station and started reviewing the tape. The video looks fairly good during many stationary shots. However, movement through different signal strengths often tends to make it pixelate out. Breaking news where a phoner is the only way to get the info out is the perfect use for this idea. Instead of showing just a phone graphic, we could be showing the skype in a reduced box.
Created: 2009-03-01 15:56:07
13:00 - 23:59
I headed homo about 14:00. We went to choich about 16:00. We went to YJ's after. We talked to Heather. We met up with Ken and et at Spin. We went back to YJ's and listened to the jazz jam. We headed homo at 22:00.
Created: 2009-03-02 01:09:46
Saturday 28 February 2009
I uploaded both Villacarlos Academy's today
Home -- watching Star Bores III
05:00 -- up headed to woik
06:00 -- it is snowing -- loaded van 2. Kim and I headed out. I broadcasted with the puter and HDV
07:00 to 09:00 -- Lives at Lamar. We had a lot of technical glitches.
09:00 to 12:00 -- we shot snow ax's
We shot mainly on I-70 in Kansas -- we ended up at Village west
12:00 - 15:30 -- Edited in Avid 1. I had to figure out how to add lower thirds. 15:30 -- home -- et beef -- we watched movies.
Modified: 2009-03-03 11:13:40
Home -- watching Star Bores III
05:00 -- up headed to woik
06:00 -- it is snowing -- loaded van 2. Kim and I headed out. I broadcasted with the puter and HDV
07:00 to 09:00 -- Lives at Lamar. We had a lot of technical glitches.
09:00 to 12:00 -- we shot snow ax's
We shot mainly on I-70 in Kansas -- we ended up at Village west
12:00 - 15:30 -- Edited in Avid 1. I had to figure out how to add lower thirds. 15:30 -- home -- et beef -- we watched movies.
Modified: 2009-03-03 11:13:40
Friday 27 February 2009
Homo -- watching boob tube -- King of the Hill
Created: 2009-02-27 01:26:30
I'm presently uploading Villacarlos Academy Part 1.
14:30 took Suyen to woik
15:00 -- shot trains at Santa Fe Jct
15:30 -- Wife's Enemy #2
16:30 -- pulled over by KHP
17:00 -- Wife's Enemy #3 -- I got a 15' 4pin to 9 pin cable
19:00 -- got Suyen and we et gumbo at Jazz -- it was sooper bizzy
20:30 -- Javanaut
Homo -- watching boob tube -- King of the Hill
Created: 2009-02-27 01:26:30
I'm presently uploading Villacarlos Academy Part 1.
14:30 took Suyen to woik
15:00 -- shot trains at Santa Fe Jct
15:30 -- Wife's Enemy #2
16:30 -- pulled over by KHP
17:00 -- Wife's Enemy #3 -- I got a 15' 4pin to 9 pin cable
19:00 -- got Suyen and we et gumbo at Jazz -- it was sooper bizzy
20:30 -- Javanaut
Thursday 26 February 2009
10:30 - 14:21
We called our insurance about proof of insurance They emailed it to us as well as sent us a paper copy via mail. We dug up all our tax info and various assundry pieces of paper the archaic county/state government needs in order to process our license schtuff. We et eggs and ham and veggies and veged out. Watched the WX channel on TORNADO WEAK :0 It will soon be chase season again. Am I ready? NO! We shook towers and Suyen headed to woik. I gathered Tima and all her doggie paraphernalia and I gathered myself and all my doggie paraphernalia and headed out to Blue Springs.
Modified: 2009-02-26 15:15:42
14:21 - 20:17
JavaNaut. 1615 W. 39th St. Kansas City, Missouri 66160
I got the Hyonda inspected and headed over to Libertine. I was suprised much to my delight that I was able to get the Hyonda relicensed and was also able to get my drivers license renewed -- WOOOO FUCKIN' WHOOOOO!!!!!!
Afterward I went to YJ's. The day started out nice and warm but as I was driving a coooold front came through and made everything all nipply. I had a soy latte and cookie and pecan pie at YJ's. I then headed to woik to write up some schtuff and to go to the storm chasers meeting that the wx center was having. I met all the chasers and then headed over to OK Joes a little tooo late. They were closed. Oh whell. I went to Javanaut to upload Villacarlos Academny buuuuut, it seems to lock up my puter -- probably too big to upscroad -- so I cut it in half.
Created: 2009-02-26 21:22:44
10:30 - 14:21
We called our insurance about proof of insurance They emailed it to us as well as sent us a paper copy via mail. We dug up all our tax info and various assundry pieces of paper the archaic county/state government needs in order to process our license schtuff. We et eggs and ham and veggies and veged out. Watched the WX channel on TORNADO WEAK :0 It will soon be chase season again. Am I ready? NO! We shook towers and Suyen headed to woik. I gathered Tima and all her doggie paraphernalia and I gathered myself and all my doggie paraphernalia and headed out to Blue Springs.
Modified: 2009-02-26 15:15:42
14:21 - 20:17
JavaNaut. 1615 W. 39th St. Kansas City, Missouri 66160
I got the Hyonda inspected and headed over to Libertine. I was suprised much to my delight that I was able to get the Hyonda relicensed and was also able to get my drivers license renewed -- WOOOO FUCKIN' WHOOOOO!!!!!!
Afterward I went to YJ's. The day started out nice and warm but as I was driving a coooold front came through and made everything all nipply. I had a soy latte and cookie and pecan pie at YJ's. I then headed to woik to write up some schtuff and to go to the storm chasers meeting that the wx center was having. I met all the chasers and then headed over to OK Joes a little tooo late. They were closed. Oh whell. I went to Javanaut to upload Villacarlos Academny buuuuut, it seems to lock up my puter -- probably too big to upscroad -- so I cut it in half.
Created: 2009-02-26 21:22:44
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