News of shakeups at woik. Toys for Tot's with Lori. VO patrol. Shopping with Debbie.
00:00 - 04:30
04:30 - 05:30
Up. Dressed. Headed to woik.
05:30 - 06:00
I loaded van 2. I'm with Lori. Kim is anchoring nights on weekends as Sherita is working weekday mornings now. Ken was let go in the mornings. I found out too that there are some other big changes happening at Fox 4.
95th and Quivira in Overland Park
06:00 - 09:00
We went to Toys 'R Us in OP for a Toys for Tot's live & vo/sot.
09:00 - 10:00
shot the vo/sot, dropped Lori off back at the station.
I was sent to K-7 and Leavenworth road on a bad car wreck.
Saturday 3 November 2007 11:02:23

K-7 and Leavenworth Road in Leavenworth County on the scene of a bad t-bone accident involving a 91 year old woman who later died.
12:00 - 13:30
I was sent to shoot the scene of another accident on 152 and Ambassador Drive in KCMO. I shot vo and headed by the house for lunch.
Suyen and I headed to the station to Put van 2 up. We got into the mini-van as the cherrybomb won't start due to a dead battery. We met Debbie at YJ's. We then went to River Market Antiques in the River Quay.
Saturday 3 November 2007 15:02:43

This is the mural painted in 2004 on the side of River Market Antiques in the River Quay in Kansas City, Missouri.
Debbie ended up getting some things there. We then went to Nebraska Furriture Mart. Afterward, we went to Perkins for din din.
22:00 - 23:59
Debbie says she is coming down with something. I feel a little scratchy myself. We headed homo. Debbie left for home. I fell into bed very tard.
Sunday 4 November 2007
LPA -- Smoke alarms fall back live -- went home sick after lives.
00:00 - 04:30
Zzzz. Slept fitfully. Since we fell back an hour I got an hour extra sleep.
04:30 - 05:30
I got up with a sore throat and achy feeling. I felt like I needed to call in sick, but decided to do the liveshots and see how i felt after that. I showered and dressed and headed to woik.
05:30 - 07:00
I loaded van 2. I got gas and vittles at QT. Lori and I headed to Olathe to a firecaptains house so he could demonstrate changing the batteries in smoke alarms for us.
07:00 - 09:30
We missed our first hit as we couldn't find the house. We did our lives. I shot a vo/sot and we headed back. I gassed and unloaded. Then I headed homo.
09:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
Suyen came homo from choich. She woke me to feed me something.
13:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 18:00
Suyen dragged my ass outa bed so we could go to the Filpino Association to talk to them about the 17th performance.
18:00 - 23:59
We headed homo. Watched the boob tube.
Monday 5 November 2007
NLE -- PS Fox
NLE -- shot and edited Fox Collision --
00:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 14:30
Up. Still feelin' illin'. Dressed. Woik early to go to meeting. Randy heped me jump my car. Left it running to charge.
14:30 - 16:00
I axed Sam to be put on light duty due to my illin. I was with Nancy as she would have no livehsot. I took the intro and outro off of hall of shame for her.
16:00 - 17:30
We shot our PS piece.
I was feeling sickly and didn't feel like eating. I got out to YJ's to have some kawfee and oj to see if it made me feel better.
Monday 5 November 2007 18:02:06

Monday 5 November 2007 18:04:38

18:30 - 21:05
I edited Nancy's piece back in avid 2. I headed homo after I was done as I was still feelin' illin'.
21:05 - 23:59
Homo. Suyen was still at woik on call. I watched the boob tube. Suyen came homo and fixed me a turkey sandwhich.
Tuesday 6 November 2007
TKO -- Kansas City School board side of the Independence annexation vote.
00:00 - 01:00
01:00 - 02:00
hh. Can't sleep
02:00 - 03:00
03:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 14:30
Got up and around. Et. I went to YJ's. Then I went to woik.
14:30 - 19:00
At the station. Not much to do as our event starts at 20:00.
19:00 - 20:00
We went to UNO, Chicago Pizzarira on the plaza where the pro-school board people were having their watch party. We got sound with one of the people there and some vid. Then we headed back.
20:00 - 20:30
I edited Tess' vo/sot for the 9
21:00 - 21:30
I went to La Fonda el Taquito for the 1 cent sales tax extension watch party. I saw Bill D there and interviewed Mayor Funkhouser. I had the mayor sit for the interview.
21:30 - 22:30
I headed back. I edited Tess' vo -- she did the sot already. Tess logged the Mayor sound as they didn't have room for it in the 10. I headed homo at 22:30.
22:30 - 23:59
I headed homo. Watched the boob tube.
Wednesday 7 November 2007
I worked with Dave. KC/Independence school vote folo
Wednesday 7 November 2007 16:02:01

We were driving around looking for people to give us their opinions on the school anexation vote yesterday. We started for my favorite spot, YJ's, because we were striking out everywhere else.
Wednesday 7 November 2007 16:02:21

18th and Wyandotte area, heading to YJ's.
Wednesday 7 November 2007 16:39:41

We had to weedle our way around the Sprint arena traffic to make it to the KCMO school board building. Garth Brooks was playing.
Wednesday 7 November 2007 16:40:24

The Kansas City Missouri School Board is housed in that modern building to the right
Wednesday 7 November 2007 16:46:48

While waiting on a school board official to talk, I snapped some pictures of the nearby skyline.
Wednesday 7 November 2007 16:47:59

Behind me was the Sprint Arena, where Garth Brooks was playing his second night.
Wednesday 7 November 2007 16:49:08

I also viewed this eclectic building with some art deco trimming, and the modernistic Traders on Grand building.
Wednesday 7 November 2007 18:43:35

After no one from the school board would talk, we came to Grinders, to get some grub to go, and we also got our MOS'
Wednesday 7 November 2007 21:53:14

Aq in the van in Independence at 33rd and Crysler
00:00 - 02:00
boob tube -- puter.
02:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 13:00
Up. Surfed. Hung out. Dressed.
13:00 - 14:16
I headed out to YJ's. I had a latte and a slice of cake.
14:16 - 14:30
Headed to woik. Made sure I was loaded up.
14:30 - 19:00
I'm with Dave D. We are to do the edumacation folo. The idea is to get some views from people on the street and to maybe get somebody on the KCMO School Board to react. However, the board doesn't want to talk. We cruised all over trying to find voters who would speak. However, we ended up at the school board waiting for the superintendant to talk to us. He, however ducked out on us. So we ended up going to Grinders, where we found some people who would talk.
19:00 - 20:30
Back at the station. I batched and edited in Avid 3
20:30 - 22:30
We drove to 33rd and Crysler in Independence for our liveshot. Aq eng'd. In between, I talked to one of the neighbors named Dave. He teaches school in Blue Springs.
22:30 - 23:59
I headed homo after woik. I got on the puter and tried to author the Billy Christ DVD.
Thursday 8 November 2007
Thursday 8 November 2007 13:43:27

My first stop on my day off was Surplus Exchange. They didn't have too much for me today.
Thursday 8 November 2007 13:48:44

I drove through the west bottoms to get to I-35 and south. I used to live in that building off to the left in 2001.
2007:11:08 13:49:41

he architecture in the west bottoms can be breathtaking.
2007:11:08 13:51:22

Heading up the 12th street bridge to get onto I-35 south, there is a good view of the KC skyline from here.
2007:11:08 14:06:16

On Metcalf south, I'm attempting to snap a picture of the googie White Haven Motor Lodge sign.
2007:11:08 14:31:35

A better vantage of the sign can be seen as you head north on Metcalf.
Thursday 8 November 2007 14:32:42

There are some neat examples of googie on Metcalf. I think many of these buildings were completed in the mid 60's at the end of the googie era. There used to be the Glenwood Theater, which was torn down in the late 90's. It was a great example of googie. It's sign was saved and placed at the Glenwood Arts theater in the Metcalf Mall. However, I have heard the mall is getting torn down including the theaters. However, I think the sign will be spared yet again.
2007:11:08 14:33:26

OK, now this is dissappointing. I beleive they are in the process of ripping off the old facade of the old modernisitic Katz drugstore. I have heard they are going to replace it with generic back lit signage. Too bad. More mid-century modern gone bye bye.
2007:11:08 14:34:29

In the back of the truck is parts of the old facade which is being ripped off the building.
Thursday 8 November 2007 14:35:43

They haven't destroyed the south side of the building yet.
2007:11:08 14:57:24

Cruising up Southwest boulevard in Kansas City, missouri.
2007:11:08 14:58:24

There is some sort of road destruction going on on the Westside.
2007:11:08 15:02:38

I always love this view up Baltimore looking north into downtown.
2007:11:08 15:02:50

The old TWA building at 18th and Baltimore in Kansas City, Missouri.
Thursday 8 November 2007 15:08:44

This early art deco building with it's splendid awning is crumbling to the ground -- this is at 18th and Wyandotte.
Thursday 8 November 2007 15:09:38

Film Row at about 18th and Wyandotte, in Kansas City, Missouri.
00:00 - 03:00
woiked on the puter.
03:00 - 12:00
Zzzz. I had a wierd dream when Suyen was leaving for woik. I dreamt a demon made of carbon and looking like a blackened skeleton was sitting on my shoulder. He was not a disembodied spirit so to speak, but a manifestaion of pure evil made into a life force of pure will dispatched to work as a prankster, and omen. I could feel it on my shoulder, and when I grabbed it, it had the consistancy of bacon (only not greasy) and dissapated to nothing in a a dusty crumbly crackly mass. I could sense Suyen in the room, and I told the demon that he was busted, that my wife was walking in and would see him. She woke me up saying I was talking in my sleep. I tried to tell her there was an evil demon on my shoulder. Also, later when I was waking at noon, I had a dream that I was offered a job in a small town in the west or southwest with a six figure salary running a tv operation for WGN.
12:00 - 15:00
I got up. I'm feeling worse -- scratchy throat, real tired feeling. shook a tower. Then I dressed, and took Tima out with me. I headed to Surplus Exchange. Then I Went to Micro Center. I got a Lacie DVD burner. Then I headed to YJ's.
15:00 - 16:00
YJ's. I had the beef stew. It was good. I woiked on the puter. Suyen showed up.
16:00 - 19:00
We drove to Lawrence. We had a huge argument on the way -- we took K-10. The argument was about the business and getting a working dvd burner. We stopped at that surplus place on the way in -- the one next to Orcheln. I got a gutter cleaning attachment. We went to the Bourgeois Pig. boB was there waiting on us. He showed us the car he bought -- a Volvo
19:00 - 20:00
We et at Jeffersons and had a business lunch.
20:00 - 21:30
We went back to the Pig and had Kawfee and continued our meeting.
21:30 - 22:30
Suyen and I headed homo via K-10
22:30 - 23:59
I went to bed and watched the boob tube.
Friday 9 November 2007
Friday 9 November 2007 12:08:32

This is my view of the world for much of the day. It sux being sick. I had a relapse of my cold and I feel really shitty. However, for being sick I got a lot done. I updated my mileage report that I was waaay behind in. I burned a bunch of DVD's for the Benefit for Billy Christ and I updated my blogs. Plus I also got some rest.
00:00 - 03:00
I tried to sleep but couldn't. I updated my calender on the puter.
03:00 - 12:00
Woke up feeling rough, can barely talk. I hooked up the lacie. It seems to be working.
13:00 - 17:00
I worked on dubbing dvd's, my blog and on my mileage report.
17:00 - 19:00
I worked on my expense report. Suyen got rotissery chicken at HYVEE. We watched Ratatouli.
19:00 - 22:00
I finished my expense report. I dubbed the Billy Christ DVD's.
22:00 - 23:59
I watched the boob tube. I tried to sleep.